
What American values and behaviour? More dictatorial and destructive than the Nazis

 U.S. Reveals Intention To Contain China By Sheer Military Superiority

The U.S. will need military strength to ensure that American values, not Beijing’s, set global norms in the 21st century, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said Saturday.

Austin’s speech at the Reagan National Defense Forum capped a week in which the Pentagon was squarely focused on China’s rise and what that might mean for America’s position in the world.

On Friday in a dramatic nighttime rollout, Austin was on hand as the public got its first glimpse of the military’s newest, highly classified nuclear stealth bomber, the B-21 Raider, which is being designed to best the quickly growing cyber, space and nuclear capabilities of Beijing.  Posted by Anonymous.

Reading the above statement by Lloyd Austin, supposedly must be a smart and wise man to have risen to the top of his career path, did not look good on the future of the American Empire. What he said is a revelation that the Americans are still stuck in their old mindset of might is right and unable to look into the mirror to see the evils they have done and their atrocious behavour and values as an international terrorist, an international gangster to control, dominate and oppress the world with might. The Americans are the most dictatorial Empire that he world has to live with. Sure, the Americans keep trumpeting and blaring about freedom of choice, freedom of speech, democracy etc etc. But these are nothing but hogwash in practice.

Look at what is happening in Europe, in the Ukraine War. What democracy or freedom of choice did the European countries have against the coercion of the Americans? The Europeans were forced to oppose and sanction their most important trading partner, actually their benefactor in providing them with cheap oil, gas and many essentials. And they have no choice, it is with the US or against the US. And the US even bullied them into buying extraordinary expensive oil and gas that would break their banks and destroy their economies and the good life of their citizens. The Americans are taking full advantage of the weaken Europeans to impose their wills on them, even offering unfair incentives to lure away European manufacturers to the US. 

The sanctions is not confined just to Russia but also China. Many of the European states have to severe trades with China, notably the Dutch, forced not to sell their lucrative chip making machines to China. Others were told not to sell their chips and related products to China resulting in many chip companies turning turtles. The Americans are willing to sacrifice the interests of their European allies in their wars with China and Russia. The Europeans are expendable to protect the interests of the American hegemony.

These kinds of oppressive and obsessive behaviours of the Americans, these kind of selfish behaviours of the Americans are definitely unacceptable even to their hardcore European allies. They are bad international norms, bad examples of good behaviour. More like the behaviour of savages. If only the American plan could bring down the Russians quickly, a temporary upset and sacrifice by the European countries may be acceptable. Now the truth is out there, that this war is not going to end tomorrow and Europe would be thrown under the bus. The good life of the Europeans would be no more as long as the war continues, as long as the Americans are in charge and in control over the Europeans. The Europeans has had enough of it and not wanting to bear with it anymore. Why should they suffer in a war that they did not want, did not care? It is American expansionism for the benefit of the evil American Empire.

The rest of the world are watching how the Americans treat their closest allies, how these allies are coerced to become cannon fodder. How would the rest of the world, the stooges and marginal stooges be thinking of the so called American values and freedom of choice or democracy? If the Americans can sacrifice their European allies, white men, how would the Americans treat the rest of the world, the coloured and despised people by the white men?

Thankfully the rest of the world has awakened. Everyone is making their own plans and many are joining the Russian and China camp. The Russians and the Chinese did not claim or brag about their values. But everyone can see who would be the better and more reliable friends and would be beneficial to their national interests.

Duds like Lloyd Austins and all those hillbillies in Washington can continue to be deluded in their fantasies, in their fake values and oppressive and dictatorial behaviour against their allies and countries of the world. Who in their right mind would believe in the American lies and evilness and their warmongering, to continue to agitate for wars, sanctions, oppression of countries around the world? Many have been victims of American dictatorial behaviour savagery and have lived in poverty for decades under abusive and unjust American sanctions and invasion. It is not that the rest of the world agree and support the American oppression and bullying. It is because they have no alternative and too weak to fight back.

China and Russia are standing up for the rest of the world to remove this evil and obnoxious bully and international terrorist from the world system. A new fairer and just system, a peaceful system, is in the process of being worked up for the betterment of the rest of the world, minus the evil American Empire and the white savages from Europe.

