
The entire United States of America is a slum.

It is corrupt,
Borrowing more than it creates, Living in a fantasy world
Created in the sick imaginations of The White Supremacists,
And worst of all is indulging in warmongering everywhere they go.

Recently, they are bound to cause troubles for Russia and China through all measures - especially on the diplomatic, political, military, technological and scientific fronts.

The World must now wake up to put a stop to all these warmongers!

This entire nation is one big slum, especially in the areas resided by the Democrats. 



  1. NASA cancels launch of giant Moon rocket due to technical snag.
    British Navy comments on failure of its biggest warship.

    This is the state of western technology. An aircraft carrier built for the museum, never meant to work or sail the high seas.

    A new rocket, supposedly much more advanced than the Apollo rockets of the 1960s backward technology, hit snag on day of launch. Why didn't they just rebuild the Apollo rockets and go to the moon? It was so easy then. They claimed to be there many times. Maybe after 50 years they have forgotten everything and needed to start to reinvent the wheel. Or the original wheel did not work and all was fake?

  2. The Apologies, oops I mean the Apollo series were a total hoax.

    There was never any flight to the Moon at all.

    Can you imagine the technology in the 60s was able to put a man on the Moon?

    Those were all science fiction.

  3. In the last 50 years post Apollo hoax, the furthest the Americans could play in space was 400km from earth in the ISS, and had to go there by flagging down Russian space taxis. They could not produce a rocket to get there. The distance to the moon is about 1,000 times further than the ISS.

    They totally gave up the hoax completely after killing all 7 astronauts in the last fictional Apollo flight that ended up in smokes on take off.

    They would not even dare to venture to make another attempt to the moon if not because China is close to getting there. Now they are desperately trying to create another hoax to beat the Chinese to the moon. This time not so easy as everyone would be watching and no hollywood production could pass off as the real thing.

    It would be a piece of cake, a cake walk, by reproducing the same rockets that could take them to the moon in the 1960s. Why the need to reinvent the wheel and finding it so hard to get the wheel working? Still has to go through trials and errors, not learning and making improvements from the Apollo rockets?

  4. This giant NASA firecracker is meant to blow up the moon so that no one can prove that the Americans did not land on the moon in the 1960s.

  5. Jason on his video site 'Living in China' posted a video of what a typical train station in New York City looks like. Such conditions were collaborated by many commentators who visisted the site. It was smelly, dirty, unkept, unsafe and falling apart. Most stations were built about 50 years ago and have never been upgraded.

    And being left in that state, they may collapse one day. Build Back Better? Wait long long. All they think about is how to start more wars, instigate more hostilities and sell more weapons.

    Those who see the USA pouring money into Ukraine and talking about Build Back Better and gloating about the US$600 billion infrastructure development to counter the BRI must still think the USA is filty rich. But peel away the surface and look closer into the state of the USA at home and you will be aghast. But, never mind, just keep that out of the MSM and people will not know.

  6. Singapore's towing company should fly to London to offer to tow the HMS Prince of Wales to the Black Sea for Ukraine as British military aid. And Singapore's shipyards can offer to fix rowing oars to replace the failed propellers of the aircraft carrier.

  7. They had to engage China to build the LA Oakland Bridge. Soon they would be asking China to rebuild and replace all their ageing slow train networks with China's highspeed trains.

    But they have to pay in RMB.

    1. UAssA hello we have no more monies as cannot print monies liao. World is getting wiser and sick of us.
      China can build all our infrastructures but we will use the ruse to confisate all their treasuries and assets by declaring that they broke some international rules.
      That's our forte.

  8. This is what the Indians are doing to Chinese companies in India. India can do it because there are very few Indian companies and assets in China worthy of confiscating.

    The Americans have a lot of valued companies and assets in China to be confiscated as trade off.

  9. I still remember the other hoax that they started to deter others from going to the moon. They said that there were aliens there. They probably did not go to the moon and were afraid that another country going there would expose their lies, hence the alien story.

    Those who believe in their lies, I feel sorry them.

  10. The cheats, the liars, and the con men of evil US Congressmen and military forces are always there to cheat, to lie and to con others.

    So, be very careful who you are dealing with, especially for Singaporeans.

  11. Some Singaporeans think they are super talents, can outsmart the snakes, the scheming and evil Americans and can come up on top or get away with it. So they dance with the snakes, sleep with the evil Americans.

    They did not know that they are at the mercy of the snakes and evil Americans. They think they are in control. The snakes and the evil Americans also think they are in control.

    Who is really in control and who would end up under the bus?

  12. The evilness of the Americans has been exposed again and again and again already. Why are there still some bananas trying very hard to please the Americans?

    Some more they parked their "stolen" and "cheated" wealth at American Banks. They also bought houses at America and UK.

    They studied in America and UK. They also sent their children to study in America and UK universities.

    They develop friendship with the Americans and UK blokes, especially their politicians.

    So, what do you think they will do if they are in control of your lives?

  13. EU Now Looking Into Tykelab and RCS Lab

    European lawmakers probing the Israeli spyware Pegasus are now also starting to look into an Italian firm named Tykelab and its parent company called the RCS Lab. Mass global surveillance have been detected by media revelations..

    Set up in the wake of the Israeli NSO spy scandal, the Pega inquiry committee gathers information on the extent to which states use intrusive surveillance technology and how such technology undermines human rights.

    This is a very serious and insidious method of spying at the global scale.

  14. With 5G, they know they cannot spy on China anymore and are mad about it. So they asked all the poodles to boycott Huawei, slapping their own faces. But there is a very sinister motive for doing that.

    Had the poodles not boycotted Huawei and adopted Huawei 5G equipment, the USA would also have no way to insert backdoors to spy on them. Now they are probably still spying on Macron and Schulz and Virgo's favourite personality aka Undress. Maybe even spying on the Queen and her daughter in laws as well, LOL.

    There is nothing the USA would not do, knowing they would get off scot free if even caught red handed.
