
Mentality of white savages - Regime change is ok when committed by them on others

Former White House national security adviser John Bolton insisted on Wednesday that only “regime change” in Moscow can achieve long-term US objectives in Europe. He proposed funding Russian “dissidents” who could team up with mid-level officers to overthrow President Vladimir Putin in a coup.

“There is no long-term prospect for peace and security in Europe without regime change in Russia,” Bolton argued in an article titled “Putin Must Go,” which was published by the online journal 1945.

Change “must involve far more than simply replacing Putin,” according to Bolton. “The whole regime must go.”  RT

Regime change is the American catchphrase for American intervention and overthrow of a foreign govt by force. And the American savages used it so frequently, quoting it as if it is like going for a picnic when the impact is death and destruction of innocent people and legitimate govts. And in the above quote, the American savage is deceiving the world by applying their standard lie that Russia in this case is a threat for peace when the real threat to long lasting peace in Europe are the American savages.

The truth, to quote this savage, “There is no long-term prospect for peace and security in Europe without regime change in the USA,” Actually it needs more than that. Europe and the world would not have long term peace and security until the evil American Empire is taken out. It must involve not simply removing the psychopaths in Washington and in the White House. The whole evil American regime must go. Only with the fall of the evil American Empire would there be long term peace and security for the world.

Fortunately the rest of the world have woken up to the evilness and crimes of the American savages and are making a major shift away from the white men. The rest of the world are realigning under the leadership of the BRICS countries to stand up to the white men, to fight against the oppression and control of the white savages.


  1. The White Savages, especially people who advocate Regime Change, must be removed from this World for good, and for the sake of peace and tranquility in this World.

    It is the White Imperialists, the White Savages, the White Supremacists, consisting mainly of the Evil USA, Small Britain and some of the European Countries, that must be removed from this World through Regime Change.

    This is the group that has been instigating, implementing and invading many other countries and has been conducting Regime Changes all through the last 400 years.

    This is the troublemaker that has to be consciously erased once and for all, for the sake of the peaceful law-abiding World.

    This group of troublemakers must not be allowed to exist in order to instigate others to their criminal activities that they have taken for granted as if it is their right to do so.

  2. Why are western news media cannot be trusted? They persistently give platform to discredited shenagians, warmongers like John Bolton and Gordon Chang to air their hate and dangerous views that will brainwashed many viewers and listeners beyond what is reality.

  3. Who is the terrorist that blew up the Nord Stream pipelines?

  4. Now, it is quite clear that Zelensky has ordered the destruction of the Crimean Bridge, the longest in Europe.

    The Russian people are investigating this terrorist crime.
