
Evil Americans setting bad examples -China and Russia will return the favour

Russia should re-evaluate placing 'strategic' weapons in Cuba again, if the USA does the same in South Korea. South Korea is as near to Russia and China as Cuba is to the USA, and that is reason enough for Russia to adopt a tit for tat stance. So does China start doing it in USA's backyard ie the Central American countries.

What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. China has not yet talk about placing strategic weapons in Cental American countries, even after the US and UK have already decided to place nuclear submarines in Australia. Who is provoking the proliferation of nuclear weapons? Think about it!

Now that they cannot exert control over North Korea, they are trying to drag Russia and China into their evil plans to split their relationship. It will not work, since it is the USA's provocations that angered North Korea. Why must Russia and China rein in the aggrieved party? It makes no sense and works the same way as China's stand on Ukraine. They tried ways and means to drag China into the Ukraine conflict, attempting to split the Russian/Chinese alliance. That has failed.

The days of their total control of their narratives on MSM has been well countered on social media, and their influence has been marginalised, and they obviously cannot now control the truth being dispensed by alternative voices. Moreover, since the Iraq War, people are wary of MSM cooking up propaganda and fabricating evidence to advance the interest of the USA and the West.

It is very obvious that they are trying very hard to demonise such social media sites from dispensing the truth by closing down sites that espouse the truth that they could not handle. Either that or trying to force such sites out of business by de-monetising them to starve them of funding. It will not work either.

The USA and the West have failed on many fronts and are resorting to desperate means like trade wars, biological wars and technology wars which they do not even have the upper hand and need to pull in support from their allies like Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.

The Germans knew that and are pivoting East towards China. More Europeans will follow when the shit hits the fan this winter and what follows into 2023. The USA is not seen as trying to help the EU, but instead pushing them underwater, and taking advantage of their misery by selling energy to them at high prices and using printed fiat money to entice the EU's manufacturing to set up base in the USA. The USA can do that with fiat money printing that costs little and trying to de-industrialise the EU to benefit itself. Is this proof that being friends of the USA is fatal? Think about it too!

Compare the USA treatment of it's so called close allies to Russia's treatment of humanity by giving free grains to the poor countries in Africa. That is what a friend in need is for. Not one that takes all the benefit but give nothing in return even to allies. Think also about that!



  1. Incoming economic crisis:

    'Sometime in October, 2022, the national debt of the United States will blow through $31 Trillion. That’s a lot of zeros! To give some context on how exponential is this growing number: It took the USA 205 years to surpass $1 Trillion in total national debt on October 22, 1981; but it will only take 41 years to exponentially add another 30 Trillion!

    Note to all the anal-retentive persons out there: Nothing survives exponential growth.


    All 7 of the G7 nations (USA, Japan, Italy, France, Germany, UK, and Canada) are in the top 10 list of most indebted nations, as far total national debts are concerned.'

    One of the ways to understand what this “national debt to GDP” ratio means in layman terms is to use the “credit card to income” analogy. Let’s say that we have a credit card limit of $100,000 USD and our annual income is $50,000 USD. Because of hard times and all, we have maxed out our credit card and we owe $100,000 USD. Well, in our case then, the “credit card debt to income” ratio is 200%.

    Question: How long can we maintain our lifestyle if our “credit card debt to income” ratio is 200%?

    Answer: Not very long.

    'Six of the G7 nations (USA, UK, France, Germany, Japan, and Italy) are in the top 10 list of most indebted nations, as far total external debts are concerned. Canada is not far behind with an external debt totalling almost $1.9 Trillion. None of the BRICS nations are in this top 10 list.

    The significance of this data metric is that these debts are owed to foreigners. Therefore, the USA has over $25 Trillion of debts that are owed to foreign persons and nations.'

    'We are purposefully led like sheep by the mainstream and alternative media to believe that the most important job for the Central Banksters, like the US Federal Reserve System aka the Fed, is to save the Stock Markets or to fight inflation or to grow jobs or whatever.


    The Fed’s dharma or purpose of existence is to keep the Financial Ponzi Scheme of Debts going until it’s impossible to do so when everything blows up.'

    Link to article:


  2. So long as no one does what the BRICS is trying to do, which is de-dollarising, the USA can just continue to print money to prop up it's economy, stock market and housing market.

    That is what they claim is their robust economic growth, without productivity and producing nothing and only consuming what others produced in exchange for their fiat money. As long as this is allowed to continue, the fairy tale will never end, or so they think.

    But it is going to end sooner than later. Allies like Saudi Arabia and other Arab oil producers are not towing the US$ hegemony line any more. Oil will be sold in other currencies, bypassing the petrodollar as countries de-dollarise. The USA is thus nervous, paranoid and above all desperate.

    Remember that without Russia and China, there is really no one in this world, no country big or strong enough to take down the US$ hegemony. Just look at Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi for attempting it. So, the rest of the world must support and ensure that Russia and China come together to make this happen successfully.

    When that happens and the US$ hegemony ends, the USA will be worse off than some African countries like Zimbabwe. Jokes aside! At least Zimbabwe citizens will not suffer that much, being much used to such living in misery, but the citizens of the USA, used to years of free loading on cheap Chinese products and goods from other countries, will not be able to know how to live and survive in poverty. Then it could be said to be from first world to third. Not that there is much to admire about the USA being called a first world country today, not with people living in tents along the streets and people lining up at soup kitchens. Then there are those at the bottom holding two to three jobs to make ends meet. Their jobs market is also said to be robust. Hahaha.

    If Europe continues like this, being de-industralised by being denied cheap energy from Russia and industries hollowed out by the USA, on purpose, Europe will be in no better shape going forward. A warmer winter may alliviate energy demands for this year, but what about following years?

    It has been reported that there are scores of LNG carriers, fully loaded, waiting outside European waters waiting for LNG prices to escalate before discharging their exhorbitantly expensive cargo at European ports. Those are said to be worth at least US$2 billion, at inflated prices of course. Right now the Europeans already bought much overpriced LNG from the USA and have enough stockpiles to last the winter and have no spare capacity anyway to buy up those cargoes idling at sea, as traders are anticipating a further rise in price going forward.

  3. Crowds of people poured onto the streets of Rome on Saturday to call for peace in Ukraine. The demonstrators also demanded that the Italian government stop providing Kiev with weapons and engage with Russia diplomatically instead.

    The rally saw tens of thousands of people turn out, including members of labor unions and Catholic associations, students and a variety of other activists.

    They were carrying rainbow flags bearing the words “peace” and “non-violence.” Other slogans heard and seen during the demonstration included “Weapons down, wages up,” “Enough arms to Ukraine,” and “We don’t want war. No weapons, no sanctions. Where is diplomacy?”

    Former Italian prime minister and Five Star party leader Giuseppe Conte, who attended the rally, called into question the recently sworn-in government’s approach to conflict resolution in the Eastern European country.
