
Independence Day 2.0 - True Independence a work in progress

 500 years of bullying, exploitation and killings by the white men is coming to an end, but may take a bit longer.

In the years immediately after WW2, countries of the world were crying and fighting for their independence from white men's colonial rule and imperialism. It was a cry for freedom from colonialism and western imperialism.

They got independence but not real freedom. The white men continue to rule the coloured people by a new kind of colonialism, ruling their minds, their thinking, with the media, and military might. They spread the narrative that the white men were superior to them, their saviours. Just like four legs were good, two legs better. It was coloured people were good, white men were better. 

The coloured people were drugged by this narrative and were manipulated to hate and fight against each other with the white men standing outside the ring yelling at them to keep fighting and keep killing each other, and selling them plenty of the best weapons of course. You are under threat from this and that, you need to buy more weapons. The coloured people make enemies of each other, did not trust each other, while the white men sowed distrust and create enmities among the coloured people.

The coloured people's mind is still enslaved by the white men. Look at how the coloured people fear and hate China, North Korea, Iran, Russia etc etc countries that did them no harm, instead they are still madly in love the white men, the warmongers and terrorists that invaded many countries, starting wars everywhere, sanctioning and bullying countries, threatening countries and killing coloured people.

Now there is another call for freedom and independence of the mind and thinking. The coloured people must start to think and see who are the real devils and evil men that is threatening them and world peace. Who are the real enemies of the coloured people?

This is the second revolution, to be really free from the mental control by the white men, to think independently, clearly and to decide on what is good for them, in their own interests, to chart their own future, not be controlled and blinded by the white men. Not to accept American dominance as a normal state of affair. The enslavement of the minds of the coloured people by the daily bombarbment of western media that white men are good, white men's lies are the truth, white men's fake democracy and fake ideas of human rights are the values to live by, and subconsciously to continue to be enslaved by white men's superiority and hegemony,... must be brought to an end.

For peace and prosperity and a better life for the coloured people of the world, the myth of white men's supremacy, white men's fake values that is all about the control of the coloured people through wars and conflicts and military might, must be destroyed. This is the second awakening, the second fight for freedom, for real independence from the white men. The physical independence of taking control of one's own land is only partial independence. Total independence is freedom, is when the mind is set free, free from the control of white men's media and their narratives. 

A very good example of mental colonisation is the people of Hong Kong. They are still colonised by Britain inside their heads and unable to break free, to be truly independent in their thoughts. The HongKongers are madly in love with British colonial rule and dying to have the British back to rule them. But knowing that the British cannot be back, they are willing to give up their citizenship and fly to Britain to be ruled by the British all over again. 

In a way, Singapore is not far behind Hong Kong. Look at the bananas, what they said, what they liked, how they adored the Queen. These are the signs that they are still colonial subjects of the British Empire. Some Asean states are also not fully independent from their colonial masters. A bit of the Stockholm Syndrome is at play in their mindset. They still feel attached to their colonial masters, and white men's fakery and lies are their moral compass of goodness and being civilised...forgetting the massacres and cruelties committed by the colonial masters.

A second example is the British Commonwealth. Why would colonised nations, now independent, still want to be a member of this colonial vestige to remind them that they were once colonies, not citizens, and to respect the King/Queen of England as their head? Don't they feel ashame to be still a part of the evil colonial heritage? Should not they bury this shameful and demeaning organisation for good? Or they are still having fond memories of their colonisation and want to keep this memories alive, the good old days and feel very good about it? Colonisation was only a good thing in the history books written by the colonial masters, a good thing for them, not the colonised people? To the colonial powers, it was never a crime to conquer, rule and plunder a country of its wealth and make its people semi slaves of the empire with no human rights, just sub humans.

A third example is when Washington called, everyone would obediently, without a second thought, without asking why, packed and flew to Washington with a big entourage of cabinet ministers. For what they did not know, could they say no and not attend? No. This is a sign of the lack of freedom, still colonised inside the heads. Go, they must... when the master summoned. What went through the heads of the Americans when the African leaders formed a beeline like sheep to greet the Emperor?

Free and independent nations do not take orders from Washington meekly. Free and independent nations are free to decide if they wish or do not wish to go to Washington. When they are not independent, not going is not an option. The subconscious told them to go, it is like second nature. None have doubts about their independence. None question their independence or freedom to choose, to say no. It did not occur in their minds that they need not have to go. The Americans are not their colonial masters or overlord.

True freedom and independence would come when they can see through the lies and fakeness of the white men, able to see the white men as what they really are, another human bean like them, and believe in themselves that they are the equals of the white men, no more unthinking believers of the Pinkerton Syndrome.

True freedom is when your mind is set free. When Nelson Mandela was imprisoned in his cell, he was still a free man. His mind was free. They could lock him up physically, but cannot lock his soul and his mind. There is still some way to go for the ex colonies to be truly freed from being colonised people.

Oh, the white men, under the American Empire, is still in control of the world. They can bully the rest of the world with sanctions, regime change and threats of war if any country would dare to go against their interest. They dictate to the world, with their own rules based order, their rules, their orders, not international rules under the UN.


  1. Good morning Mr RB and All

    Observed carefully just see our Third Gen i.e. that Meredeka One and now worse the 4th One i.e. the waiting to be next PM one in the International Arena meeting all the World's Leaders at Whatsoever summits that they attended.

