
America turning Australia into another nuclear armed Israel in the region

If the intention is not to eventually turn those nuclear powered submarines into nuclear armed submarines, it will be stupid to believe that AUKUS had to be created to go all out to antagonise the French, by even cancelling their submarine deal, and ruffling the feathers of Indonesia and Malaysia, which to the USA will just be collateral damage. With Australia holding all the cards and given the emperor's edit to rule this region, other ASEAN countries will just be turned into countries of peripheral importance to the USA.

They have to generate the China threat to support the need to proliferate the nuclear threat discreetly, by playing the China card to justify the nuclearisation of Australia. This may lead to Australia being given nuclear missiles eventually to confront China, using the same tactic they attempted in Ukraine. Theoratically, what threat is China posing to Australia, being more than 4,600 miles away. It is not even within the South China Sea regional zone of dispute. The USA/UK's main intention is to cultivate Australia as their officially deputised sheriff in Asia, step by step.

And why openly supplying nuclear powered submarines for Australia, and not Japan. South Korea or the Philippines, countries which will be much closer and more suitable to threaten China with nuclear submarines? The Anglo Saxon Whites never trust the Japs, South Koreans, Pinoys or coloured people, or trust them enough to supply them with nuclear submarines. The USA and UK only trust their own Anglo Saxon Whites, countries willingly allowing themselves to be sacrificed with their undying support just to uphold the US hegemony, or White Supremacy. Losing that hegemony is not in their common interest, even if they have to go back to the stone age.



  1. The Anglo Saxon Whites will always support the US hegemony. If the US loses its hegemony, it will be disastrous for all the Whites. They enjoyed having the monopoly of controlling the rest of the world for centuries, and now fearing being designated to also rans, with the fall of the US hegemony, is a hard pill to swallow.

    Therefore, even at the expense of seemingly suicidal moves in Europe to confront Russia and losing control of their economic downspin and chaos, they still support the USA. They have little choice and no way out of their dilemma.

    Many, many years ago people we already forecasting that the next global war will pitch the Whites against the Coloured races of the world. Skeptical it may be, it is nevertheless coming true.

  2. Right you are Anon 11.47

    2025 don't worry of the current retrenchment that are not going just the IT industry but across the board soon full spectrum of the economy.

    Only left two years to live as the damn Whites with their Mafia Chief the UASSA would not want to be subserviant to the Coloured Peoples as they been colonising and living off their luxurious lifes on the Daft Natives of Africans, Asians and Others.

    There is a phoesphy that in the Final WWIII the Chinese POP of the World would be perished by Half but the Rest of the Coloured Peoples are burnt to charcoal.

    As China with her land mass may have still the opportunity to have some survivors.

    Whereas the Rest with their Rat Lands cannot escape.

    All be burnt to Charcoals.

    So much for the SinkiesLAND Dafts Sebok wayang saving the environment of no plastic bags and green clean energy.

    Anyway Rich Men and Poor Men all alike in Sinking Land will be roasted to Charcoals.

    Need any escapades to China before 2025?

    May have a chance of Survival.

    TIBET, Llhasha, Harbin and Mongolia ?

    All.the Best

    1. Oops apology.Forgot to mention that the Whites are Toasted and Burned worse than Charcoals.


    2. Completely WIPED OUT.

  3. Oz has always been deputy sheriff, first for British Empire & today for the Yankee Empire.

    They gladly send sons to die in a land far far away, just to please the master.
