
Rules based order is a western scam


The British Museum is legally forbidden from sending the ancient Parthenon Marbles back to Greece, despite reports that such a transfer may be underway, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s office declared on Monday.

While the British Museum’s trustees are free to talk to whomever they please, the office stressed “we have no plans to change the law, which prohibits removing objects from the museum’s collections…apart from certain circumstances. Our position on that hasn’t changed.”....

The British Museum attempted to bridge the gap with its own statement released over the weekend, declaring: “We operate within the law and we’re not going to dismantle our great collection, as it tells a unique story of our common humanity.” However, it said, the museum wants “a new Parthenon partnership with Greece.” 

(What a joke? Only shameless white men could use such convoluted reason to justify an act of theft. When one is the empire, all powerful, one can talk all kinds of rubbish and get away with it.  Be careful when you lose your power and no longer in charge. RB)

The above is quoted from RT.

There were negotiations to return the loot, the Greek Parthenon Marbles, to Greece. The Brits know very well that practically every exhibit or piece of art in the British Museum was stolen by the Brits from their colonies. Not only that, practically every piece of precious stone and jewelry in Buckingham Palace is also looted from the countries of the world. The Brits know that this is unlawful, against the laws of civilised nation states, against all moral standards of man. So they have to and must return, now or later. But they chose not to return and falling back on their laws. This is an example of the treacherous concept of Rules Base Order. When things are against them, they simply write a law to cover their asses. Utterly rubbish!

Which is more righteous, more ethical and moral, to return the stolen goods or to obey the questionable British law that said items in the museum cannot be removed?

This so called Rules Based Order can only last as long as they are still powerful, militarily, just like the days of gun boat diplomacy. The one that carried the biggest gun called the shot, set the law. Once Little Britain is torn apart, loses its ability to defend itself, this Rules Based Order would be flushed down the toilet. No one would believe in this stupid concept which is to protect their own interest and own ass.

The world has had enough of the white man's rule, white man's empires that invaded, massacred and looted the rest of the world. The rest of the world is waiting for the collapse of the western civilisation and to take back everything stolen by the white men during the era of military conquest and colonialism. Once the rest of the world has united themselves as a formidable force to take on the white men, then the table would be turned against the supremacy of the white men and their outrageous and hideous Rules Based Order. It would be an international order and the laws would be decided by the rest of the world, not by the white men.

The creepy Sunak, a coloured man thinking and behaving as if he is whiter than white and citing white man's hypocrisy to bully the coloured people, for the interest of the white men, is simply a silly ridiculous joke. He forgot about the diamonds on the British crown stolen from India?

PS. Does the Rules Based Order support theft of properties as legal or that stolen properties must be returned to their rightful owners? What about returning stolen lands to their original owners, like the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Falklands, Hawaii etc etc?

PS2. The so called law quoted by the Museum Trustee, are they state law or Museum's internal regulations? Even if they are state laws, can this supercede and override national legislation on theft and robbery?  If there is a conflict, which law should take precedent? White men speak in fork tongue. Oops, it is black man spoke in fork tongue.


  1. Asking the Anglo Saxons to return the land they stole from the Native American Indians and Australian Aborigines, among many others, is sending shivers down the spine of the Europeans.

    Europe is not big enough to accomodate the hundreds of millions of them returning to European soil if that happens. And they are slowly changing the rules, their 'Rule of Law' to protect themselves from this happening.

    If returning artifats, diamonds and ill gotten wealth and compensation to the African Blacks for slavery, as well as the 45 trillion stolen from India by Little Britain in its heyday of plundering, piracy, human rights violations, the Anglo Saxons will never do. That is going to set a precedent that will eventually encroach on calls to return stolen land.

  2. Very soon they would get the US controlled UN to pass a law to recognise all stolen lands seized during the time of colonialism and cannot be returned to the native owners.

    If this does not work out, they would pass their own laws in Washington, London, Paris, etc etc to legistimatise ownership of stolen native lands. This would become their laws and 'legal' under their brand of rubbish 'Rules of Law' lies.

  3. The AngloSaxons think their evil past can be quietly forgotten by throwing attacks at other countries with fabricated lies. No way in the era of internet. The more they throw stones at others, the more stones would be thrown back at them.

