
The declining American Empire is dragging Europe to die together

The USA is really, hysterically, desperate now, indicated by what they have been doing recently. They keep provocating China after making a catastrophic mistake in Ukraine of forcing Russia to step into Donetsk and Luhansk to liberate the region from Ukrainian genocide attempt against Russian speaking residents. That they failed to take down Russia economically is telling, with the Ruble not turning into rubble and the Russian economy withstanding all the sanctions is even more telling.

All the provocation in East Asia now is to distract the failure in bringing down Russia, economically and militarily. Spin all they want about Russia's coming collapse, or Putin's health issues. Russia has made no attempt to discredit them, just letting the reality speak for itself.

The USA now cannot extricate itself from the quamire they started themsleves in Ukraine, thinking that Putin would keep tolerating their advances, using NATO to move closer and closer to Russia's borders. Instead of containing Russia, Ukraine is instead losing territory to Russia with more to come. They are now pivoting their attention towards China, all to cloud their abject failure in Europe.

Russia just announced cutting off all gas supplies via Nord Steam 1, and will not be resuming gas turn on even after maintenace on Nord Steam 1 are completed. Europe is going to face a catastrophy this coming winter. Germany will face a revolution shortly. But never mind, just spin and spin and citizens will feel dizzy and forget the pain.

The USA and the West are now claiming Russia is weaponising energy and blackmailing Europe. Have they looked at themselves in the mirror yet? What about the sanctions against Russia, said to be about eight thousand of them the last I heard. That is not weaponising the US$ hegemony and blackmailing? What is it? The USA and the West are in fact sanctioning all the irrelevant things, even dogs and trees. What a joke!

The biggest joke is that the sanctions are hurting Europe most of all and the stupid Europeans are just swallowing the pain with little to gain. Had Nato, under USA command, not been expanding it's reach towards the Russian border and using Ukraine to commit genocide in Eastern Ukraine, all this would not have happened and they would still be having cheap oil and gas.

Europe is going to pay a heavy price, not just this winter, but for a long time forward. Sure, getting rid of Russian energy is easy as they made it out to be, but paying for alternative energy from other sources is not going to be cheap and easy. And they are talking about capping Russian oil prices? Who the hell do they think they are dictating terms to Russia right now.



  1. Good morning All

    Russia should have cut off all her energy supplies from the start of their invasion into Urukiane.

    Also, not allow the export of the grains from Urukiane.

    In Wars, you have to be brutual to defeat your enemies. The shortcut to peace is to have your enemies surrendered fast and quick.

    Learn the Art of War from CHINA lah.

    Have to annihiate the enemies fast and furious.

    Sun Tze's Art of War have the enemies stocks of food and other supplies destroyed and will have them surrendered in no time.

    Why still feed and let the Blue Eyes and Bondy Hairs have their warmth and food and they can still have the energy to talk back to you and demanded all sorts of terms and conditions.

    The Russians as the Chinese always said "Too straight" Too foolish to give chance to them.

    Maybe they are still the same colour and skins and mentality.

    Try that on China! The Whites would be driven to their DEATHS when they dares start wars with CHINA.

    Chinese can be humble and tolerate.But when they are really ready to fight. ALL HELL WILL BROKE LOOSE.

    So a warning to the damn Whites. Are you tired of living?

    Your bullshits MASAK or NASA rocket still cannot take off. All hogwash your bullshits technology.

    Russia now should send now with Love a hypersonic missle to the UAssA and see whether they can retatilate or NOT.

  2. Atemis mission aborted again due to leak. A second time? I remember Challenger mission disaster in 1986 was also due to a leak.

    How did the USA get to the moon in 1969 I wonder, with this kind of technology on display today, and with that kind of technology back then, more than 50 years ago? Just unbelievable!

  3. It is all Hollywood special effects lah!

  4. Europe is not going to suffer from gas shortages. They could collect all the 'fartings' from their politicians and use them to heat up their homes this winter.

    The German foreign minister just said that she cares little for her German voters, but taking care and making sure Ukraine keeps fighting is more important. Well, well, and well. There is going to be a revolt soon over that comment.

  5. https://youtu.be/LpJMqs1yG1A

    This video highlights the UAssA and the Brits intervention of Peace Agreements between Russia and Urukiane a number of times.

  6. It must be painful and deeply hurting for the Europeans to know that the Russians are just burning off their excess gas rather then providing more gas to Europe, which is facing severe shortages. This is hitting them where it really hurts. But then the Europeans are still putting on a brave front and telling the world they do not need Russian gas, hoping to punish Russia with their action.

    Now who is hurting more? As they say, Europe lifted a heavy stone to clobber the Russians, but the stone landed on their own foot. Equal pain? I do not think so.
