
Devils preaching about virtues and human rights

 Olaf Schultz is a different man going to China. Believe that. He is a changed man, or so it seems. Anyway, it is becoming apparent that there is no real convergence of views and policies within the German Coalition Government, between Schultz, Bareback and the other one Humpback or whatever. Strange names that are confusing to remember.

Schultz is going to China to teach Xi about human rights. He must be crazy to do that. Xi will tell him that China does not need the Germans or the West to teach them about human rights. In fact no Western country has the moral authority to talk about human rights, after what they did to China during the Opium War, trying to force China to open up to the Opium trade and breaking up China into concessions, which they claimed was their sphere of influence. The Germans were there.

Can they say that China then was different? You see, the USA new 'Rule of Law' is all mainly centred on human rights. In Africa it is human rights issues. In China, North Korea, Russia and Myanmar, it is all about human rights. Did Julian Assange enjoy his human rights in the USA? Did Edward Snowden, who has now been given Russian citizenship, enjoy his human rights in the USA? The easiest thing to stir up unrest in any part of the world is human rights issues if the USA and the West cannot find any other straw to grab in order to stir up unrest. And that is the territory of the CIA and USA funded NGO's, that are working the ground of those countries they want to destablise.

Right now, Iran is the top target. Pakistan has already been targeted long ago and is in full blown chaos. Myanmar is being targeted, but the strong military hold is preventing a full blown unrest. ASEAN is trying to soften the ground for the West to capitalise and the Military Junta has warned ASEAN not to try anything funny.

How to rein in Myanmar when ASEAN refused to allow the Military Junta to be represented in their deliberations? And like Venezuela, they only recognise the non legitimately elected representative to have a voice.



  1. Already reported 149 deaths and many many injuries. Your figures are too low.

    The souls of Seoul sinply love to get themselves killed by such demonic acts. This is their karma too.

  2. The attacker was looking for Nancy, not her husand. Her husband was there at the wrong place and the wrong time. His skull was said to be cracked, but he is still alive. Skull cracked but no brain injury!

    One thing strange though. How did the attacker gain entry to her home so easily? She is third in line for POTUS, so her home should be well secured.

    I think there is more to it than meets the eye. Maybe Trump should be given the honour of being involved in the attack. Maybe should blame Putin or even Xi. LOL

    After all, many strange things could happen, especially just two weeks before the Mid-term election. OK, OK just conspiracy theories.

  3. Biden said that he is not planning to meet Putin at the G20. As if Putin is dying to meet him.

    Biden still does not remember that he was ignored by leaders at the 'Summit of the Americas'. Even less prominent leaders of smaller countries in South America ignored him.

    Rest assured Putin, Xi and Joko Widodo will be talking to each other. They do not need Biden to give fake assurances that will never be honoured. Talking to him is a waste of time.

  4. The wheels of the wagon of the Democratic Party of the USA are falling off. They know they will lose the mid term and have to fabricate what they used to call 'a Pearl Harbour moment' to jell their supporters, lest they also fell out of the wagon. They needed to solidify their flimsy support.

    They January 6th riot case against Trump, and the FBI raid on his Mar-a-lago home are all conducted to ensure he will not be able to stand in 2024. The Democrats are now terrified of Trump coming back and will do anything to make sure he does not.

    On the other hand, will Biden be mentally capable of standing in 2024? Honestly, even if he does and is elected, what does it matter anyway, since he is lead by the nose by aides, prompted by his handlers with hidden cards telling him what to do, and above all controlled by the powers behind the scene. Controlling a dementia afflicated old man is the easiest thing to do. But it does elicit accusations of 'elderly abuse' by certain quarters.

  5. Whether it's the Democrats or the Republicans, they are all the same, as far as the World is concerned. It is just the right and left hand singing in the same concoction of tunes suitable to their own ears.

  6. Right! Whether Democrats or Republicans, they are all members of an opera. One Party sings the low notes and the other has to sing the high notes. It is all a great operatic arrangement.

    Actually, if we think deeper, it is all under the control of the director, the Deep State. Who sings the high notes and who will sing the low notes is decided every four years.

  7. UK Dog Slunk Away From Fight

    British billionaire Richard Branson has declined a live televised debate with Singapore’s Home Affairs and Law Minister K Shanmugam on the city-state’s drug policy and death penalty. - (Bloomberg)
