
Elon Musk on a mission to unearth the worms and cockroaches

Do you really think 1 old fartbag was responsible for the clotshots? Their overlords are sitting quiet in the mountains of Sweden and Baden Baden Germany.

Courageous statement from Musk. By the way Dr Fauci is not the only in the boat that should be tried at the new Nurenburg trials. Now tho whole system, from the WHO Tedros from the UN, BILL GATES, THE ROCKERFELLER FOUNDATION, WALL STREET FIRMS BIG PHARMA, DARPA, THE FDA, THE CDC, THE CORRUT JOURNALISTS FOR THE MEDIA, THE POLITICIANS (Trump included not just Bided), THEMDs THE NURSES, THE HOSPITALS, THE PENTAGUN, ECO HEALTH ALLIANCE, THE NIH and YES ALSO THE WEF FROM DAVOS were in the conspiracy. Now if you go further down the rabbit hole you indeed find that Fauci was merely following an agenda well described in "Operation Lcckdown 2010'' (Rockerfeller Foundation) and late ''Event 201''(WEF Davos). By the way Fauci and others should be duly hanged like the Nazis were in Nurenburg.

The above two comments were in response to Elon Musk dig at Fauci in RT. 'Tesla and Twitter CEO, Elon Musk, triggered a social media firestorm on Sunday after suggesting that US Covid-19 czar Dr. Anthony Fauci should be investigated and prosecuted for allegedly lying under oath about the funding of research at a Wuhan lab in China.'

Before this, we have Edward Snowdon and Julian Assange pulling the rugs to expose what the world should know. Both have ruffled feathers at the wrong places, inviting a swarm of verocious snakes and insects coming for their lives. Both could have been proclaimed heroes of the highest order in the West and profusely acclaimed as the best human specimens if the exposure were against the enemies of the Americans and western world. But the targets of their exposures were the evil men and women in suits and strutting around as the angels and holy men and women, going around the world hammering and accusing everyone as Satans and devils. Both have paid a very heavy price for championing a cause that no one dares to talk about. They crashed into forbidden territories that no angels dared to tread.

The world would have thought that after the hellish persecution and ostracisation of these two brave men, after they were castigated and their lives turned into nightmares, no man would dare to repeat the same feat. Yes, no man would dare to, no ordinary man would dare to. It takes an extraordinary man of calibre like Elon Musk to take on the unfinished tasks started by Assange and Snowden, to shed light on the truths and to drag out the devils and witches, peal off their masks to see the evilness in them.

The look of a Nazi. Looks familiar? Photo credit to RT

Musk is exposing Fauci, he is shaking down Hunter Biden, he is in the face of Pelosi, to prevent them from slipping away under the protection of their dark masters. Musk has taken on Soros. Musk has taken on Klaus Schwab. Musk is on dangerous grounds. He knows it, the Deep State and the WEF would not let him off the hook so easily. Fauci was once fawned as the only reasonable and scientific voice in America when Covid19 first broke out. Why is he now seen as the real villian behind the pandemic?

To quote Derek Robertson, 'Elon Musk is "now existing in a world where there are no rules"' Now you know why he could be 'suicided'. Being one of the richest man in the world, Musk is risking everything he has, including his life, to take on the most powerful dark forces trying to take over the world. This has never happened before, unbelieveable that it is happening.

Would Musk triumph and stand tall as the real Superman in life?

Who is the real Elon Musk? He was blamed for letting Ukrainian forces used his satellites to kill Russian generals.

How can you prosecute a man who is being protected by FBI, CIA, NSA, Department of Justice and 50% of the Congress and Senate, who is going to prosecute him ? Santa Claus ?

Or is Musk the real Satan in disguise?

PS. WASHINGTON: The White House on Monday (Dec 12) condemned billionaire Elon Musk's call for Anthony Fauci, the US infectious disease expert who is a hate figure for many on the right, to be prosecuted over his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"These are incredibly dangerous, these personal attacks that we are seeing," said White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre, in response to the weekend tweet by Musk that subsequently went viral.

"They are disgusting and they are divorced from reality," she said.  CNA

The attack is silly and dangerous? What about the silly attacks on China about fabricated discrimination against the Muslims in Xinjiang and about human rights abuses daily by the Americans and western media? Not dangerous, not incredibly stupid? Are the lies not disgusting and divorced from reality?

What about the continued sanctions on Cuba when practically the whole of UN oppose it and want it removed?


Anonymous said...

