
Reuter - Another piece of fake news

BRUSSELS: Russia will remain a threat to NATO even if its forces are defeated in Ukraine, a top military official in the Western alliance said on Thursday (Jan 19).

"Whatever the outcome of the war, the Russians will most likely have similar ambitions ... therefore the threat does not go away," Admiral Rob Bauer, the chairman of NATO's military committee, told reporters at the alliance's Brussels headquarters. Reuter

How many people believe in this piece of shit?  Nevertheless, western media would keep publishing such narratives, that they are the good guys and Russia and China are the bad guys.  Who is threatening who? What is the purpose and mission of NATO? NATO is a military organisation of European countries ganged together to confront the former Soviet Union. Now it has grown into a monster to attack and destroy Russia and wanting to expand to East Asia to attack China and North Korea. But they would keep on blowing hot and cold about the Russian threat when they are threatening to invade and break up Russia. They have expanded into former Soviet Union states and Russia is now left with only a couple of friendly states as its neighbours.

NATO is now encroaching into Ukraine, wanting to take in Ukraine, a former Soviet Union state, into the military organisation aim at Russia. Finland and Sweden would be joining NATO as well, a gangster organisation out to impose white imperialism on the rest of the world, to be the biggest white Empire. NATO is the expansionist military organisation with an ambition to control the whole of the Asia continent. They are the aggressive and expansionist international gangsters led by the Americans. They will remain a threat not only to Russia, China but to all the states in Asia, the Middle East and subsequently the whole of Africa. It is morphing into an Anglo Saxon European mob to be a world Empire. It is the threat to world peace and countries of the whole world.

Russia as a single country is not a threat to the European states, not a threat to NATO. The lie is to demonise Russia with the intent to take over Russia like the AngloSaxon took over the continent of North America, and the fate of the Russians and Slavs would be the same as the fate of the native Americans, the Red Indians, with extinction staring into their face should NATO succeeded in taking over Russia.  Another genocide of untold proportion is in the making, by NATO.


  1. Our papies will believe in this shit info..& use it to threaten sinkies that without national service & papies in power..we peasants will be doom.

  2. If some countries of the world still refuse to understand the implications of the wholesale horseshit fabrication of WMD in Iraq, they really have no cure for their stupidity. That was the mother of all lies. And they perpetrators of those lies still thinks people today will still succumb to their lies about the Russian and Chinese threat. Of course, their fellow Anglo Saxon clowns in the EU will swallow line, hook and sinker and get hooked.

    The USA, Nato and Ukraine itself and their refusal to follow the letter of the Minsk Agreement is already a clear indication of their evil designs. The Ukrainians, using neo-Nazis, continued to attack the Russian speaking people in Eastern Ukraine, a total disregard for the Minsk Agreement. Their aim was to provoke Russia, so that they can impose sanctions if Russia retaliated.

    And they did when Russia went in to protect the Russian speaking population in Eastern Ukraine. However, the sanctions that followed, failed to collapse the Russian economy nor led to the fall of Putin. In fact the Russian population rallied to the support of Putin, but the collective West continue to spread falsehoods about unrest in Russia, revolt within the Russian Government, Putin suffering terminal illness and about to pass on. Those who know would not give one cent worth of time reading such hogwash.

    The whole establishment in Washington has turned into a circus of clowns. And the demented Clown in Chief even went so far as to say that he will allow Putin to remain in power if Putin leaves Ukraine. What an arrogant demented crazy old fool.

    Now, two old foggies are fighting each other at home, accusing one another of committing the same crime, yet each claiming doing no wrong, and each only thinks the other side is wrong. Isn't it clownish behavior that Trump still claims he is the good guy and Biden the bad guy, while Biden claims he is the good guy and Trump is the bad guy. Same as both claiming that USA is always the good guy and Russia and China the bad and ugly guys. What a sick joke that can only come out of the USA! Yeah, make America Great Again with more of such sick jokes.

    On a closing note, what the fxxk is Boris Johnson doing visiting Zelenskyy in Ukraine when he no longer represents the Government in Little Britain. Of course doing more evil is the only possible thing that I can guess. This guy has no good intention in his evil mind.

  3. The 2023 Chinese God of Wealth:

    'After Germany and France, Italy is the third largest economy in the Eurozone. Due to COVID, the EU suspended the SGP in May 2020 for an indefinite period. In March 2022, the Italian government called for the suspension to be continued because of the situation in Ukraine. Italy’s government debt to GDP ratio is currently over 155 per cent, well beyond the 60 per cent stipulated in the SGP. The country would default if the EU stopped funding its public debt. But under current circumstances, for how long would this support be forthcoming? Should Italy withdraw permanently from the SGP, the Euro would cease to be a viable currency. Some analysts believe that if Italy defaulted, the future of the EU itself would be at stake.

    Enrico Colombatto, a professor of economics, has suggested that Italy would be better off seeking financial rescue from China, in exchange for some strategic assets, in particular access to the port of Trieste. A move towards stronger links with China would imply a shift in Italy’s foreign policy from a continental focus to a Mediterranean one.'

    EU sanctions against Russia have increased the cost of gas and pulverised Euro exchange rates, both further depressing living standards in Italy and increasing manufacturing costs. Italy’s gas prices have thus increased by a factor of five since 2021, prices of food and other essential goods have increased between 10-25%, and its economy could be facing approximately a 5 per cent drop in GDP next year.

    This is creating a situation where, according to Indian ex-diplomat and commentator M.K. Bhadrakumar: ‘The plain truth is that the European integration project is over and done with’.

    Should Italy distance itself from NATO or leave it altogether, particularly in the light of Turkey’s ambivalent stance and the possibility of a Russian victory in Ukraine, it is doubtful that the alliance would be able to survive.

    If Italy’s economy and its energy security deteriorate further due to the embargo on Russian energy supplies, or should NATO troops intervene directly in the conflict, it is increasingly likely that the Italian government will consider realigning its international orientation away from a continental strategy centred on the EU and NATO and towards a Mediterranean-focused one that is closer to BRICS. It could even become the third ‘I’ in the BRICS after India and Iran, as one analyst has advocated, creating a tipping point in the global economy.

    Link to article:

  4. Boris is in Ukraine carrying a message from Biden that Sunak is not supposed to know. Between the white men, they have interests and secretive deals that they would not trust Sunak to be in the loop.

    The real intrigues between the US, UK and Nato are white men's affairs. Sunak would always be an outsider, not to be trusted.

  5. I think that even between White men, they do not trust each other as well. Take the case of Olaf Scholz visiting China few months back, with Macron wanting to tag along and Scholz refusing to oblige. That says a lot about White men's treachery.

    I do agree that Boris Johnson is carrying a message from Biden that even that Little Britain's little Indian PM is not supposed to be trusted with. You see when one forked tongue white bean is not even trusting another forked tongue black bean, the indication is telling. Solidarity my foot!
