
Vote wisely and don't lose your pants


The idea is that one must not easily be taken in by the words of politicians. Ask yourself, are you better off or worse off. Do you want to lose your pants, lose your jobs, lose your homes, lose your country to foreigners?


  1. Woa, this blue shirt guy maciam like miw here. Vote wisely or be sori.

  2. Uncle smarter than most Singaporeans. All Singaporeans have been conditioned from birth to be kiasi and kiachenghu. Not enough of us have managed to free ourselves from the mental cage PAP has put us in. To be able to save ourselves and our country, we have to convince many more Singaporeans to step out of this cage.

  3. Most of the time these people wear all White! (not blue)

  4. Politicians promise the sun and the moon when they want your vote. After getting voted in, they forgot all their promises. That is the reality. Be wise and use your vote wisely.

  5. Anything that they promise that is too good to be true, it is not true. They call it a scam in real life. Why not in politics?

  6. It's too late. If Singapore backs out of CECA, the parasitic Modi BJP government will sue the tiny city state and the more than USD100 billion investments in India will be at risk of being swallowed up by the Indians. We are screwed real bad!

    1. Yes, Sinkies have been sold real badly. Unless the Temasick is able to divest from the more than $100 billions from Indian Land, there will be no way out.


  7. Losing shirt and pant is not a problem.
    when one runs out of food and shelter,
    the Suffering shall be
