
The Americans still thinking the Africans can become their slaves

Those Little Britain 'morons' are accusing Russia of using 'Might is Right' means in Ukraine and accusing China of trying to flex it's influence in Africa, Latin America, Middle East and Central Asia. What is wrong with that? The West has already lost it's influence battle in those countries above, with only the use of veiled threats still making some countries feign obligated compliance unwillingly, but not totally bought over by conviction.

Now, what did Little Britain used during the period of the opium war, by forcing China to open up it's market to the opium trade, using it's gunboat diplomacy? That is not using 'Might is Right' tactic? Forcing another country to open up to the opium trade is a crime against humanity.

And what have the USA done and is now still doing, going around the world using it's military power to control and kill off smaller countrie like Iraq and Libya, because they choose to differ in selling oil in other than US$? And it did such evilness with fabricated evidence which is a clear crime against humanity as well. Had Russia not been involved in Syria, it will also end up like the previous two countries.

What is the USA now trying to do in Africa, with Biden meeting 40 African leaders? It is, as usual, all about countering China's influence. Most Africans are done with the Anglo Saxon's desire to claw back their influence, and many have expressed their utter disappointment that the Whites still have the audacity to want to go back and use them again to counter China.

China had been helping the Africans fight off the White Imperialist decades ago, who were there only to steal Africa's resources, but cared little about developments in Africa. Some African countries are now inviting China to co-operate with them in mining important and essential minerals, like Uranium, in return for China's help in the past and infrastructure developments today. Any sane person will know who the Africans are going to trust and who to avoid.

Just like the Muslims and Arabs, who had been at the receiving end of the Anglo Saxon bullying and exploitation for decades, and have now realised the Anglo Saxon's evil designs, are now turning against them in many ways. Sure, the Africans will, like Mohammed bin Salman, meet with Biden, but can Biden persuade the Africans to bite China's hand that had been helping them for decades without fail? It will be a no brainer choice. And Africans are smarter than some Asian countries.



  1. An African leader put it this way:

    When the West visits Africa, they talk about China.

    But China is not an enemy of Africa.

    We have never been colonised by China.

    China is our protector.

    That says it all.

  2. Hi there's a video by the Whites that we must keep Africa POOR so that we can have our Riches.

    Africa's natural resources that we must exploit so that we can continue being rich and must kept the Africans Poor.

    Wah, unbelievable the Evil WHITES.

  3. Are Sinkies Slaves of Americans?

    Retired U.S. Navy Adm. James Stavridis, ex-supreme allied commander of NATO, says: "There will never be an equivalent of NATO in the Pacific, but coordinating diplomatic, economic and military activities among the U.S., Singapore, South Korea, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and other democracies in the region can help restrain Kim (Jong Un)."

    South Korea, Japan are known vassal states of the Americans, while the rest are Anglo-Saxon states of the Five-Eyes alliance. By including Singapore in the group, they imply Singapore is a vassal state of the US

  4. Today the Americans no longer have friends in Asia other than the two semi colonies of Japan and South Korea and the two AngloSaxon states of Australia and NZ. Oh, maybe they have a handful, maybe 1 or 2 stooges hiding somewhere.

    The rest of Asia and Africa have distanced themselves from the evil Americans. No longer their allies.

  5. The whole of Africa, the whole of Latin America and the Carribeans, the whole of Asia, the whole of SE Asia and the whole of Pacific Islands are no longer allies of the Americans.

    Ok, maybe one or two stooges left that the Americans can count on. Colonies like Japan and South Korea, Australia and New Zealand are the exceptions.

    And the Americans still pretending that they have friends and allies everywhere.

  6. Is North Korea or China threatening Singapore, Australia or New Zealand? Why become cannon fodder for the USA that only benefits the USA and no one else? Why don't the USA do their own confrontation and not drag others into their nonsensical rhetorics?

    The USA is just trying to rally doggies to pit them against China and North Korea, just as what they are doing with NATO in Europe. They would very much like to create another NATO in the Pacific to suit their hegemonic agenda. Everyday talking about imaginery threats when the USA itself is the biggest threat to the rest of the world.

  7. Unfortunately many silly Singaporeans believe the American lies that North Korea, and also China, are threats to Singapore. Can you believe it? With all the education, they can believe in these stupid lies.

    Without China's trade and investment, Singapore would be in recession long ago.

    And if not of the meeting between Trump and Kim, the North Koreans would not even know there is an island called Singapore.

