
Covid19 - The uncomfortable truth

 Japan Orders Investigation Into Covid Vaccine Deaths as MSM Admit “The Jabs Are Killing Us”

New studies released in recent weeks have revealed that repeated vaccination is causing new Covid variants, including the XBB strain which is spreading across the US Northeast....This means that people who have been boosted two, three, four and fives times are responsible for creating a whole new virus. And their beloved boosters are useless in protecting them from it....

The way our health officials insisted that people who already had Covid must get the jabs regardless was pure lunacy. Everyone with a brain knew that made no sense and could lead to the creation of new variants but our public health “experts” forced it on everyone anyways.

The vaccinated and boosted are now catching Covid again and again (along with other horrible “side-effects”) thanks to their weakened immune systems.

While cracks are appearing the mainstream media in the Western world, the dam is breaking in Japan where authorities have launched an official investigation into the unprecedented numbers of people dying after receiving Covid-19 vaccinations....

“People are already doing research all over the world,” Fukushima told health ministers during a conference earlier this month. “Japan’s prestige is at stake. You have vaccinated so many people. And yet, only 10% of the members of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, who are leading members of the vaccine campaign have been vaccinated. Is this a fucking joke?”

The above is from newspunch.com

It is happening all over the world, particularly in the US, Germany, Australia and Japan when such reports are appearing in main stream media, citing abnormally more deaths due to Covid vaccination. The msm is not going to cover this up any more and more and more reports on this would appear.

The main point, more boosters mean more weakening of the immune system and more likely to get infected. The unvaccinated are now less likely to be infected than the more boostered. And the mutations are coming from the USA!

One interesting point about Japan. The Health Ministry staff are mostly not vaccinated but pushing for the public to be vaccinated, to be boostered. This sounds scary and suspicious. Fishy, fishy, fishy.

What do you think?


  1. Good morning All

    Curiosity! Why so many young and old at ages 12,47 and also 67 died all of sudden?

    They said Mr Sim Wong Hoo was at his best of Health.

    My 12 year old Grand Nephew!

    Also my friend's son at aged just 47.

    My both 80 plus sister and bro-in-law within a year.

    Are they slowly had the Grim Reaper looking for more with the repeated jabs?

    Slowly, the immune system broke down one by one.

    Or is it the WHO and the Evil Amercunts and also the lap doggies of them in collaboration to get rid of the World 's POP which is way too many?

    Why now also the sudden heavy infections in China?

    Must kept demonising and blamed the UAssA being the culprits of their killer biological spread of the Virus.

    They are demons that took human life's as digits.

    Killing others and their own without blinking of their eyes.

    Devil's don't blinked like that Blinking Idiot Blinken and that Senile Shameful called himself President of Jamban

    WHO and Papies also declared that this is not one time Pandemic spread of the Viruses.

    More to come and hello who wants to join ventures in our monies making scams of vaccines.

    Aiyo, that Papies paid Anon would want to come and Poo Boh me for this post.

    1. My Sis also died of Cancer.

      Both Father and Mother at aged 80 plus and 90 plus died natural deaths without COVID vaccinations.

  2. https://www.youtube.com/live/NSRt9ISf3s0?feature=share

    Here a good one by Dr Hong.

    Disturbing! More boosters, more infections!

    Just one day ago about USA Cleveland Clinic Large Surge.

  3. Sudden Death or Dead in Bed

    That young man at age of 67 and an insanely rich person purportedly to be in peak health cannot wake up from his sleep!

    In this modern age and time as one well know physician, Peter Attia said. A sick person with money can prolong his/her life by at least 10 years easily. (Except stage 4 metastatic cancer which will be difficult.)

    So what can caused sudden death? Only problem with the heart - clogging of the arteries! Which nobody wants to investigate.

    This vaccine business is like two conmen working together. The governments depending on the big pharmas conmen believing that the vaccine is a god sent and has been tested to work claiming 95% effectiveness. (By using chicanery and relative risk reduction.) Big Pharmas depending on the governments to mandate and silenced the sheeple hoping that the virus will die a natural death or death will only occur after many years. In the mean time collecting all the money from the governments stupid or wealthy enough to pay the ransom.

    However Big Pharmas never expect these sudden deaths and explosions of cancers to appears so quickly!

    It is payback time!

  4. I came across a video, true or false, about Japan experimenting with robots for military use. Three robots were identified in the experiment and they were using real weapons. It was reported that the robots suddenly went haywire and killed 29 humans supervising or watching the experiment. Two robots shooting at each other were destroyed and the third robot damaged.

    The most frightening claim was that the third robot that was damaged, was said to be attempting to repair its own damage parts and was trying to repair the other two seriously destroyed robots. The self repairing robot in Terminator is becoming a reality and humans are in serious jeopardy if this story is true. It was never reported in MSM or anywhere.

    Elon Musk already warned of this scenario and he also warned about experimenting with human genes. This is yet another way of human extinction that is going to happen.

  5. Anon 11.26

    The explosion of cancers is real and all of it sudden. Why and how to prove it? We are not the 'experts' or medically knowledgeable to make our views count. It is up to them to have all the say. When they cannot agree with the truth, they say we are promoting fake news.

    According to reports and views from his friends, Sim was in good health, even running marathons, so what was the cause? Sudden death must also have a cause.

    The mRNA COVID19 vaccine was rushed out without the usual long period of testing. They wanted to corner the market and beat the Chinese and Russians. But at what cost?

  6. The natural immune system breaking down is frightening. It could be a slow death warrant and we never know when and what illness will eventually infect our body and our natural immune system cannot fight back.

    Already AIDS or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is frightening enough. This is self inflicted immune system destruction.

  7. I have 3 friends who came down with cancer. One dead oredy. Two under chemo.

  8. No joke. My wife's maternal uncle, 87 years old, is now fighting stomach cancer. He claims it all started after he was vaccinated for COVID19 a year and a half ago.

    Another friend of my sister in law, both of whom works in a GP clinic in Ang Mo Kio, just died at age 50, of cancer that was discovered by accident just middle of last year, and deteriorated so rapidly within just a couple of months. She also claimed it was likely because of the vaccine.

    All co-incidence? Unlikely. But how to connect the dots. Both cases are not fabricated stories.

  9. Everybody dies, lah. Some faster than others. That is the facts, bro.

  10. Who is Fukushima? It doesn't say in the article.

  11. Fukushima is the place where they have the nuclear leak but it's named after some dude I also don't know

  12. Yes, Fukushima is the place of the power station.

  13. Will they be able to solve the problem at Fukushima power station? Still trying very hard.

  14. Not so easy to solve this problem.The only country with nuclear accident is Ukraine, and they still haven't been able to do anything except to fill it up.

  15. Chernobyl's concrete dome is said to be leaking. There was also the nuclear accident in the USA at Three Mile Island nuclear power station. How serious was it, hard to tell since it happened in the USA.

    That also gives us something to ponder about what can happen to those nuclear waste sealed in steel drums and dumped into the ocean decades ago. Do the drums leak after all these years?

  16. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/sport/victoria-lee-one-championship-mma-fighter-dies-3190301

    She only 18. RIP Sad sad indeed.

  17. All contestants in OneChampionship must be fully vaxxed said the CEO.

  18. What is the likely cause of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, SADS?

  19. https://youtu.be/TeNTKUh6rME

    The Sen Paul lambasted the untruths of The Vaccines.

  20. https://cnalifestyle.channelnewsasia.com/wellness/sudden-death-causes-reasons-heart-problem-cardiac-related-345791

    Why so many young and healthy died suddenly

    Asked The Pharma Companies.
