
United States of India talks to India


The representatives of the United States of India in discussion with India on how to raise tension in the Sino Indian border. Picture credit to RT.


  1. https://youtu.be/wE1C4zO-wmI

    India's FM in Pentgon aka Gong Gong in talks of the Indo-Pacific Alliance to contain China.
    See their Guards of Sleepy Honor

  2. https://youtu.be/sr65g26vsBI

    Next meeting with that Blinking Binken.

    All initials B called Bidamn.

  3. Rapists Of India The girls' mother is inconsolable after another group of rapists and murderers abducted her daughters from their home, then raped them and hang them on the trees. Just hours after two teenaged sisters were found hanging from a tree in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh earlier this month, police said they had arrested six men.

    The above is part of an article posted by 'unknown' but has been 'cancelled' and did not appear as previous articles posted by Queen of Heart.

    Not sure who is doing the censoring.

  4. The USA has been creating havoc around the world not only in wars but also in so called food. From ultra processed food to GMOs and now fake meats.

    India should know very well how the GMOs patented seeds bankrupted numerous farmers and drove them to suicides. All under the auspicious Bill and Belinda Gates initiatives where they aim to control the food production. However that lie had been exposed.

    The then presidential candidate Barrack Obama once said during his campaign for the presidency that Americasn deserved to know where their food comes from to gain the support of the anti GMOs voters. However his voice disappeared when he sat on the presidency when Monsanto show him the impact of GMO labelling to the US economy.

    They then move into fake meat like the Beyond Meat which is now Beyond Hope where the stock price had crashed more than 90%. People have been woken and know how to think, it is very difficult to unthink when you learn how to think.

    Whatever the USA promote (food, drugs, vaccines especially in the last five decades)- do not believe, do your own investigation - if it is so good no need to blow your own trumpet and coerce the rest of the world. That country (USA) is the most sinister in the world.

  5. Right! The USA does not care about India. All they want is India jumping on their wagon to confront China. And they are playing the Pakistanis against the Indians by upgrading the Pakistani military aircrafts. With that they hope to twist and force the Indians into compliance.

    All said, we can see that the USA is bent on stirring up the shit in Asia, by setting one country against another. They are using Myanmar to break up ASEAN, so they can concentrate on forcing individual countries to tow their line. They are exerting pressure on Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and Malaysia. You can be sure that their supported NGO's, which they funded are very active in those countries to promote regime changes, but very innocent on the surface.

    Red Dot and Philippines are already in their bag. Vietnam will be hard to bring around and knowing how the North Vietnamese drove them out of South Vietnam, supported by China, the USA knows it will be difficult to turn Vietnam around. Another reason is that Vietnam is highly dependent on China in trade, more than the USA. Nevertheless you can be sure the USA funded NGOs and the CIA are working hard on the ground in Vietnam to stir up shit.

    Wherever the USA goes, shit is sure to follow. Well, they shit don't they?

  6. Snakes and snakes get on well together in the snake pit. They speak the same language which is 'hissing' around with each other.

    Interpreated, it is all about countering China! You can bet your last cent on that!

  7. Actually India did not have real problems with China. The border issues were created by the Brits and the conceited Indians conveniently wanted all the land the Brits drawn unilaterally on a piece of paper and refusing to discuss and refusing to give an inch. And their thick headed politicians accused China of stealing Indian land.

    These lands are not really of any significant value to both China and India as both have plenty of lands and a bit of give and take would have resolved the issues, if India is sincere to settle it. In fact China wanted to give all the disputed lands to India during Nehru's time but the slippery Indians did not take up the offer.

    Both countries had been in peace for thousands of years without a war or encroaching on each others territories. Today the greedy and cocky Indians even have ambition to take over Nepal and Tibet. This is likely the real problem behind the Indians' aggressiveness towards China. But the Indians are play acting as if they are the victims when they are the aggressor and stirring all the shit at the borders and testing China's patience.

    Stop the arrogance and wild ambitions, sit down and negotiate for a peaceful settlement with China for lasting peace inn place of unending quarrels for some barren sparsely inhabited lands.

  8. Itachi
    Fanny, With the introduction of English education system to india in the 19th century lord Macaulay told we want to create Brown English Men who eat English, who wear English and who think English and who will serve English Empire, given the size of india india is gigantic brown English slave pool who amplify anything coming from the Western masters.