    Keep reminding them of their genocides, black slavery, plundering and stealing of native lands until they shut up and return the lands and pay compensation for their crimes against humanity.

    Just keep repeating like them repeating their fabricated lies against China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, etc etc. If they don't stop their lies, the world must not stop telling their brutal and evil crimes against humanity and war crimes.

  4. Then the UN will be good for the dustbin of history. And that is the more reason why BRICS cannot afford to fail. And when BRICS succeeds, that is end of the story for the 'Rules Based Order' scam. Just consider how many countries will support BRICS and how many will follow the 'Rules Bases Order' horseshit.

    Recent votings at the almost defunct UN shows the dwindling support for the USA controlled UN. This will get worse when countries start waking up from their centuries of slumber under the tyranny of the Western powers. The Africans are waking up. The Arabs are waking up. The Muslims are waking up. and last but not least the South Americans are waking up. Cannot say the same about some Asian countries and ASEAN as some go by Principles.

  5. What a sick Brit joke! They stole and stored the loots in their museums. Then wrote a law saying whatever in the museum cannot be removed. So all stolen goods become theirs by their museum laws? Rules of Law, Rules Based Order? How can anyone believe in such shits?

    They think the people of the world are stupid or what?

  6. In sinking land we have Papies rule based order..hahaha

  7. We need a new rules based order to prevent stealing and killing of common people by those in power.

  8. Osama bin Laden is right !

  9. Rules based Order = USA sets all the Rules and Orders everyone around .. the world knows this

  10. The USA thinks it is inventing the wheel and thinks the world would stupidly adopt their 'Rules Based Order'. The West and the Media can just continue inventing their horseshit, but the world is more aware of their evil agenda. Those days of indoctrination by the MSM through mere repeating over and over are gone for good. The Media can continue to con themselves into believing they are relevant in carrying out their dirty work.

    If following the UN International Rule of Law is going to be upended, what then is the purpose of the UN?

  11. What horseshit 'Rules Based Order' and can it be applied to Muslim countries? As it is today, Muslims in non Muslim countries, like Red Dot, have a set of laws that only apply to Muslims and do we really think they will now quietly be guided by 'Rules Based Order' as dictated by the evil empire? Fat hope! Muslims will probably resort to a 'Fatwa' or death threat if that happens. Do not test them!

  12. IQ80 - agree, arbitrary rules only allow those with the power to commit more crimes against the peace loving world.

  13. Possible next sucker after Ukraine:


    Poland is possibly getting ready to take on the Russians once it's game over for Ukraine..

    1. Asia's Urukiane will be Taiwan.

      Japs joined alliance with the UAssA as their puppy skunk and to be oberiated soon to dust.

  14. They not only stole the land. They genocided the original inhabitants. And they claimed they discovered America.

  15. Thankfully, they did not discover China. They tried to, but could not succeed. Now making another attempt. Also tried using the same trick played on the Native Americans in India, which also failed. But when India do rise in future, they will make another attempt to discover India. LOL

    But these two are civilisations with thousands of years of history and religious heritage and did not fall prey to the religious trick, that had worked well when applied to the less developed Native Americans and Australian Aborigines.

  16. #Nato has been defeated in #Soledar, not by #Russian armed forces but by private Russian military


    Coming soon is the Russian Winter Offensive.

  17. But the Ukraine billionaire beggar is going around begging for more weapons and help. Is that an indication that Ukraine is winning the war? Think about it!

    As Putin said, this is all an imagination of the media.

  18. Anon 6.23 I don't know if Ukraine is winning or not. But why is this special operation taking so long? How many times they want to change vehicle commander?

    Redbean, I like your new picture on the website. Good for CNY :). I am also born in the year of rabbit.

  19. We are struck by the blatancy and egregiousness of the US’s plundering of Syria… Such banditry is aggravating the energy crisis and humanitarian disaster in Syria,” he said, citing Syrian government statistics purporting that “over 80% of Syria’s daily oil output was smuggled out of the country by US occupation troops” in the first half of 2022.

    The level of US greed in stealing resources from Syria is as striking as its “generosity” in giving out military aid often in the amount of billions or even tens of billions dollars.

    “Whether the US gives or takes, it plunges other countries into turmoil and disaster, and the US gets to reap the benefits for its hegemony and other interests,” he added. “This is the result of the US’s so-called “rules-based order.””
