
Covid19 - Trying to make sense of Duke NUS Medical School report

A study conducted by the Duke-NUS Medical School has shown that inactivated virus vaccines such as Sinopharm and Sinovac may also work in preventing severe Covid.

This suggests that a combination of this type of vaccine with mRNA vaccines may work better than using only one type.

Sinovac and Sinopharm have been considered by some to not be as effective as mRNA vaccines since they induce a lower antibody response. However, the new study shows that Sinopharm and Sinovac trigger different T-cell responses in fighting Covid, The Straits Times reported on Monday (Nov 14).

With mRNA vaccines, a part of the coronavirus’ genetic code is injected into a person’s body. This activates the production of viral proteins, but not the whole virus, in order to train the immune system to attack.

On the other hand, Sinovac and Sinopharm, which are examples of inactivated vaccines, use dead viral particles in order to expose immune systems to the virus without the risk of serious disease.

mRNA vaccines, such as the ones from Pfizer and Moderna, induce T-cells, which target the coronavirus’ spike protein.

But inactivated vaccines cause a broader immune response against various proteins of the coronavirus.

Therefore, says Anthony Tanoto Tan, a senior research fellow with the Duke-NUS’ Emerging Infectious Diseases programme, vaccines such as Sinovac and Sinopharm may not be as effective in preventing infection, but they may be key in preventing serious diseases from developing. Dr Tan is the study’s senior co-author.

mRNA vaccines were shown to produce more antibodies compared to inactivated vaccines. But with new variants that successfully evade the antibody response, “This means that maybe we should stop thinking about preventing infection, and we should start thinking about (how) vaccines (can prevent) severe disease,” ST quotes Dr Tan as saying.

The above is reported in theindependent.sg.  I have highlighted some points in bold for discussion. The first two sentence suggested that because inactivated virus vaccines can prevent severe Covid therefore  combining it with mRNA vaccine would work better. I can't find the correlation why adding mRNA vaccine would make it better. How did he come to this finding? Also, would mRNA vaccine destroy the user's natural immune system? Personally I am very happy with Sinopharm and has yet to be infected. I would never touch mRNA vaccines after reading so many adverse reports and the high risk of destroying a person's own immune system. Thank you very much mRNA.

The second point is that inactivated virus vaccines treat the virus as a whole while mRNA vaccines only deal with the spike proteins. This in simple term is that inactivated virus vaccines will deal with all the different types of virus regardless of the number of spike proteins. This is more generic. In the case of mRNA vaccines, it is like dealing only with the spike proteins and not the virus, and dealing with each spike protein separately. So every spike protein that is different would render it useless. That speaks for the need for ever growing number of types of mRNA vaccines as the virus mutates all time to produce new spike proteins. In other words, the mRNA vaccine is obsolete every time a new mutation is discovered. Damn good for the pharmaceutical companies to make more and more new mRNA vaccines and more money.

mRNA vaccines produce more antibodies. This is expected as the messenger will make the body produce more and more spike proteins and the body responded by producing more and more antibodies. In the inactivated virus vaccines, the number of dead virus is finite and the body just need to produce a finite number of antibodies to get rid of the inactivated virus. Nothing more, nothing less. So, does the production of more antibodies means more effective? Don't really think so in these cases.

Next point, new variants would evade the antibody response. Of course, as the body was made to respond only to the specific spike protein and not new variant spike protein. This failure in mRNA vaccines in preventing infection should not simply be wished away and say better to think about how it can prevent severe disease. This is not tackling the purpose of the vaccine. A vaccine is to prevent infection. If it cannot prevent infection, it is not a vaccine. It cannot be labelled as vaccine. Period.

After all the hooha, I still think inactivated virus vaccines that treat the virus as a whole are a much better choice.

What do you think?

PS. Silly Australia and Japan are still using the ineffective mRNA vaccines and as expected, the infection rate is still exploding. Australia now has more than 100,000 daily cases, Japan more than 50,000 cases with South Korea closely behind. Why are these stupid govts trying to prove to stubbornly injecting their people with an ineffective vaccine that has been reported to have many adverse reactions including DNA alteration and destruction of natural immune system?


  1. This expert are just doing what the papies want them to do..to protect the so call mRna vaccine..as remember, the husband & wife tag team have shares in it..haha

  2. "...vaccines such as Sinovac and Sinopharm may not be as effective in preventing infection..."

