
War games, wars - This is what the USA is all about


Photo credit to RT

US and South Korea launch major war games
The drills are seen as rehearsals for invasion by North Korea

The pic tells it all. The Americans is all about wars. See how stylo milo and how happy the Americans strut around in their uniforms everywhere, inviting countries to do nothing else but conduct war games ie a preparation to start wars. Basically these are savage behaviours, not the behaviour of civilised men in the 21st century. What every country wants is peace and prosperity, not wars and destruction. But wars and destruction are the only things the Americans can offer. They are not here to build bridges, roads, high speed trains, infrastructures, ports, schools.... but to start wars and to kill and destroy. The Americans are very good at these things. 

All Asian and Asean countries must stop joining the Americans in their mischievous wargames that is all about fighting China, America's self invented enemy. By joining their war games, the countries are deceptively being dragged into a war against China, a country that is their number one trading partner, not their enemy. Why be dragged by the Americans, blindly, subconsciously and programmed to think and hate China as an enemy when the real enemy is the Americans, the number one terrorist nation, the number one war monger, the number one troublemaker in the world, everyday planning to control the world, to mess around with every country's domestic affairs and to conduct regime change.

Stop, wake up, why join the number one warmongers in military exercises to fight for the Americans, to fight on the side of the Americans and waste money and resources on these destructive and unproductive things?

There are many things countries can do, to cooperate to build a better country and a better world, not to go to war to kill and destroy each other. 

Stop being led by the nose by the Americans in aggressive behaviours and stirring unrest and provoking wars.

The two Koreas must reunite as one country and one people. Do not let the Americans create suspicion and divide them and incite them to kill each other for the good of the Americans. The two Korean people must stop being made a fool of by the Americans at their own detriment. The Americans have allowed the two Germanies to unite but not the Koreans. Why? They are using the enmity, stirring enmity between the two Koreans to keep them divided, to exploit their difference, so that they can continue to remain in South Korea, to keep South Korea as a semi colony of the American Empire.

Would the rest of the independent nations of Asian and Asean want to be semi colonies of the American Empire, instead of building a peaceful and rich country for their people, be engaged in hostilities and in wars that mean nothing to them and nothing good to their people?

PS. The Americans pledge to end the peace in Asia, in Asean, in Korea. That is their promise. Get ready for wars. We promise you we will make it happen. We have many weapons to sell to you, very good weapons to kill your enemies and destroy their countries. We can turn many of you into heroes, dead heroes.


  1. But only able to do thus on those weaker countries.

    With China, Russia and North Korea they be beaten with their tails behind their two hind legs just like in Vietnam, Afghanistan and many more to come.


  2. The Evil USA is nothing but EVIL! All their hearts and minds think nothing but EXPANSION, to control the whole World.

    They have expanded to the European Union by adding more than 14 countries to NATO, so as to be able to cunningly creep towards the border of Russia. Why are they doing this? Obviously, so that they can invade and capture Russia - destroying the Russians first with the biological weapons in their arsenal, and then destroying with their F-35 stealth fighters, and then occupy Russia with American and EU troops.

    Now, the Evil USA is trying to pivot to the East, more than 1,000 miles away from their base. What they are now doing is to make use of Singapore, Japan and South Korea as launching pads to stir up troubles for Asia, especially China.

    The Evil USA has already quietly and cunningly encircled the whole of China, with USA military bases. They are now planning to invade China. That's why they have been conducting one joint military exercise after another. This has been going on for the past two years.

    China must rise up to the occasion by building more Nuclear Weapons, so as to serve as a deterrent. And like North Korea, China must make the Nuclear Weapons fire automatically when threatened by the Evil USA. This is the only way to deter the aggressive behaviour of the Evil USA.

  3. Just to add:
    Handsome Kim had openly declared that they are ready to launch their Necular Eggs on those who dare to threaten wars on North Korea.

    North Korea and China meant what's they said.

    Not like the lies,cheatings and firivious Americunts and their lackeys charltans Whites.

  4. Another Sexual Assault Claim


    Friday, 09 Sep 2022 8:33 PM MYT

    KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 9 — The High Court here today rejected the application of former research assistant to Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to cancel several paragraphs in the PKR president’s statement of defence and counterclaim.

    Muhammed Yusoff Rawther filed a suit against Anwar on July 14, 2021 for allegedly sexually assaulting him four years ago.

    Anwar then filed a counter-suit over Muhammed Yusoff’s suit against him.

    Counsel Mahajoth Singh, representing Muhammed Yusoff said Judicial Commissioner John Lee Kien How @ Mohd Johan Lee ordered him to pay RM3,500 in costs.

    “The defendant (Anwar) has filed two applications, namely discovery application of certain documents and interlocutory. Both applications will be heard on September 23 before the same judge via online (Zoom),” he said when contacted after the case management via e-review before Lee.

    In his statement of claim, Muhammed Yusoff alleged that the sexual assault took place on October 2, 2018 at Anwar’s residence in Segambut.

    The plaintiff alleged that as a result of the incident, he was accused of plotting to bring down Anwar and damage his political career, and this affected his health mentally.