The rest of the world does not have to wait too long for this to happen. The evil Americans are basically alone now, and bankrupt of ideas and everything. Even the 5 eyes AngloSaxon tribes are having second thought except for a black man that thinks he is more white than the white AngloSaxon, and another silly boy in Canada that they called a PM.

What B21! The days of might is right, when everything is to be settled in the battle field is over. China too will bring out its H20 to compete with the B21. The more meaningful attack vehicle is the hypersonic nuclear armed missiles travelling at several Mach, no need to be stealth. China has been preparing to take on the Americans in an area that was dominated by the Americans since WW2, and is now on par with the Americans and superior in many areas. American military might is no longer unassailable and invincible. Together with Russia, both are now ready to meet the Americans in the battle field, blow for blow. Are the Americans up to it after decades of hypes about how superior were their military hardware?

Talk is cheap. Propaganda is expensive but no longer effective. When China could defeat the mighty war machine of the Americans in Korea with primitive weapons, how is America going to face up to them when the Chinese have everything the Americans have and even better today?

China and Russia will set new norms for decent and respectable behaviour for the world. Definitely not wars, bullying, sanctions, threats, everyday trying to demonise and smear other countries, everyday wanting to start a war, supporting terrorists and terrorism to destabilise countries and regions.

China is only interested in development, trade and cooperation to better every country and people. China does not want wars, have been avoiding wars, stayed away from wars despite all the provocations and agitations by the savages in the AngloSaxon countries. China values peace as the international norm, international behaviour, not thuggery, not gangsterism, not bullying, not savagery, not wars and destruction of lives and properties.

The world would be a better and peaceful place without the nasty Americans and the West starting wars everywhere.


  1. USA has no moral values and truly behaving like wild animals. More dictatorial and destructive than the Nazis is not an idle boast.

    Lloyd Austin, the moron, calls the killing of children by Russia missile strikes as cruelty. Does Austin truly understand the meaning of cruelty? How many children did the USA killed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki? That is not cruel. Then what does he mean by being cruel and does he know the meaning of cruelty? Does Lloyd Austin check all this up before opening his dirty mouth to condemn Russia? That big fat gorilla has a really small clogged up brain.

    Then there was that horrible, terrible, wicked witch, Madeleine Albright, who said that killing 500,000 Iraqi children was worth it. This is not cruelty of the highest order? Does Austin also not know about this before opening his dirty mouth to pronounce his verdict on Russia,

    How many people did the USA killed compared to Hitler? The Native Indians of America were already killed by the tens of millions to near extinction, the victims of Hiroshima and Nagaski were deciminated by the tens of thousands, the innocents in Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, North Korea are not insignificant either. What Hitler did was nothing compared to what the USA did. And remember, not a single innocent US citizens had been harmed by those wars outside the USA homeland. That is why they dared to continue to do such barbaric acts. This time, it will be a different tale altogether, if WW3 starts.

  2. Probably he thinks the Japanese are very grateful to America for the two atom bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

    Probably he thinks the Japanese are grateful for the roasting of Japanese civilians, young and old, men and women, in the two cities by the Americans. All well done, not medium rare.

  3. Lyord Austin is the cruelest and vilest creature on Earth. Yet he hides under the skirt of the Pentagon to boast about the US military might.

  4. The spun it around to say that the bomb prevented more people dying if it continues. In other words, killing all those hundreds of thousands of innocents in Japan is also worth it? Worth it for whose benefit?

    As it is, they were testing the bomb on the Japs just to show everyone that they were ahead of the Soviet Union in possession of nuclear bombs. Nothing more, nothing less. All else is immaterial to them and just collateral damage.

  5. And the Japanese love the Americans for nuking their cities and killing hundreds of thousands of Japanese, including children and babies.

    See how good the Japanese and the Americans are, very good friends indeed. I killed your people in Hawaii, you killed our people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Just a game for savages.

    Now the two savages that killed the most people in WW2 are wearing suits and claiming to be the most peace loving savages on earth. And everyday smearing and demonising China as aggressive when China was a victim of their savagery. China has not attacked Japan nor the Americans...yet. The blood debt has not been settled...yet.

    If these two savage people are not going to back off and keep on provoking and agitating China, it only helps to remind China of the crimes against the Chinese people committed by these savages and demanding the Chinese to settle the score as the two savages are recalcitrants and unrepentant.

