
Singaporeans in despair, sold out and being replaced by foreigners

Below article is from TRE. I just have to repost this in full here to show how pathetic and hapless Singaporeans have become in getting a decent job in their home country. Kenneth Tan still affectionately called it his motherland without knowing that it is the playground of foreigners. The foreigners have taken over many industries, including human resource, to sit in interview boards to decide who they want to hire, with a penchance to hire their own kinds over Singaporeans. And no Singaporeans seem to know that this is happening or did not want to know.  Everything is fine, so fine. Everyone is so happy about this state of affair. If anyone were to complain, he would look so ridiculous, so out of this world. And you know who they would vote to be the next govt in the next GE to continue with this sorry state of affair? 

9 Years – Never Find A Single Interview Or Job Through Mycareers future

After spending many years in China working for MNC for Asia Pacific, decided to heed Singapore govt advice to head back to Singapore to help our country move forward. I read all the growth and abundance of opportunities by our MSM, promoting that our country is in need of talents and there were many vacancies available that Singapore could not find people to fill up. Believing after spending so many years plying trade in China, setting up head office and working throughout Asia Pacific region, my skills would be highly sought after, I left China without a job.

Arriving home, my motherland after many years abroad, I was happy to be back having local food like nasi lemak, mee rebus and carrot cake that I missed a lot in China. Started applying for equivalent jobs in Singapore in 2013, did not get many interviews that I anticipated. I thought all the news promoting vacancies in abundance were real but reality was interviews were few and rare after sending few hundred of CVs. When I had interviews, it was always global talent from India and one was from Philippines. They were either PRs or new citizens. The shocking feedback I got from some of these interviews that my experience was not good enough or my English wasn’t good. I checked on their linkedin profiles and found they were some middle or low level PMETs in their third world homes but in Singapore, they some how managed to get quick promotions to senior management. And the most ironic of all is that the person who said my English wasn’t perfect was speaking with some strange South Asian accent that I had hard time trying to decipher the exact words he was trying to express. But during that time, the govt did say these global talents spoke better English than local. I decided to lower my expectations and applied for lower level jobs but however the outcome was similar.

I went to NTUC and WSG events, the shocking truth was I found many senior PMETs made redundant by retrenchment or forced out by foreign born politicking. Some had even not found any job after a decade!! And from the ground, I discovered that these events were organise largely to advise local PMETs to downgrade to menial jobs like security guards or self employed. So I decided to stop going to these events. I applied for every single positions on CareersFuture portal, few thousands through the years and never got an interview or even reply. I concluded it is for show or wayang to hook wind locals that the govt is offering help just like WSG/NTUC Work Fair. The worst part is I discovered a lot of local born PMETs hire foreign PMETs instead of locals. This is why the PAPPY has been able to divide and conquer because local born are not unite. In the end, I gave up using WSG/NTUC and CareersFuture,I also stop looking for jobs locally.

What did I do? I decided to go approach the companies in US/Europe directly. It seems that it works better than the wayang careerfuture/ntuc/wsg. Some of the interviewers commented that they know Singapore PMETs are generally good quality and hard workers, they do not understand why our govt is preferring third world quality
instead! This does not come from me, it came from the people in US/Europe.

I am not sure how many local PMETs still believe in these local wayangs about helping locals. If the vacancies are in abundance, how come so many thousands of ex PMETs driving PHV and doing food deliveries? Secondly, unemployment is freaking high until they changed KPI that any part time job of 1 hour is now considered employed! If employment is so good, why are so many people complaining? Why need to set up all these wayangs? And the sole reason to why there is no break down in local born or foreign born stats as more and more foreign born are now included as PRs and new citizens. Actually many global talents who live here for years start to see their future and many have gotten the red passports and applied to move to US/CAN/AUS. They do not want to suffer the same fate like local PMETs.

My suggestion to local PMETs is if you are young, think about moving out of Singapore just like Hong Kong PMETs moving out of HK. It is painful but it is better for you and future generation. Unless you don’t mind being a security guard after 30s (locals are losing their jobs much earlier since the non stop of massive import of global talents will displace more and more local PMETS).

Don’t be misled by the MSM or the marketing or the heavy brainwashing propaganda that you need to retrain/downgrade and accept your fate.

Kenneth Tan

PS. Singaporeans cannot blame anyone except themselves. It is their own doing. Once the best and well educated workers in Asia, now being despised by third world fake talents with fake degrees from fake universities or at best third rate universities. And Singaporeans are not fighting back, accepting the disparaging remarks and comments from third world craps as if it is the truth, no talent, no experience, no skilles, they are no good, third world craps are the talents, better trained and more talented than them. And the mantra is to take in more and more foreigners.

Can you believe that?


  1. The India diaspora are helping each other . . .

  2. The whole government is all out to recruit top talents. This was the message and still is the message.

    But this time round they added more carrots for those who can command more than $30,000 per month.

    Actually, this is nothing new. It's just old package in new packaging, with a few more added advantages to go along.

    When you have a Man-without-Power sitting at the helm telling you about priorities going to foreign talents, you can do nothing to reverse the trend.

    You have either to quietly accept your fate, or to kpkb a few more times openly...but in the end, the result will still be the same.

  3. Vote wisely was the call. But the voters just ignored it, content on just picking up the chicken wings and lollipops thrown at them, and hoping for more of it in future. How can the situation ever change I wonder?

  4. The situation can change if more and more true blue Singaporeans realized they've been screwed by the millions$-paid policy makers.


  5. Sinkies rich or poor shall be in deep trouble within the Next 2 Decades or earlier.
    I do not see Sin faring any better than now in which Sin is sliding down the Slippery Slope.
    No one will be able to stop the Fall, it is destined.
    Like to say to my Fellow Sinkies to leave Sin whenever
    When the Poor are challenge,
    the Rich will not live in peace and safety.
    An exodus away from Sin shall
    happen in the Near Future.

  6. Why did he come back? He should know the situation in Singapore well enough, and not believe in the wayang, or at least check up on the reality before coming back.

  7. Hi Anon 2.28, he came back because he believed spin from the Singapore govt. He was misled and now has to pay the cost of being so naive. The Singapore govt has been very good at this wayang and those unsuspecting people would swallow whatever that is printed in the local States Time. Tell me, why the past GEs results have been so pro-PAP? It is because they are so good in the art of brainwashing the sheeples of Singapore. A few carrots and chicken wings just before the GEs and whala, like magic, large mandate. Please do not KPKB so much. Live with it and suffer in silence. Singaporeans deserve whatever you get,

  8. First they displaced the lothisw level workers. They then go for the PMETs. Now they are targeting the senior management. All done systemically and ruthlessly over three decades. And we are the ones giving them the mandate every five years to carry this out.

  9. The politicians think they are safe and would not be replaced. Only the rest of the Singaporeans would be replaced. That is why everyday crying father, crying mother for more foreigners to come in.