    No Class lah just like that Candian Boy PeeAyam going around smilling and bowing and shaking the hands of the other World's Leaders like a counter clerk shaking hands with the Execs, Managers and Senior Mangers just starting work in an Office.

    Unlike our LKY who walked with dignity and well respected where many even wanted him to give his World's views on their current geopolitical happenings.

    The Worse is the waiting to be one. Aiya no personality. I am of thr opinion Sinkieland is doomed lah.

    They do NOT have the oomps and visions like most of our Pioneer Leaders where each of them oozed their own sorts of Leaderships qualities that can hold their own ministry.

    Here, now still have to take directions to see what's others does before they dared implement their policies.

    A World's Leader in the INTERNASIONAL areana must behaved and processed sorts of dignity and class just like China's President Xi who walked in with his head high and with a sort of mighty aloof and scorn awaiting for others to greet him and not like a small boy so eager to go round and start bowing and smiling like first day on a job in a new Company.

    Anyway, the Best still the hilarious scenes of those Western Clowns Leaders who shown their hypocrises in greeting each other lovingly and patting each other on their.backs and same time poked their fingers at each other arseholes.

    Chinamen dont do such uncivilized behaviours in the Public Domain.

    They always behaved with dignity and no playing around.

    The ONE that topped the Western Circus is that damned Bidamn who went round looking lost looking for the loo and shaking hands with the air.

    Or is it he can see the Grime Reaper at his side and also wanted to shake hands with him?

    They said a dying person can see all these apparitions of these welcoming parties to greet that person as a dry run.

    Foolish Whites, they knew that he is alreday in this state of haullications and must provide a aide to guide him laj so as NOT to embrasss his Presidency.

    These insults NOT only to him but the Real Insults to the Nation that he represented as the United States of America aka United Scoundrols of Americunts.

    1. If you are in as a Manager starting work in a new Company, you also must behaved like a Manager lah.

      NOT to go around like a Clown and must behaved with dignity as a Manager lah.

      Let the Subordinates greet you lah and NOT the way round.

      Frankly, Sinkieland Managers majority sad to say behaved like schoolboys and girls.

  2. A banana is a living specimen of a colonised mind.

  3. Suddenly, the Anglo Saxon Whites from USA are telling the Africans that they need 'digital transformation' and the USA is giving them US$350 million for the whole of Africa to digitalise. What a sick joke!

    Suddenly, we hear that German companies are moving to Africa, after centuries of robbing the Africans of resources without improving their infrastructures. Now that China is building or had built infrastructures like railways, roads and airports, they suddenly thought of investing in Africa, to take advantage of those improvements taking shape. What a smart move!

    They said that Africa is actually very rich, but the Anglo Saxons already stole much of their wealth. Gold, diamonds, uranium, lithium, cobalt, and other important materials have been stolen over the centuries, from almost every country in Africa. And what did the Anglo Saxons left behind? A continent of immense poverty until China came in to help. When China was still immensely poor in the 60s, the help was mainly in food, which China really could ill afford themselves. After China's rise in recent times, the help included infrastructure developments, partnerships in extraction of minerals that benefits both sides, not unilaterally exploited by the Whites as in the past.

    The USA is said to be terrified of China's rising influence in Africa and they are talking of wanting to stand behind the Africans in development and improve their overall living conditions. Too little too late! China is already doing that. Moreover, most frican leaders today are well educated and able thinkers. Will they still fall into the Anglo Saxon traps of old, knowing what the USA and the West are still doing all around the world and creating conflicts? Africans, like Asians, want peace and are not going to invite the USA or the Whites to cause a power struggle in Africa once again to break up and destabilise the continent.

  4. When China talked to the African leaders, it would be about trade and what China could build and invest in Africa.

    When the Americans talked to the African leaders, like the recent summit called by Biden, it would be about smearing and demonising China and Russia and to sell them weaopons, hyping up China and Russia as the threats, the enemies of Africa.

    The Americans are insulting the African leaders, treating them like illiterate children, to be conned with a few lollipops.

  5. Well Virgo, they will start blaming China again. It is to be expected.

    China lockdown is to their liking. China opening up is not to their liking. They are very smart in exploiting the situation both ways.

    China must just do what it thinks is best for the country and not be dictated to going forward.

    The USA and its allies and poodles will always try to demonise China whichever way China conducts its business.

  6. Correction: 'China lockdown is 'not' to their liking'

    My apologies.

    Anon 12.04

  7. For the two years of lockdown in China, most Chinese are free of Covid. When China opens up, the Chinese would be very vulnerable as those already living with Covid would like to have been infected, and many are silent carriers of the virus, asymptomatic.

    The Chinese would be like a blank blotting paper, clean but easily infected. If they visit any country, they are likely to be infected, especially those living with Covid.

    Some idiots even suggested that Singapore should impose more stringent measures on Chinese visitors coming here. Can you believe that? The diseased afraid of those with no disease! The idiots think that the Chinese are coming out bringing along all kinds of viruse when the reality is that they are free from viruses.

    Luckily Singapore is not so stupid and did not impose any stupid criteria on them. The Chinese visitors should be the ones that should be worried. They had been shielded in a sanitised environment, in a cocoon, free of viruses. Now coming into an environment when virus is living with the people. The chances of them getting infected outside China is extremely high.