  6. the only thing sustaining the american is the military weaponry complex - so no choice but to continue till kingdom come and not realizing that there is so much development and progress in the other side of the world without western dominance !
    once their provocation of fighting between nations slithers away, they will probably then try to start an atomic war to up their advantage - unbeknowst to them - it shall not be so ! hahaaaa

  7. Hope and pray that no silly Asian or Asean country got incited and duped by the Americans to start a war in Asia and SE Asia. Let the Americans have their wars in Europe and kill whoever they want in Europe. Let the Americans continue to happily manufacture more weapons to keep the war going in Ukraine for the next 30 years.

    This will buy peace in other parts of the world to develop and build their economies and get richer peacefully.

    How nice it is now that the rest of the world, other than Iraq and Syria, are enjoying peace and development while Europe is killing each other. This is the best karma for the white savages.

    The rest of the world should continue to live peacefully and enjoy the spectacle in Ukraine and Europe by not being involved.

    And the idiots in Asean are best to keep themselves off limit to Myanmar and not allow the Americans to turn it into another war zone. Hope Iran can contain the riots and quickly return life to normal.

    The white paper demonstration in some parts of China has been quelled quickly and stopped from spreading and growing bigger by the Chinese authority.

    The Americans and CIA can continue to be busy stirring shits in other countries' internal affairs and waste their limited resources doing such destructive and useless things. Every peaceful country must bear this in mind and curb any such disturbances quickly and not allowed them to destabilise their countries and turn into another war zone.

  8. Who or which country in Asean is agitating and instigating to meddle with Myanmar's internal affairs to destabilise Myanmar? All the peaceful countries in Asean must recognise this evil force in Asean doing the evil works of the Americans to destroy Asean.

    Myanmar is a weak spot being exploited by the Americans to divide and break up Asean under the stupid belief of supporting human rights and democracy.

  9. China strategy is Common Properity, while UaSsA strategy is Destruction & Conquer ...which one the World wants The Wise people & nation got eyes can see..

  10. Canada to send more warships through Taiwan Strait

    Canada plans to sail more warships through the Taiwan Strait to affirm the waters claimed by China are international, after Ottawa released an Indo-Pacific strategy that described Beijing as an “increasingly disruptive” power.

    “We need to make sure that the question of the Taiwan Strait is clear and that it remains an international strait,” Canadian foreign minister Mélanie Joly said in an interview.

    “We will continue to enforce the international rules-based order when it comes to the Taiwan Strait. And that’s why also we had a frigate going through the Taiwan Strait this summer, along with the Americans, [and] we’re looking to have more frigates going through it.”

    Chinese officials earlier this year told their US counterparts that China did not recognise the strait as international waters.

    “We know we have to do more to play a role in the security of the region,” Joly said. “We need to invest in deterrence because we believe . . . it is the best way to, at the end of the day, respect international norms.”

    Joly said Canada would also invest more in the Five Eyes — the intelligence sharing network that connects the US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

    “We have to make sure we have better intelligence capacity across the region . . . We are a Pacific nation, we need to make sure that we play a bigger role,” she said.

  11. What role is Canada going to play? Nothing more than a stupid poodle just obeying the orders of the USA. The USA ask them to fetch and they will say yes sir, and obey. The USA ask them to jump into the sewer and they say yes sir, and willingly do it. That is what they call their role? Embarrassing trying to fool everybody, when everybody knows what they are made of.

    1. If these Canadian boy ships trying to shit around the Taiwan strait, China will sodomized or kicked their asses inside out and outside in, they might even experience the Sinkieland Toys being confiscated or being torn apart .

  12. China should prepare a welcoming party for the Canadians and keep the frigate in Chinese water for a few years just like they kept Meng Wanzhou to show these little poodles what it is like meddling with a big power.

  13. India Thinks Indian Ocean is India's Ocean

    Indian Navy Chief Admiral R Hari Kumar said there are a lot of Chinese ships present in the Indian Ocean region. During a conference ahead of Navy Day, Admiral Hari Kumar said that the Indian Navy is keeping a close eye on Chinese activities in the region. He said that there are nearly 60 other 'extra-regional' forces present in the Indian Ocean region.

  14. There are more American ships in the Indian Ocean, including a huge base in Diego Garcia that is bigger than any Indian bases in India.

