
Covid19 - Western buffoonery and clowns


 A 10 minutes clip by Andy Boreham, a New Zealander reporting on China. In this clip Andy exposed the buffonery and clownish behaviour of anti China internet brigade and how silly they looked when reporting black is white and then white is black about China's zero covid policy and the recent opening up.

They way that these clowns switched their positions from condemning China for zero covid measures to condemning China for opening up is just sneaky and distasteful and totally lacked of substance and credence.

The Japanese with a Chinese American name, Gordon Chang, was also featured with his silly prediction and again proven silly. The face you in behind the Chinese flag here is that Japanese faking to be a Chinese and spending his whole life attacking and smearing China, but has discredited himself as a charlatan.


  1. There are straits time crowns writing from Beijing


  2. Anyone trying to teach a more than
    Seven Thousand Year Civilization how to live, is definitely a buffoon.

  3. EU is giving China free vaccines to curb COVID. Have I read wrongly? Can vaccines curb COVID infection spread after more than two years of trying?

    I believe those are expired or near expiring vaccines that have no where to go, about to be destroyed, and they want to dump it on China? If China accept the vaccines, and if the spread just happens to be less rapid, and not as as reported by the buffoons and clowns, the EU will get the credit, big Pharmas will get the boost and continue to laugh all the way to the bank. But you can bet your last penny they will next start to demonise Chinese vaccines for not being able to stop the infection spread and it was the mRNA that saved China. Very smart move by the Whites.

    Heads they win, tails China loses.

  4. Many must have read the letter by Bill Liu to Khaw Boon Wan on ST journalists and reporters writing negative reports from Beijing about China.

    I doubt there will be any change. No prizes for knowing the answers.

    The only thing is to let them know that people are not stupid and people are pissed off by the way the articles were slanted.

  5. They are selling placebos as vaccines.

  6. Watching Channel News America already tells me the bias, the slanted agenda, the people they selected to appear to answer questions, with the questions compiled in such a way that answers can only be negatively construed against China.

    Believe me, I do not watch Channel News America for anything informative or constructive, but just to see how one sided they are programmed to suit their agenda. In other words more for entertainment rather than education.

  7. Gordon Chang still thinks he has any credibility left to salvage. Not to worry, China will outlive him and he will collapse first before China does. Year in and year out he keeps spouting the same horseshit, and has no shame of being nothing but a charlatan.


  8. The Anglo-Saxon United States of satanic white America is a nation of liars. They practise a 'Culture of Lies'. Telling all lies is one of their values.The Americans especially the politicians and their leaders from the president downwards have never shown any shame in telling lies to achieve their evil agenda. Their lies can be so evil as to cause international political upheavals and wars. Therefore the free world must debunk their lies and alert the people not to believe their lies.

    Always bear in mind the warning of the indigenous native American Indians : "White men speak with fork tongues and can never be trusted."

    Tuesday, 2rd January, 2023
