
True news - Read the alternative media, not the main media

After a nuclear strike, it will be civil disaster, if they survive that is. I think surviving in the aftermath of a nuclear strike would be worse than just getting turned into ashes, which is immediate. It will be the end of mankind, of whatever colour. Nuclear bombs have no conscience, only targets and annihilation.

Now, when the USA nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they even choose cities with large population. They also calculated how high to detonate the bomb to cause maximum damage. They knew that detonating the bomb at ground level will cause less damage. Isn't that a war crime, targeting cities and civilians? Yet, now the hypocrites are talking about Russia targeting Kyiv and civilians and shouting - war crime, war crime. Spare us the agony!

The hypocritism is killing those who know, fooling those who are blind, and using world bodies like the UN, ICC, Human Rights to shout for them for better effect. When people can get information from the internet, all that fakery is not going to fool the world nowadays.

Just like keeping their own citizens ignorant of what China looks like today and still selling the hubris of an underdeveloped and poverty stricken China. Those who had the opportunity to visit China today, were shocked when they compared facilities like airports, railway stations, high speed trains in USA and China. That is just what they see, and what is not seen is the advancements in the military, technological field, and manufacturing acumen, which will jolt them out of their pants. Just one Huawei already makes them nervous and paranoid that they have to call out their stooges to target Huawei.

So, from the standpoint of the rest of the world in Latin America, Africa, Middle East, Central Asia, all that fabrication of the China threat is not gaining any ground for the USA and the West. They are losing support in every corner of the world, save for Europe. But Europe is also turning away, trying to get rid of Nato, and by extension trying to get rid of the shackles of the USA in Nato. People in France are already protesting for France to get out of Nato, that have brought them nothing but trouble.

Good riddance if they can succeed. 

Recommended sites, George Galloway's MOAT, Natalie and Clayton Morris' Redacted, Democracy Now, speakers like Prof Jeffrey Sachs, Socialist Vijay Prashad, Kim Iversen, Yonden Lhatoo, Cyrus Janssen etc etc for good alternative news that tell the truth and question the fake news and disinformation.


  1. Yes now with china election over the wrdyern press is busy demonising china and xi that china in one man show very dangerous and china will fail

  2. Western press...


  3. Other outstanding sites that tell the truths are as follows:

    1. New Eastern Outlook - ( NEO )

    2. Strrategic Culture Foundation

    3. Counterpunch.org

    4. Global Times

    5. Godfree Roberts

    6. Press TV

    7. Sara Flounders

    8. Russia Insider

    9. China Daily

    10. 4th Media

    Please do copy and forward all articles that tell the truths on world affairs to as many people as possible to counter the lies, misinformation, disinformation and toxic propaganda of the evil Anglo-Saxon countries US, UK and the West. Let all friends and relatives know of the above cyber sites that tell the truths.

    All the best from,
    Monday, 24th October, 2022

  4. I would also like to recommend 'PTE Geopolitics 'World Gone Crazy' video site on Youtube. This is a targeted site that may not last, but AJ, the host has other platforms just in case. This site is generally about UK news as he is based in UK, but sometimes also touched on China and Europe issues as well.

    Another site is 'The New Atlas' that targeted news mainly on Euroasia geopolitic issues and more technical analysis on the Ukraine war. The host is Brian Berletic, based in Bangkok, an ex USA Marine Corps Geopolitical researcher. So he should know what he is talking about.

    'Jimmy Dore Show' is supposed to be a comedic site, but all his talking points are culled from real reports from MSM websites (reputable or not) and given a real critical look, warts and all. Jimmy Dore's topics are mainly about the USA's domesitc political issues.

    And last but not least is Alexander Mercouris. Too labourious sometimes and repetitive, but nevertheless worth a look.