    Strange thing is that the Indians are blind to the presence of the American base and American ships. The Indians cannot see them, or pretend not to see them as they are hapless to the presence of the American ships. The reality is that the Indian Ocean is controlled by the Americans and there is nothing the Indians can do about it.

    So they pretend to be in control and watching the Chinese ships to boost their low egos. This is Indian Ah Q mentality. Everyday talking about China, wanting to compete with China, wanting to beat China, but nothing works, lagging further and further behind by the day.

    As for China, India is invisible, irrelevant, not in the same league. China just simply ignores the noises made by India. India can scream and scratch, but China is busy challenging the Americans, got no time for the pretentious Indians and their delusion of self importance and grandeur.

  15. If the US dares to openly wield its nuclear stick against China in times of crisis in the future, China, whose nuclear warheads will surpass 1,000 by then, will be enough to scare back the evil intentions. So the US’ deterrence doesn’t mean anything to China.

  16. Latest fiasco: 'The G7 Cap On Russian Oil'

    'With this cap the G7 have created an unnecessary and artificial bottom to old prices. The G7 did not want to understand why oil prices have roundtripped in 2022: Competition and demand reaction.

    By putting a $60 a barrel cap, which is a bottom price, the G7 have almost made it impossible for prices to reach a true bottom if a demand crisis arrives. On the one hand, the G7 has taken 4.5 million barrels a day, the estimated Russian oil exports for 2023, out of the supply picture with a minimum -and maximum- price, but additionally has made OPEC keener on cutting supply and raising their exports’ average realized oil price higher.'

    If the G7 really wanted to hurt Russia’s finances and exports the way to do it is to encourage higher investment in alternative and more competitive sources. However, what is happening is the opposite. G7 governments continue to impose barriers to investment in energy as well as place regulatory and wrongly called environmental burdens that make it even more difficult to guarantee diversification and security of supply.

    What killed the oil crisis of the seventies was the phenomenal rise of investment in other productive areas. What has allowed oil prices to do an almost 180-degree year-to-date move is higher supply, non-OPEC competition and demand response.

    By adding a so-called cap on Russian oil prices to the increasing barriers to develop domestic resources the G7 may be planting the seeds of a commodity super-cycle where dependence on OPEC and Russia increases, instead of decreasing.

    In short; the developed economies’ governments are taking their countries from a modest dependence on Russia to a massive dependence on China and Russia.

    Link to article:

  17. China has many more warheads than reported. The number is top military secret. The Americans think they know how many China has? They really think China is so stupid to have a few hundreds and let the Americans have a few thousands?

    When China was dead poor, Mao still decided on having nuclear weapons to protect China's independence. Did that say anything about how many nuclear warheads China has today?

    North Korea is also thinking in the same way. Must have nuclear capability to keep the evil Americans at bay.

    China could have several thousands by now, but not saying anything. Keep the Americans guessing.

  18. Yes, it is all guessing by the USA. All throughout the last two decades their intelligence could not see China's potential, until late over the last two to three years. It was a belated realisation of what China is capable of. They were content to enjoy the fruits of China's labour, just printing fiat money in exchange and were merrily enjoying the good times.

    I believe they started to wake up with the AIIB formation, the BRI project integration, China's leading role in 5G development, China's AI projects and a host of others that they failed to keep a tab on. It is now all about damage control, roping in allies and using the China threat to counter.

    But are this all too late and an exercise in futility? With Russia in alliance with China, there is no way for the USA either to use force or economic measures to put down China. What does the trade war do after so many years and all the gloating of it being 'easy to win'. Just like the 'mission accomplished' in Iraq that basically accomplished nothing but stealing the oil from the Iraqis.

  19. The best way to confuse the enemy is to keep them guessing.

    North Korea's Kim has been playing the game very well. The USA's intelligence cannot do much in North Korea, without being able to spy on them like they did with Merkel and Macron, and can only keep guessing what Kim is doing in underground bunkers as satellites can only spy on what is happening on the surface.

    China is doing the same. China has a large underwater submarine base hidden on Hainan Island, away from satellite views. The USA can only guess the number of submarines China had built and their movements are not easily monitored.

  20. How many of the American ICBMs built in the 1960s and 70s can fly when fired? Many of their ICBMs are old technology of the last century. The wires and joints maybe bitten off by rats or wear and tear over time.

