
Iraq genocide - The USA is responsible for it


One minute clip showing a GI confronting Biden and cursing him for the death of millions of Iraqis because of his war in Iraq. And despite the senile old man's smile, the GI shouted at him telling him he was unfit to be President of the USA for the genocide in Iraq.

 Biden was responsible for it, so is Obama, Bush and the USA. The genocide of Iraqis.

They care for Muslims? They care for Muslims in Xinjiang?


  1. All the USA presidents are responsible for the genocides of many countries, including Iraq and Afghanistan. They have sent the marines, GIs and soldiers to thse cointries to kill and murder the innocent locals, especially those undefended young ones and women. Then they pretend to care for the Muslims in Xinjiang. They have murdered the Muslims by the millions, most of them unaccounted for.

  2. They care little about Muslims anywhere in the world. They are only using Muslims now to sway public opinion, hoping they call still fool them. Not today with social media able to counter with reports of atrocities they have commited.

    We now know much more about the genocides committed by the Anglo Saxon Whites against the Native Americans in USA, Canada and Australia. We also know the attemted genocides they committed against India, by attempted starvation of the Asian Indians and shipping food back to England to feed their own Whites. We now know also the genocides they are committing in compliciti with their puppets in Yemen, Palestine and Syria.

    The USA and the West are just shedding corocodile tears when they say they care about Muslims. Hypocrites can say anothing. It does not impinge on their conscience knowing they themselves are lying through their teeth.

  3. Off topic, we have just been talking about the forthcoming energy crisis befalling Europe. We only think of power cuts affecting factories and heating for winter. We have not touched on the cuts going to affect communications and mobile services, essential services like hospitals and traffic signals and road lightings, rail transport system, home appliances like fridges and gas for cooking, lifts and aircondioning in high rise buildings housing places of work. These are going to cause substantial damage to the country's operating system.

    Sure portable generators can alleviate some of these problems, but they also run on fossil fuel. Moreoever, they cannot have the power to move trains and big power consumption items like lifts for long.

  4. Biden is the biggest liar and hypocrite. He is nothing but a true and true liar!

  5. With his party struggling in the midterms, his economic stewardship under fire and his overall job approval under 40%, a clear majority of Democrats in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll say the party should replace Joe Biden as its nominee for president in 2024.

    In the November midterm election ahead, registered voters divide 47%-46% between the Republican and the Democratic candidate in their House district, historically not enough to prevent typical first-midterm losses.

    And one likely voter model has a 51%-46% Republican-Democratic split.

    Looking two years off, just 35% of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents favor Biden for the 2024 nomination; 56% want the party to pick someone else.

  6. That is why he is desperate to shore up his support, trying the same sanctions trick against Russia and getting backfired on all cylinders in Europe, antagonising China, instigating countries to confront each other, now trying to pacify India after attempting to upgrade fighter jets for Pakistan, suspectingly to confront India for not towing the line.

    Upgrading of the Pakistani F16 military aircraft for Pakistan was construed as necessary for fighting terrorism. The Indians know better and their Foreign Minister said in no uncertain terms that they are not going to be fooled by the USA.

    I think Biden knows his nomination for 2024 is not a sure thing, after all the blunders he created. He said so himself sometime ago.

  7. After Russia's referendum and support from those occupied Ukrainian regions to break away from Ukraine, the EU is talking about imposing further sanctions on Russia.

    How laughable that they are talking about more hard sanctions against those involed, but also their family members. I think that also includes their dogs, cats, trees, lizards, cockroaches and anything in their house. What nonsense is the EU trying to pull? You call that more hard sanctions?