    He is seeking special, general, aggravated and exemplary damages, as well as interest, costs and other relief deem fit by the court. — Bernama

  5. Imagine the White Hosue telling Kim they are no threat to North Korea while continuing to conduct war games around them and instigating conflict. They think Kim Jong Un is dumb and blind.

    Now that Kim has delivered his message of pre-emptive strike if he finds that Japan or South Korea makes any move to take out North Korea on the instigation of the evil USA, they better believe that he is not joking.

  6. The whole purpose of the USA starting the war in Ukraine was to destroy the EU's dependence on Russian eergy, so they could move in to fill the gap. All this is apparent from the start of their sanctions against countries and companies involded in the Nord Stream 2 project.

    All throughout the eight years after signing the Minsk Agreement of 2014, the USA and UK had forced Ukraine to sabotage that agreement and instigate the Russians to step into Donetsk and Luhansk to liberate them from the military force being used by Ukraine against the two breakwawy Republics' and thus starting the war, which enabled the USA and the EU to start the sanctions war against Russia.

    That main sanctions motive was to coerce the EU to sanction Russian eergy following the start of the war, which meant closing down Nord Stream 2 first and foremost in their plans, which the Germans did in compliance. They never figured on Putin cutting gas supplies by reverse sanctioning the EU realistically with his gas for Rubles strategy.

    The EU may be able to survive this difficult coming winter, but what lies ahead is going to be extremely difficult for them to navigate, with the high energy cost of moving away from cheap Russian gas via pipelines, and moving towards dependence on highly expensive alternative energy dependence from other sources, that will decimate their industrial base. Energy conservation moves will affect their industries far and wide and a recession is on the cards for the whole of the EU. Job losses and unrest are already apprent in Czech Republic and Italy, and within the UK on many fronts as well. If energy crisis escalates, more unrest will follow in other countries.

    That is not all. Unrest in countries such as Canada, Holland and even New Zealand have never been widely reported in the Western MSM. What we see and read about are all about Sri Lanka and Pakistan, day in and day out.

  7. United States of America has almost encircled China using Japan, S. Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and India. When Ukraine conflict ends, United States of America will start a war with China using Taiwan as an excuse. Asia will be the next hotspot. Australian participation is a certainty. Singapore will be arm twisted to accommodate fighters and warships.What will happen to peaceful Asia?

  8. Soon, very soon, there will be unrests in USA, Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. UK will not be spared too.

    Let's see how these unrests are being tackled by the various 1st World forces anf see how they fan out.

    Will they be out of control?

  9. Interest rate increase is not going to tame inflation. It is the years of unlimited money printing that is causing inflation. This is what happens with any country that tried to do it. There is now no way out of it.

    Increasing interest rate to curb inflation is not a remedy and will cause difficulties for businesses, leading to a worse case cenario of price increases to cover higher cost. The property and stock market will also be badly affected.

    Like the debt problem and derivatives time bomb, there is no possibility of solving them. The system is going to collapse for sure.

  10. Better get some PM bullion coins as 'insurance'..personally not much confidence in our MIW as they are US's pet poodle.

    They are always behind the curve like Yellen.

  11. As George Galloway said, printing money to inflate the economy is not real economic growth. Increase productivity is. Therefore, printing money will just result in inflation, pure and simple. There is no other way out.

    Putin, in a speech recently, pointed out that rising inflation had been around even before the Ukraine War. And the USA and the West are trying to blame inflation on Putin. Well before the war, inflation figures after Biden took over had already escalated in the USA.

    The USA, over the last two years, printed around US$5.9 trillion of fiat money, while the EU also printed 2.5 trillion Euros during that time. Where does all that money went into? They were trying to export that inflation around the world by dispersing the printed fiat money, as they always do and succeeded, but it slowed dramatically the last several years. With global trade moving away from the US$ during those two years, particularly between China, Russia and Iran, those excess money largely remains in the USA and Europe, fueling inflation we are seeing today.

    How are they going to pull back that much printed money? No way as doing it will cause an immediate collapse of everything. Just increasing interest rate is not going to do the job as well. That is just pulling wool over people's eyes.

  12. Well, just blaming Putin might just work. LOL

  13. Online rumour has it that EU coffeeshop electric bill went from Euros 1,000+ to over Wuros 3k+ within a month...

    Meanwhile PRC imported USD20 billion worth of oil/gas and resold to EU for $2 trillion...


    We better pray that these rumours are just rumours and Red Dot is not on Putinator's shit list else there goes all our factories, F&B and related business..within a short span of time.

  14. How could the EU survive like that? For a short spell, yes. But for the long haul, that is a tall order.

    Buying oil and gas from USA is said to cost as much as ten times what the EU had been paying Russia before the sanctions. Even without China reselling Russian oil and gas to the EU at such astronomical profit, buying from the USA by the EU at ten times the norm is also unsustainable in the long term.

    But sacrificing the EU by the USA, just to get rid of Russian oil dependence is a high price to pay by the EU. The EU is digging it's own grave by following the USA dictates blindly. But in order to ensure the Anglo Saxon Whites' US$ hegemony survives the Russia/China de-dollarisation move, they probably think it is worth the sacrifice. After all, everything besides the interest of the USA, is no more than collateral damage to them, allies or not.
