
Fiddling while the US Empire burns to the ground:

'So when is the Russian winter offensive going to begin? Some thought it would be in December, when the ground had frozen. Now we are nearing February.

Russia is not in a hurry. The only ones in a hurry are in the West. They need this conflict to finish and soon, because the West is on the verge of social, economic and political chaos.

As a result, the Kiev regime is pleading with certain countries in the West for more tanks.Right now the divided West is reluctant to give the Ukraine anything, apart from sweet words. Promises, promises…they are so cheap, especially when you are so short of cash and you know the Russians will probably destroy most of your donated equipment before it even gets to the front.

While Washington and its NATO allies have no strategy to win the war in the Ukraine, let alone an exit strategy, the Russians do. In the four months since Russia ordered partial mobilisation, 300,000 additional reservists have joined their units in the east or along Ukraine’s northern border. Meanwhile in the south the Russian Black Sea Fleet patrols. So far Russian infantry have not really taken part in this war. So far most of the work has been done by local anti-Kiev Ukrainian (Donbass) freedom-fighters and the Wagner contract group. The stage is set for a ground war, either from the east, or from the north, or from the south, or maybe all together. Washington’s nightmare. For nobody in Washington, used to fighting ill-trained, suicidal fanatics armed only with kalashnikovs, ever foresaw this. 500,000 + armed Russians are waiting on the borders of Kiev-held territory to liberate their Ukrainian brothers and sisters from the US puppet regime in Kiev. And the only ill-trained, suicidal fanatics here are the Kiev forces.

Let us not forget that the conflict in the Ukraine is about the struggle of the United States to maintain its dinosaur’s status as the world’s last superpower. More exactly, it is about America’s attempt to destroy China as a rival. For since China, allied with Russia, is unbeatable, China has to be attacked through Eurasian Russia. In this crazed neocon video-game fantasy, the USA has overlooked Western Europe. In one sense that is understandable, since its leaders are just a pack of mindless Pavlovian dogs, intent on copying their master in Washington – and a pile of dollars greatly helps their salivating capacity for imitation. However, the US mistake is as usual to look only at its puppets. This was the same mistake as in Baghdad and Kabul, or for that matter in Tehran and Saigon, not to mention in Manila and a host of capitals in Latin America. Appoint an English-speaking yes-man, give him a Swiss bank account full of dollars and a US passport, ensure he has control over the capital and its TV and radio station and then you will control the whole country. Only Hamid Karzai didn’t and you won’t either.

Once Western Europe, including even the UK, has gone, the end of the short unipolar era will be here. The domino effect, from Kiev to Dublin, is surely only a matter of time. Remember the fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989? Within twenty-five months the whole of the Soviet Eastern European Empire fell, one country after another, until in December 1991, the Soviet Union itself fell. Berlin to Vladivostok. Well, the time is now up for the American Empire in its turn. It will also fall, and for the same reasons. The SU (Soviet Union) went. So will its reverse, the US (United States). Red stars, white stars, they have both had their time. Keep your eyes on Western Europe.

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  1. German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said Berlin was not isolated among allies in preventing the delivery to Ukraine of Western-made battle tanks.

    The impression (due to Western media fake news) that "there is a united coalition and that Germany is standing in the way is wrong," Pistorius said, adding that "there are many allies who say we share the view that I have put forward here.”

  2. The USA and Nato thinks that Russia is the backdoor to get at China. They panic when they saw China and Russia getting even closer in their alliance since the war in Ukraine. Military and security matters are going to have a direct bearing on their improving relations. That is a grave matter for the USA and Nato.

    They have tried ways and means to break up that relationship, even inventing narratives that China is trying to influence Putin this way and that, insidiously trying to throw doubts into their good relationship, without proof and just based on fabrication. Putin is not one that listens to anyone. He has a mind of his own, not demented, and knows his game better than those morons in Washington and Brussels. The whole USA and EU failed so far to bring down Russia with attacks in the media, even going personal against Putin, his family and his health.

    Even demented crazy old Joe is participating in the freak show by the clowns in the cirus, claiming he will allow Putin to remain in power if Putin leaves Ukraine. Rest assured, he is just talking crap, as he is not even controlling Russia, not to say having any clout to talk about whether Putin can remain in power or not.

    On a separate note, I could not help laughing about that report on social media that satellite images show a certain hospital in China being overwhelmed, after lockdowns were eased, based on just more cars parked outside the hospital compound compared to months ago.

    Hospitals are overwhelmed by more patients, not because of more cars parked outside the hospital. There could be multiple reasons to explain the number of cars parked outside the hospital, and they choose to latch onto it as proof that the hospital is overwhelmed, without investigating the reasons. That is the status of the so called 'professional journalism' that the MSM has descended into. Sad!

  3. Well, they always lived with the thinking that they can just continue to print. That is all that is needed. So, why is there a need to save? After all, just look at the country itself. Pretending to have a debt limit, then spend like no yesterday, then pretend that when the ceiling is reached. just try to make it a doomsday secenario, but the very next step is just agreeing to raise the debt ceiling.

    Why go through all this horseshit procedures? Just say there is no ceiling limit and no need to put on a clown show. Are they not tired rehearsing the same show over and over again?
