
Japanese Pride Of Pearl Harbour Attack

"Even today, the attack on Pearl Harbor is still regarded as a "national humiliation" by many Americans. On December 7 last year, the 80th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, nearly 100 Japanese right-wing lawmakers visited Yasukuni Shrine, which enshrines some of Japan's infamous Class-A war criminals of World War II. The signal sent is almost self-evident. But Washington, which is extremely sensitive and narrow-minded towards China, has shown connivance for Japan's provocative behavior. The impulse of the Japanese right-wing forces to break through the post-WWII system has been unstoppable, and this is one of the biggest risks facing the Asia-Pacific. How serious are the consequences of finding the wrong enemy? History has given us inspirations and lessons too many times."

The above passage was taken from the Global Times.

On the 80th Anniversary of the Attack On Pearl Harbour, nearly 100 right-wing Japanese Lawmakers visited the Yasukuni Shrine in direct defiance to the Americans sentiment, if any. In fact, this has been going on for the last 8 decades.

And what did the Americans do? Sweet nothing. They condoned the act! There was no protests from the Americans. Everything seemed Okay!

The message that the Japanese have sent to the Americans is very clear. This particular Pearl Harbour attack was an overwhelming success of the Japanese. A successful sneak attack that even today the Americans still feel humiliated. There is no place to hide their faces. How can a super power like the Evil USA be weakened to such an extent? How can the the Evil USA be humiliated so completely and totally?

And to the Japanese, this is their showcase, their pride!

Would they, the Japanese, do it again? Another Pearl Harbour sneak attack? Perhaps another harbour? Your guess is as good as mine.


  1. For choosing your deeply rooted arch enemy number one as your friend, you Americans are going to regret it.

    You have never learnt from the pages and pages of history. And you will repeat it again. That is for sure!

    You must be thinking that playing the double game is fun and funny. Wait until the SNEAKY JAPANESE bombed the shit out of you in the not too distant future, then you will realise too late.

    Remember the deliberate sneaky Japanese Commander giving an order to launch the Nuclear Weapons from Guam to attack China and later it was discovered that he had given the order "mistakenly"?

    Those are the types of SNEAKY JAPANESE under your employment. You had better sacked and/or imprison each and everyone of them. They simply cannot be trusted!

    Yet you allowed them to command the 7th Fleet? Are you out of your mind?

  2. The half Japanese Harry Commander of the Indo Pacific region was removed after the Incident. After investigation the Americans knew who was the devils and did the necessary.

    This does not mean that the Japanese were giving up. Every moment they are planning how to fix the Americans and the Chinese to destroy each other. Both are their arch enemies. Japan is still being colonised and controlled by the Americans. The Japanese would not take this lightly. Once a world power, now a colony of the Americans with hundreds of American bases in Japanese soil to control the Japanese, to keep them from doing mischief unless approved by the Americans.

    The Americans and the Japanese are two devils sleeping in the same bed but watching each other to prevent being stabbed to death by the other. This is how much trust they have for each other while trying to use the other to achieve their own goals.

  3. They tried to provoke conflicts and do not give order 'mistakenly'. If they cannot cover it up, they are removed.

    Do we buy into the bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade as a mistake and that they were relying on an outdated map? That is all hogwash. Nato had been bombing Yugoslavia for 70 days and they were relying on outdated maps? This can't be true.

  4. Many countries have a debt to settle with the rogue Americans. They have gotten away with all the crimes against humanity, massacres and genocides so far because of their military might.

    They would and must pay for their crimes one day.

  5. Pearl Harbour was the greatest glory of Japan against the American bullying since Commodore Perry forced open Japan to western domination. The Japs just rained down bombs after bombs onto the sleepy crew of the American fleet, caught with their pants down, in their pyjamas.

    It was a slaughter in glee. The Americans were totally at the mercy of the Japanese pilots, hitting freely anything and anywhere they pleased. The epitome of Japanese samurais whacking the daylight out of the hapless and defenceless Americans.

    This grand display of Japanese naval power would always be remembered dearly by the Japanese Imperial Army. The Day they punished the evil Americans dearly and barely suffered a handful of casualties on the Japanese side while several thousands of American sailors were buried in the sea of Pearl Harbour.

    Hope the Japanese would do a repeat to avenge the dropping of 2 atom bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima and the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent Japanese women and children.

  6. Americans didn't react because most Americans do not give a shit about history that doesn't involve a public holiday.

    That and the US won so hard the image of Japan went from bucktoothed samurai to anime schoolgirl.

    So a bunch of old Japanese going to a shrine raises zero concerns in the US.

  7. For those who have not watch the movie, "Tora, Tora, Tora", go and watch it. It's about 3 hours. But I think nowadays it has been reduced to 2 hours plus.

    It's a suspenseful movie. Worth watching.

    1. Mr. Mouse it's a usa viewpoint glorifying the American lar
