
European colonies of the American Empire pleading for more autonomy

 The European countries suddenly woke up and realised that they are but colonies of the American Empire. The Americans are not only telling them what to do, but cutting off their cheap oil and gas supplies from Russia and forcing them to buy from the Americans at 4 times the price of Russian oil and gas. How did Europe ended up as colonies of the American Empire without knowing it until it is too late/

The Americans wanted to fight a war with Russia but telling the European countries to contribute in the hundreds of millions in money, weapons and food to the war in Ukraine. During Trump's reign as POTUS, the European still could live by the make belief that they were independent and sovereign states and America should foot the bulk of the bill for their defence as it benefits the American Empire. Trump demanded that they should foot a bigger share for the defence of Europe but could hardly make a difference.

With the Ukraine War, Biden dictated to the European countries to contribute directly to the War. And the European could not refuse. The Empire dictates and European countries, the colonies of the Empire, just have to obey and pay up for the war. The Americans also forbid the European states from trading with Russia. The final straw was the blowing up of the gas pipeline to stop the European countries from getting cheap gas from Russia.

The Americans are now sitting on the European countries, deciding on the fate of their economies and their lives in this cold winter. The Americans are telling the European colonies who they can trade with and who they cannot trade with. The European states are now in a situation that they are worse off than an American state. They are American colonies, no longer independent sovereign states.

So they are now pleading for more autonomy to run their countries. Under American democracy, the European colonies do not have the freedom of choice to run their own countries and economies. Would pleading to the Americans for more freedom of choice work? Would the European colonies break free from the American Empire?

This is the fate of all American allies. The American Empire calls the shot. Poor Japan and South Korea have been living under this guise, thinking they are independent states but actually colonies of the American Empire.

The Americans are trying to expand NATO to East and South East Asia. Asean is slowly slipping into the embrace of the American Empire without having a clue how it is happening. Soon they would be just as free as the Japanese and South Koreans, and the Europeans, as colonies of the American Empire. India is also losing its independence by becoming gang members of the QUAD, to take orders from the Americans.


  1. Biden is saying the USA will manage it's competition with China. He is talking rubbish.

    What the USA means by managing competition is by stifling real competition, by keeping others down, so they can remain on top by erecting sanctions, blackmailing of allies to stop them from engaging with China, rallying allies to form alliances to prevent China access to technology in a free global trading environment. They must start to realise that anything man made can be overcome in time. Countries have different strengths in different areas, and letting them compete freely is the best way for the world to move forward.

    Now the USA knows that containing China's development and rise is an exercise in futility. They took their eyes off China and Russia, to concentrate on starting wars in the Middle East, instigate regime changes, fight terrorism which they spawned and even sponsored like the Neo-Nazis in Ukraine, and creating tensions with North Korea, Iran and Venzuela. What have they achieved?

    Real competition is taking up the challenge when opponents try to be better, and is the impetus for innovation and inventions. Who can do better is the motive, not who can stifle opponents to prevent them from improving the overall playing field.

    Japan and Germany were at the receiving end of such stifling treatement and were never able to rise above their real potential. What a pity for the rest of mankind. Japan will continue to stagnate for decades to come, while Germany is realising it's fate is going to mirror that of Japan.

  2. Can you imagine what can be achieved if German innovation and technological knowhow combine with Chinese innovation and technological knowhow and abundant Chinese labour and a huge Chinese market?

    Germany would sit on the shoulders of China and become the greatest and richest country on earth.

    The alternative, to be bullied by the Americans, to be oppressed by the Americans, to be contained, impoverished and become a colony of the Americans.

  3. The USA wants to clamp down India before it rises into a world power. It cannot afford India the opportunity to follow the footsteps of China and destroy their global hegemony. Of course, that is still to be seen whether the US$ hegemony can last before India takes off.

  4. India is a member of the QUAD and also a founding member of the BRICS. How is that going to play out is a mystery.

    The QUAD is being used by the USA to counter China. The BRICS intention is to marginalise the US$ hegemony, of which China is also a founding member. Think about that!

    Which side of the fence is the Trojan Horse going to be placed?

  5. A two-headed snake can bite either way . .

  6. The USA sold their invasion of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria as 'Liberation' of those countries, and the doggies swallowed that lock, stock and barrel.

    Russia's liberation of the Russian speaking people in the Donbas region, following the genocide attempt by the Ukrainians, was termed an 'invasion' by Russia and again the doggies swallowed that.

    Take good note of the propaganda being churned out, clear and simple.

    Even Channel News America follows the trend religiously when reporting on the war. Splashed across the screen are the words 'Invasion of Ukraine' every hour, day and night.


  7. I believe a member of Asean maybe at odd with the Organization itself.
