
Covid19 - Criminal cases against Swissmedic



Consequences of the Covid vaccination?

That is what the criminal complaint against Swissmedic is about
Updated on Tuesday 15-11-2022 03:29

That's what it's all about: On July 14, 2022, a lawyer submitted a 300-page criminal complaint to the responsible cantonal public prosecutor's office on behalf of six people allegedly injured by mRNA vaccinations. It is directed against three representatives of the Swiss licensing and supervisory authority for medicinal products and medical devices (Swissmedic) and five vaccinating doctors from the Inselspital in Bern. A criminal investigation is to be opened against them. The lawyer has now gone public with a media conference.

These are the plaintiffs: The lawyer for those affected, Philipp Kruse, is a declared opponent of vaccination and Covid measures. He represented people who refused to wear masks or parents who didn't want their children to take part in pool tests. Doctors who were noticed as corona skeptics also appeared at the media conference.

This is what the indictment says: The defendants are accused of violating basic drug law due diligence by allowing and administering the Covid 19 vaccination. There are a number of other charges listed, including intentional or possibly negligent bodily harm, endangering life, killing and abortion.

The conclusion of the plaintiffs: "In this case we are dealing with the largest violation of human health caused by drugs and which has already occurred, which has ever existed in Switzerland."

These are the alleged damages: According to lawyer Kruse, the damages range from circular hair loss, derailment of the menstrual cycle to polyarthritis, muscle weakness and chronic exhaustion to the death of a 20-year-old person. Some of the six victims listed are still unable to work. The connection to the Covid 19 vaccination was confirmed by experts in five cases. In the case of the deceased, the causal connection must be proven on the basis of pathological examinations. However, these investigations are not yet complete.

One affected person says:For reasons of privacy protection, the criminal complaint does not contain any personal names. However, SRF was able to talk to someone affected. Thi Mai-Trang Jost sees himself as a vaccination victim, the 45-year-old is now in a wheelchair. She complains that she has to bear severe consequences from the vaccination: "I used to be alive, I could hike, paint. I need help today." She can no longer walk or stand properly, has swollen joints and the whole body hurts. The clerk now works from home and receives support from Spitex. You experience a lot of understanding from the employer and support in the family: "But I want my old life back." When asked about the criminal complaint, Jost says her goal is for Swissmedic to take responsibility. She accuses the authorities that she knowingly put people in this situation. Swissmedic also provided too little information.

That's what Swissmedic says: Nothing. One does not want to comment on an ongoing process. The Federal Office of Public Health and the Federal Vaccination Commission also do not want to comment.

This is how it goes: According to the plaintiffs, the cantonal public prosecutor called has already opened proceedings against the still unknown vaccinating doctors. 


  1. Swiss Doctor Locked Away in Mental Asylum for Speaking Against COVID Laws

    Dr. Thomas Binder is a Swiss cardiologist with over 34 years of experience in treating respiratory infections. He received a doctorate in immunology and virology, specializing in internal medicine and cardiology, from the University of Zurich. Binder is an intelligent man who was deemed insane by the Swiss government for speaking out against COVID regulations.

    Dr. Binder has been an outspoken critic of COVID restrictions since the beginning of the pandemic. On April 9, 2020, the cardiologist criticized the government’s response to COVID and provided his own analysis of the virus. He posted his thoughts on his private website, and the post received over 20,000 views.

    Three days later, a day before Easter, 60 armed police officers and 20 members of the Kantonspolizei Aargau’s anti-terrorism unit forcibly removed Dr. Binder from his home. Authorities searched through the doctor’s online activity and could not find anything to use against him. However, an emergency room doctor who was working with the authorities arrived and diagnosed Dr. Binder with “corona insanity.” He was locked away in a mental asylum for questioning the COVID narrative.

    Yet, he refuses to be silenced. He is now a member of the Doctors for COVID Ethics and the German Physicians and Scientists for Health, Freedom, and Democracy. I applaud him for still speaking against coronavirus mandates despite the government’s pitiful attempt to silence him.

  2. Who is the sane one and who is the insane one?

    Is this an abuse of the law, a violation of human rights?

    The world is getting very dangerous when right and wrong are questionable.

    How this be? How can this be happening in so called democracies? The democracies looked more like dictatorships, authoritarian regimes.