    So does it mean that Pfizer and Moderna were more "effective" in preventing infection when data shows that in SG more than 90 percent were primarily vaccinated with mRNA, and still 8 out of 10 were infected? The antibodies and the T cells findings are Old News, it was already reported by the HK University research team in the beginning, but everyone was only focused on "antibodies".

  3. Why isn't anyone talking about Vaccine injuries? Does SG have a different set of vaccines from the rest of the world?


  4. https://rumble.com/v1ou32r-all-things-vaccine-october-17-kjozborne-reupload-must-see.html

    very clear explanation of the body immune system @1:20

  5. sorry it is @1:20:!0

  6. mRNA was touted as more than 96% effective in preventing infection at the start. It was a lie. The collective West and USA were all using the mRNA vaccines, and those countries are the worst affected in terms of infections and deaths.

    How could they co-relate all these facts against the lies they were spreading. Does that not already prove anything wrong about the mRNA vaccines?

    And does the low infection and deaths in China using Sinovac and Sinopharm vaccine also not prove anything?

    Just goes to show how successful propaganda can work on minds that are conditioned to believe in fabrication instead of facts.

  7. There was no need for any Vaccine period!


    Singapore COVID-19 study: Vitamin B12, D and magnesium supplementation reduces severity in older patients

    The study conducted by researchers at the Singapore General Hospital and Duke-NUS Medical School reported that patients who received DMB had a significant reduction of clinical deterioration compared to patients without DMB. Clinical deterioration was recognised as requiring oxygen support and intensive care support.

    Researchers pointed out that many of the current therapeutic efforts were targeted at viral elimination instead of pre-emptively modulating hyper-inflammation.

    They explained: “Covid-19 is a multi-organ phenomenon and it is becoming evident that appropriate systemic inflammatory control is necessary for overall survival benefit​.”

    They added that immunomodulatory agents like vitamin D had a protective effect against respiratory tract infection, magnesium enhanced vitamin D function, while vitamin B12 was an important modulator of gut microbiota. Researchers remarked that DMB was thus an attractive alternate strategy before an effective vaccine comes along.

    The finding of this pre-print was published on medRxiv.

  8. https://www.sgh.com.sg/news/tomorrows-medicine/vitamin-d-may-help-in-covid-19-fight-studies-show

    Vitamin D May Help In Covid-19 Fight, Studies Show
    15 Sept 2020| Tomorrow's Medicine, The Straits Times

    Multiple studies suggest that having adequate amounts of vitamin D may play a role in helping people stave off or combat the coronavirus, although the jury is still out on whether the results are conclusive or why this is so.

    Commonly known as the "sunshine vitamin", vitamin D, which is known for its immune-boosting function, is mainly made in the skin when it is exposed to the ultraviolet B rays of the sun. It can also be obtained from other sources such as eggs, liver and oily fish.

    At least one overseas study has associated vitamin D deficiency with a higher risk of Covid-19.

    Published in medical journal JAMA Network Open on Sept 3, the study observed 489 patients from the University of Chicago Medicine health system, about a third of whom had vitamin D deficiency.

    Patients with vitamin D deficiency and who were not given treatment for it were 1.77 times more likely to test positive for Covid-19 than those who were not.

    The study also noted that other research had found that Covid-19 was less prevalent in groups that had lower rates of vitamin D deficiency.

    Lockdowns and other measures to reduce the spread of Covid-19 could also decrease exposure to the sun, the researchers pointed out.

    They added: "The low costs of vitamin D and its general safety... support arguments for population-level supplementation, perhaps for targeting groups at high risk for vitamin D deficiency and/or Covid-19."

    A similar call was made in medical journal The Lancet on Aug 3 by researchers from the University of Cambridge and the Queen Mary University of London.

    Citing several other studies on the subject, as well as vitamin D's ability to protect against other acute respiratory infections, the researchers called for more trials to investigate whether the vitamin could help reduce the severity of Covid-19.

    They also suggested increasing efforts to ensure members of the public have sufficient vitamin D.

    "There is a chance that (such efforts) might also reduce the impact of Covid-19 in populations where vitamin D deficiency is prevalent; there is nothing to lose from their implementation, and potentially much to gain," they wrote.

