
The UN is a farce, an American tool

I could not help feeling sick and tired of the UN showing such bias openly against Russia but turned a blind eye when the Anglo Saxon whites did the same thing elsewhere.

There is a war going on in Ukraine and death of children and their taking refuge elsewhere during bombing can never be avoided. How many children died under Russian attacks anyway, compared to USA's mission accomplised in Iraq alone? What is the UN doing about the millions of Yemeni refugees dislocated by the war with Saudi Arabia, supported by the USA? Is the UN Refugee chief telling the Russians they cannot bomb Ukraine as there are children around that have to seek refuge? Please be fair and shut the fxxk up about following 'Principles'. It is all horseshit.

Why is the UN Refugee chief so critical, saying that Russia has violated the 'Principles' of child protection in Ukraine? What about the killing of children by carpet bombing in Vietnam, Iraq, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Syria? Did the UN take a closer look at those atrocities the USA committed? And what did the UN say about Madeleine Albright's comments that killing 500,000 Iraqi children was worth the price to pay for the USA's invasion of Iraq? Just forget it! Oh, I understand, those were notblue eye Whites, and therefore different and expendable and are just collateral damage. Am I right UN Refugee chief?

By the way, when they genocided the Native American Indians, were there children killed as well? What about those religious schools in Canada that commited grave mistreatment of children and who were buried in mass graves? Just forgive and forget? Oh, lest I forget too, the UN was not yet in existence, so no crime committed. Is that it? 


  1. 14 dead, 24 injured in deliberate Ukrainian strike on civilian hospital in Lugansk

    At least 14 people have been killed and 24 injured after Ukrainian missiles struck a hospital in the city of Novoaydar in the early hours of Saturday, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

    The civilian medical facility in the city is located dozens of kilometers away from the frontlines in the central part of the Lugansk People’s Republic.

    A deliberate missile strike on a known civilian healthcare facility is an absolutely grave war crime of the Kiev regime,” the MOD stated.

    According to the statement, a US-made HIMARS multiple rocket launcher was used in the strike. In the wake of the attack, Moscow’s First Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Dmitry Polyansky accused Washington of being directly involved in the incident.

    Polyansky branded the strike “yet another heinous crime,” highlighting that 14 civilians were killed in the hospital with missiles provided by the US. He also pointed to the fact that Washington provided the Ukrainian military with intelligence data. “This makes the US directly complicit” in the attack on the hospital, he said.

    [ RT ]

  2. That hospital strike in Lugansk will undoubtedly not be investigated by the UN or ICC. Their eyes will be covered from seeing the aftermath at the right time, and they cannot look at the right place. They can only be permitted to investigate accusations of war crimes committed by the Russians. Zelenskyy will tell them where to look.

    Now, let us see what they will do. First they will deny. Or claim that that was a Russian missile and a false flag. If that fails to work, they will be accusing the Russians of spreading propaganda. If all else fails, they will then pronounce that this was no war crime, just collateral damage as the USA used to pronounce when committing such war crimes - just collateral damage.

  3. German citizens are now protesting against sending tanks to Ukraine. Unrest is set to follow in other European countries, as escalating the war in Ukraine by sending in tanks is putting other Nato countries directly involved and is going to make their people suffer like the Ukrainians. At least citizens there do not support that scenario. Every European can listen to the USA and fight to the last men. No wonder some say that this is the beginning of disintegration of Nato and European unity.

  4. Putin for a start should declare war on Germany and see how the Germans urinate in their pants. That would wake up the rest of the smaller European countries to stay out of the war.

    Putin, just do it and see how the Germans react.

    1. Oh that's easy.

      Germany cites Article 5 and the NATO forces in Romania and Poland move into Belarus and Ukraine.

  5. This Baerbock woman is the only honest and brave German that dared to tell the truth. Germany is at war with Russia, but all other Germans pretend not to be.

  6. Russia and China have veto powers in UNSC. How come they have no power to influence the UN?

  7. The problem is the UN is beholden to and has no power over the USA. Veto will not work!