Ong Ye Kung says ‘worry’ in Singapore is about ‘what kind of mutations may come out of China’ as the country opens up.

What a silly statement. China is more worried about the numerous mutations that would go into China than the other way round.

Anonymous said...

Elon Musk is on a mission to unearth the worms and cockroaches. However, the worms and cockroaches, used to employing their usual dirty and filthy habits, will be going all out to demonise and put him out of operation. Compare the adulations just a couple of years ago, when they were so proud of his achievements. Now he is the enemy to be destroyed, and the MSM is on board with the worms and cockroaches, orchestrating this mission. Musk's comment about being non sucidal is a clear sign of the fight he is engaging in.

That is the mode of operation of the USA. When they can make use of a country or person, they extract all the advantage, and when those victims have outlived their usefulness and failed to tow the line, they first dragged them over the coals and will throw them under the tanks. Just like Afghanistan earlier, and NATO right now. And that is a sober message for the Taiwanese.

And that mode of operation applies to China. China has and will become the perpetual bogeyman, together with Russia, for whatever ills befall the USA, that erupted ever since Trump became the President. There were already signs much earlier though, but things were still less provocative, with China still providing cheap consumer manufactures and USA printing fiat money, both happily exchanging the goodies for toilet papers. A win win situation the USA failed to appreciate. The USA is going to lose it all.

When China started the AIIB and commenced recycling the accumulated US$ toilet papers through the BRI projects and used them to fund infrastructures projects all over the world, that really rattles the USA. What appears as fiat money in the hands of other smaller countries, is a good opportunity for China to leverage on it's ability to recycle massive amounts of the accumulated US$ to gain soft power influence all over the world. The USA could not put a stop to it and started to engage in foul play. Like fabricating the debt trap and all those rhetorics of China engaging in Imperialistic designs that they themselves did before. It failed to register among the aid receipients of those funds for infrastructure developments.

Trump, in his efforts to curb the US$ surpluses flowing into China to fund all the above projects, ignited the confrontation, starting with his trade war, and followed by the demonisation of Huawei's 5G inroads into the West. Both failed to curb China's accumulation of trade surpluses, not even during the two years of COVID, and dent China's foray into using the surpluses to fund infrastructure projects overseas. And equally, Huawei also did not collapse.

Now Biden is trying to strangle China with his Chip Alliance, and Chinese chip manufacturers all over China are pulling together by taking up the challenge to be self reliant. It is all hands to the pump, with even foreign chip talents returning from overseas to help China overcome the odds. As in all other endeavours that China had been prevented from even participating, China went alone to find it's own way and have suceeded beyond expectation. The result is all inspiring for China. And the chip business is going to be another feather in China's cap in a couple of years time.

China makes long term plans, and does not just look no further than it's nose, and resort to desperate measures when things turn out otherwise. Nothing is done on the spur of the moment. Every move is calibrated and not plucked from the air, using whims and fancies of the moment.

Anonymous said...

hell minister Or U Tang once a while must make some noise from his ass..otherewise people do not know he is hard at work..haha

Anonymous said...

China must be very worried with the whole world infected by all kinds of mutations and being treated by fake vaccines that caused more dangerous mutations instead of attacking the virus. And many countries are living with the virus as their way of life.

China today has about 5,000 deaths compares to the 1m deaths in the USA. The number of Chinese death could be very high given that it has 1.4b people to infect.

Once China opens up, all the mutants would be rushing into China to infect the Chinese people there.

Virgo49 said...

Why last time when China lockdown, they with their imbeciles morons made so much noise that China should open up.

Now relac relac bro, they said China gonna spread all their mutants to all and sundry.

Lock Downs also kena demonised. Open up also demonized.

They took so much delights to see some imbecile PRCs protests.

All awaiting China to fall and crawl. Never realized that if China and Russia and North Korea were to fall, the UAssA and their cronies and lackeys will spilt and stamped over you idiots.

You think they will sayang you?

Anonymous said...

Actually those scoundrels and corrupted ones are all living in fears and even afraid of their own shadows.

Papers cannot cover fires.

Nowadays, all their secret dark corrupted dealings are NOT safe any longer.

Now we have lots of whistle blowers, hackers and those in the know of their dark secrets are revealing infra or info mations every now and then.

Disclosing their corrupt practises and also lining up their pockets.

They feared most the hackers who will leaked their crimes and nail them with nowhere to hide.