  21. When they trotted out their stockpiles of mask and PPEs during the COVID outbreak, all were unusable due to obsolence and decay. Does that tell the whole story?

    Just look their decaying infrastructures like bridges, train stations, roads etc. Would they be upgrading their defence infrastructures continuously as well as presumed. I think not. What about rocket fuel in those old rockets? Will they still work? What about corrosion playing a hand?

  22. Indonesia also replacing its old war machine.

    The sinking of Indonesian submarine KRI Nanggala 402 last year has also shown that the country’s military equipment is ageing, said defence analyst Alman Helvas Ali from Jakarta-based defence think tank Marapi Consulting and Advisory.

    "Actually the procurement of the equipment is to replace those that are already old.

    “Some equipment is 30 years old, some 40 years old, some are 50 years old. This is a very reasonable move," said Mr Ali.

  23. There is an article in the media by an Indonesian calling Indonesia to take strong stand against Myanmar.

    What a twit. Who does this twit think he is, American hillbilly? Indonesia wants to act like the evil American Empire?

  24. Beijing Hints China Already Has Close to 1,000 Nuclear Warheads

    The United States showed off its latest B-21 bomber on Friday. US Defense Secretary Austin bragged its importance in deterring China.

    Meanwhile, the Chinese people are not afraid of the US' threat any more. A consensus has taken shape among the Chinese people in dealing with the pressure from the US. We will seek continuous development by ourselves so as to crush the will of those extreme political elites in the US.

    China's development momentum and potential are huge. What the US hardliners fear most is China's growing strength which is completely controlled in the hands of China.

    China will neither seek a war with the US, nor confront the US in the deep waters of the Indian Ocean or the Pacific Ocean.

    But in handling the Taiwan question, we must have the upper hand. Once the Chinese mainland is determined to reunify the Taiwan Island by force, we will destroy all the army and aircraft carriers dispatched by the US if they choose to intervene and fight with the PLA.

    If the US dares to use nuclear weapons, China whose nuclear warheads will surpass 1,000 by then, will be enough to scare back the evil intentions of Washington. So the deterrence of the US doesn't mean anything to China any more.

    - Beijing

  25. Indonesia is buying weapons from France and Turkey. No mention of USA arms. Anyway, that US$150 million for each ASEAN country for patrol boats is like tossing chicken wings to gain support. It is an insult, compared to what they are pouring into Ukraine.

  26. If the Americans would not even sell their best weapons to Saudi Arabia, how on earth would they sell to the biggest Muslim state in the world?

    The Americans would be threatening the French and Turks from behind the scene to stop selling to Indonesia for sure. And if they sell, it would be watered down version or without the best weapons the Indonesians want.

    Muslims and Islam are the number one enemies of the Americans and Anglosaxon tribes.

  27. Just wondering if the F35s that Singapore bought would ever be allowed to land in Singapore.

  28. If the F35s Singapore bought can only be stationed in the USA, that is a joke. Hope the 'principled' people realised the foolishness of buying something that cannot be delivered outside the shop they bought it from.

  29. Singapore buying US$100 million F-35 from the US is like a Sinkie buying an expensive car but cannot bring it home, and have to leave it at the showroom. So damn stupid . . .

  30. Understand each F35 costs between US$150 to US$350 million each, depending on the requirements that it is outfitted with.

    Now, they are talking about the B-21 raider that they are advertising, costing tentatively US$700 million each, and could, when ready, be probably in the region of US$1 billion each or more.

    Any F35 shot getting shot down by enemies is game over for the stealth advantage.

  31. They were terrified of the Chinese getting their hands on the F35 that fell off the aircraft carrier in the South China Sea.

  32. "We have not gone crazy, we are aware of what nuclear weapons are," Putin said Wednesday at a meeting of his human rights council.

    "We are not going to brandish them like a razor while running around the world."

    But he acknowledged the growing tensions, saying "such a threat is rising. Why make a secret out of it here?"

    He added, however, that Russia would use a nuclear weapon only in response to an enemy strike.

    Putin may be rational and restrained. Don't bet on the desperate Nazis. They would use nuclear once they could lay their hands on nuclear weapons. Then Ukraine and Europe could be covered by the mushroom clouds.