    Closer to home, another study analysed 43 Covid-19 patients aged 50 and above at Singapore General Hospital.

    Published in the science journal Nutrition last week, it found that treating such patients with a combination of vitamin D, magnesium and vitamin B12 was associated with a "significant reduction" in the number of those who went on to require oxygen support or admission to intensive care.

  9. Vitamin D deficiency was long proven to be the cause of death in COVID19 infections. But this discovery was never allowed to be accepted, which will render vaccines unnecessary. Even Fauci was alerted aware of this, but he turned a blind eye.

    In any case, and in any other outbreak of deseases, the objective of vaccines was to prevent infection. But the COVID19 mRNA vaccine did not prevent infection and did not do it's job. It was just a money making and well fabricated propaganda of 'epidemic proportion' itself.

  10. Those with a vested interest had decided to ban proven and effective,
    inexpensive medication for 2 reasons:
    1) these are not profitable
    2) to promote and justify the need for vaccines


  11. Mad hatter thinks there is a third time lucky. Second time, he himself said he never expected to win. Third time no such thing.


  12. It is best just to deny the PAP the Majority Winner in the Next
    Sin General Election.
    The PAP has the Duty to clean up the Mess They have Made and Accumulated over the Last Many Years.
    Unless there is a party able to make the PAP accountable for the Blunder and any other Mistakes, it is best just to deny the PAP to have a majority victory.

    Another 20 to 30
    Opposition Party Candidates in the Parliament would be ideal.

  13. https://www.srf.ch/news/schweiz/folgen-der-covid-impfung-darum-geht-es-bei-der-strafanzeige-gegen-swissmedic

    Consequences of the Covid vaccination?

    That is what the criminal complaint against Swissmedic is about
    Updated on Tuesday 15-11-2022 03:29

    That's what it's all about: On July 14, 2022, a lawyer submitted a 300-page criminal complaint to the responsible cantonal public prosecutor's office on behalf of six people allegedly injured by mRNA vaccinations. It is directed against three representatives of the Swiss licensing and supervisory authority for medicinal products and medical devices (Swissmedic) and five vaccinating doctors from the Inselspital in Bern. A criminal investigation is to be opened against them. The lawyer has now gone public with a media conference.

    These are the plaintiffs: The lawyer for those affected, Philipp Kruse, is a declared opponent of vaccination and Covid measures. He represented people who refused to wear masks or parents who didn't want their children to take part in pool tests. Doctors who were noticed as corona skeptics also appeared at the media conference.

    This is what the indictment says: The defendants are accused of violating basic drug law due diligence by allowing and administering the Covid 19 vaccination. There are a number of other charges listed, including intentional or possibly negligent bodily harm, endangering life, killing and abortion.

    The conclusion of the plaintiffs: "In this case we are dealing with the largest violation of human health caused by drugs and which has already occurred, which has ever existed in Switzerland."

    These are the alleged damages: According to lawyer Kruse, the damages range from circular hair loss, derailment of the menstrual cycle to polyarthritis, muscle weakness and chronic exhaustion to the death of a 20-year-old person. Some of the six victims listed are still unable to work. The connection to the Covid 19 vaccination was confirmed by experts in five cases. In the case of the deceased, the causal connection must be proven on the basis of pathological examinations. However, these investigations are not yet complete.

    One affected person says:For reasons of privacy protection, the criminal complaint does not contain any personal names. However, SRF was able to talk to someone affected. Thi Mai-Trang Jost sees himself as a vaccination victim, the 45-year-old is now in a wheelchair. She complains that she has to bear severe consequences from the vaccination: "I used to be alive, I could hike, paint. I need help today." She can no longer walk or stand properly, has swollen joints and the whole body hurts. The clerk now works from home and receives support from Spitex. You experience a lot of understanding from the employer and support in the family: "But I want my old life back." When asked about the criminal complaint, Jost says her goal is for Swissmedic to take responsibility. She accuses the authorities that she knowingly put people in this situation. Swissmedic also provided too little information.

    That's what Swissmedic says: Nothing. One does not want to comment on an ongoing process. The Federal Office of Public Health and the Federal Vaccination Commission also do not want to comment.

    This is how it goes: According to the plaintiffs, the cantonal public prosecutor called has already opened proceedings against the still unknown vaccinating doctors.