Wilkileaks, Dark Webs are exposing those with want to eat but do not know how to clean their mouths corruptions and side businesses.

Just like the Korean Chabos Slush Corruption Funds which don't understand why these idiots must kept records to kill themselves.

So many of their dark secrets will be revealed one way or the other.

These imbeciles only cunning in taking corrupted funds but are morons also to expose themselves with their birds brains.

Hunter Bidamn, with millions or billions in corruptions using his Father's influence as VP during that Blackie Osama, oops Obama time should have simply deposed his aiyo can buy one million of same lap tops.

Why send for repairs like that cheap skate Edison who exposed all his blue shows to the World?

So rich yet so stingy and send for repairs? Never even know that anyone can just simply download all your datas and infos?

Also supposed to be dark secrets and must be crushed to bits in the incinerator when spoilt.

Brainless morons!

Also now back to those who purchased all their Military Arsenals from the UAssA and also which ever countries.

They will usually cannot disclosed their figures and supposed to be Too Secrets.

So also Top Secrets that extra Funds goes into their Bahamas Accounts.

Like Matland Warships that never come and only Paper Ones!

Those Lobbyists and Purchasers and Defence Ministers are the Most Wealthy Ones.

All loved this Portfolio as ahem ahem where to find.

Now it's seemed that our Kampong Ayams that roamed our HDB estates and also everywhere now toned down their noises as one Sinkie threatened to slaughter and boil or fry them as Hainese White Chicken or Kentucky Chicken.

Don't know about our Hen who praised and admired and adored the Americunts so much

Dont know he hides or not or sekali suay suay mistaken also kena cooked.


Anonymous said...

When China lockdown tightly on COVID, they demonised China day in and day out like a broken record. When China decided to open up, they again start their usual nonsense of demonising, and will definitely resort to blaming China should a new mutation breaks out. Whatever way China turns, it is always the wrong move. Just wait and see.

Now, it looks like Singapore's Hell Minister has started the ball rolling, even before the referee has blown the whistle, trying to be seen as on the ball talking already about mutations. Of course he is still behind the MSM of the West. They already are singing a different song about China's opening up, but unsurprisingly still full of twisted vile and malice as can be expected.

And because China is opening up, they claimed that mass protest always succeeds in forcing Governments to comply. Unashamedly, why did Canada have to use emergency law to pin down trucker's protest, citing violence when non was ever committed? Unashamedly, why did Biden have to pass an executive order to prevent rail strikes in the USA? It looks like these 'Dictators' in hoods are even more draconian than China, and they had the cheek to condemn Chinese leaders as dictatorial.

Now, Little Britain is about to confront a strike organised by nurses, ambulance drivers and rail workers. Let us see how democratic Little Britains's leaders are, and how they will deal with it. If it follows Canada and USA by using the law, it shows that the Facist elites are out to destroy human rights and democracy.

Tan Sri Ah Beng said...

Wtf is Hell Minister? Health, my friend. Health! Now, try saying it slowly.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Many commenters tend to take liberty with the language and add/minus or 'mutate' words freely. Not possible to insist that everyone writes in perfect Queen's English. Even in my own articles I often made mistakes as well, but I try to minimise them.


Anonymous said...

Right RB. Thanks for your liberal attitude that not everything must be in perfect Queen's Enlish. Not even native English speakers can do that. No one is perfect and to err is human. Why be petty over small errors.

Anonymous said...

Is RB's blog now under PFOMA? LOL

Anonymous said...

This TanSri Banana Ah Beng been under the Mats for too long and had angkat and sucked their Balls wanted to show his Pariah TanSri Status which the Chinese Mats always spat at them as Lap Skunks to the Mats for special favours.

If NOT they cannot survive.

Traitors to their own kind.

Hello, Datuk Virgo49 here.

Aiyo, better look around see any Malaysian Mats Chinkees will split at me.

Anonymous said...

Tan Si (wtf Sri) Ah Beng is probably new here. 'Hell Minister' is already the well known lingua franca on this blog, that any old hand, like Datuk Virgo49 can relate to and understand the significance.

Hell, my friend. Hell! Now try saying it slowly.

Anonymous said...

When Sin was in Malaysia and they offered LKY also all these pompous meaningless Titles, He rejected them.

Saying Whats for all these titles when you are DUDs?

Also bribed the Sultans and had all these titles.

They can rescinded the titles when you are charged with criminal offences which many held all these titles are been taken back.

Anonymous said...

These titles are like our self professed natural aristocrats.