
Ukraine - Let us wait for winter.

 Winter was Russia's weapon in the defeat of Hitler. Winter in 2022 will yet be playing a significant role favouring Russia against the EU vis a vis NATO.

This time, winter in the EU is not going to be a season of good tidings as in the past, and will bring the EU to it's knees first. That is just the beginning. The cut in oil production orchestrated by OPEC+ will put the final nail in the coffin for the EU with EU competiveness in dire jeopardy. The EU, and particularly Germany and France, have prospered for decades with cheap Russian oil and gas. That is going to end.

Germany, sliding into de-industrialisation, will see the disintigration of the EU and NATO, as some countries in the EU, ie the PIGS, were and are still economically dependant on Germany's bailout measures. The end of the EU and with it NATO, will leave the USA without strong allies to support it's agenda and no strong backing at the UN. Right now, against Russia and China, the USA had strong EU support and if that falters or become non existent, the USA will have to go solo. Alone against Russia and China it remains a tall order for the USA. Right now, dealing with North Korea is already a hot potato to handle for the USA.

Presently, OPEC+ is moving beyond the control of the USA and the price of oil is now not up to the dictate of the USA alone. The USA is calling for capping the price of oil, and OPEC+ is making sure it does not happen as OPEC+ countries wants the price of oil to remain high and good profitability to follow. That is bad news for the USA.

If the USA were to call for sanctions against the Middle Eastern producers, particularly Saudi Arabia, that is going to push the Saudis and other OPEC+ countries faster into selling oil in Yuan or other currencies and dumping the US$. That literally is the beginning of the end of the US$ hegemony.



  1. Even without winter, Europe is already floudering under the shortage of energy.

    The problem is that Europe followed the USA's dictate blindfolded. They basically had no plans on hand, as to how to cope with the shortage of gas. They just swallowed the USA's conman tactics, thinking that the USA will honour their pledge to supply them gas. The USA did supply them, but they did not count on the USA selling them gas at exhorbitant prices. The took the bait, line hook and sinker, and now are in a fix.

    Going back to Russia is backtracking and a shameful loss of face for the EU. Moreover, that will antangonise the Satanic State.

    There are now countries in the EU colluding in a seperate alternative grouping - The European Political Community (EPC). Most conspicuous was the exlusion of Russia and Belarus. Equally telling was that the USA is not involved unlike NATO. However, the UK will be part of this grouping and some parties have raised concern that this in effect is letting the USA in via the back door. Let us see.

  2. With UK in the EPC, the USA will slowly worm itself in, first as observer, proposed by the UK. Take that as a certainty.

  3. We are seeing the hollowing out of Europe's economic power.

    Winter and energy shortage will bring Europe to it's knees. It does follow the warning of Henry Kissinger who said - "To be an enemy of the USA is dangerous, to be a friend is fatal". Europe is proving Kissinger's warning to be prophetic.

  4. Europe is like sheep being led to the slaughter by the Americans, and sheepishly moving along, with no resistance, no protest, unable to protest, behaving alike all the American stooges.

    Or is it that Europe is doing it on the ground of principles? Die or got destroyed, looking stupid, sounding stupid, never mind?


  5. The US is apparently fearful of North Korea.
    It started with Ex US President Trump, who tried to cosy up with Kim Jong En with little success.

  6. Was the world getting destroyed by North Korea going nuclear unfolding? Definitely not. The USA fabricated that fear and sold it to the rest of the world. Now the USA is fabricating the fear of China in it's playbook and selling it to the rest of the world. But it is not working and they are inventing all sorts of malicious propaganda, hoping to change world opinion.

    They even went the to extent of fabricating a coup in China and that Xi is under house arrest. Well, Xi is in his third term as President of China, alive and well. And Putin's health was also the subject of malicious Western Propaganda. Yet, he is still alive. Compare that to the dementia tainted Biden, whose mind is already gone. Biden may not even last his first term.

    In fact, the world's greatest fear is the USA stoking for a nuclear war. That is the most dangerous thing that a country can do. The USA is the greatest danger to world peace, democracy and human rights.

  7. Super cold winter for the Europeans?

    No problem! Just come to hot-weather Singapore !