    Ya, why would silly Singapore want to make an enemy of North Korea? Why would any country want to make an enemy out of North Korea?

    The Americans need the North Korean myth to justify their military presence in South Korea and Japan to keep these two colonies as their colonies forever. Now they are trying to use the same ploy to build military bases in Taiwan and also the Philippines using the China and North Korea as scarecrows.

  8. I mean it is ok to bluff little children about such fictitious threats. But how could adults believe in such lies so easily?

    Stupidity has no cure. Really, that is the mental state of no talent Singapore. Why do you think Singaporeans are called daft?

    They believe all the lies they read in the western media.

  9. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/business/former-ftx-ceo-bankman-fried-arrested-bahamas-us-unveil-charges-3140291

    Apology have to post here as if post on the other article too far back and NOT all will notice.

    This UAssA their favourite wayang drama acts.

    Topic proper.

    Sinkieland Defence Minister the Hen who went round now every estates and also even Hospital compounds that one Sinkie so fed up wanted to kill and fry it for makan as disturbed his sleep every time opened his hen hen mouth will praised the Americunts with their Presence Here as a Stabilising Force and Security for All.

    He always cajoled that the Americunts must be here as a Stabilising Force for the Security of ASEAN and Asia.

    Stabilising Force/SCREWETY?

    OR AS Shits STIRRERS ?

  10. The Papies loved to paint the Northern Koreans and the PRCs as Threats to ASEAN and the rest of Asia

    Ate too much ang moh sais and talked sais from their mouths.

    He has too. Ahem as purchasers of UAssA Military Wares must said so lah.

    Ahem ahem cannot said too clear or can landed in Changi Resorts Hotel many countries Defence Ministers ahem ahem in purchases of Defiance Aresnals which are kept secrets

    Ahem ahem Sinkieland also kept secrets in Bahamas ?

  11. I just wonder, if the USA can print money out of thin air, they can fabricate threats out of thin air too. The world is scared silly by the USA's lies and just swallow whatever the USA wants them to believe. Permanent head damage or Phd with all that education and cannot think properly.

  12. Singapore jails man for exporting strawberry milk, coffee (not weapons) to North Korea

    Sinkie Phua Sze Hee, 59, was sentenced to five weeks’ jail this week for sending various beverages from Pokka - an assortment of fruit-flavoured and coffee-flavoured milk drinks, including strawberry milk, to North Korea via China and Malaysia between November 2017 and September 2018.

    Phua was the channel manager at Pokka International, a job he had held since 2009. Phua was laid off by Pokka this year and is now working as a part-time driver. So sad . . .

    1. Why Sinkieland must obey the Evils Americunts Sanctions on North Korea?

      Thought China used VETO power to object the Sanctions?

      Why Sanctions on just because they have Nuclear Arsenals to defend themselves

      Why so many Otherd had Nuclear and NO sanctions?

      What's a farce!

  13. In Taipei, according to informed observers, the ruling secessionist and Americans' balls-licking DPP was dealt a humiliating defeat in recent mayoral and county elections because, among other things, President Tsai Ing-wen, who will never die for Taiwan, succumbed to US pressure and proposed to increase the military draft for young Taiwanese men from the present four months to a full year.

  14. USA ask them to eat shit they will eat shit. USA tells them shit taste like honey, they say it is honey.

  15. Lucky they did not repatriate him to the US. May end up in Guantanamo.

    Did they arrest Kwek Kee Seng for the Americans and claim the bounty?


  16. The Pokka Executive jailed for selling food to North Korea.
    Any crime for selling food to anybody and or any country??
    It is a great travesty of Human Right and Justice. Ridiculous and nonsensical to sensibility.
    Sin Lerders are grateful that the British handed over
    Sin to the Local on a silver platter. And also helps to protect it with ANZUK, the Alliance comprised of
    the UK, Australia and New Zealand. This goes to show that Sinkies are grateful people even though the Ex-master is being exposed as belligerent and even evil.
    The Sin Regime prefers gratefulness over reasonableness and righteousness.
    It is a compromise as Sin is in need of protection from its' Ex-master and its' allies.
    Sin has to be
    a stooge with no choice, though it could be
    quiet like it's FELLOW ASEAN MEMBERS.


  17. What about principles?


  18. Principle of Sin
    to stay afloat and
    survive, even if the Sinkies
    have to live in miseries.
    I wish that we can live
    Simple and be happy with less
    Greed and Competition.
