
Americunts had killed 900,000 civilians since 2001.


Just see this video the Americunts had killed 900,000 civilians since 2001.

Not backdating to their actriocites of past years.

Also the Roger Waters brunt cristism of the Americunts wars mongerings with that arrogrant CNN dumb botak Smith Cornek (Malay for that male genital) who kept yelling that the Americunts are the World's liberators and saviours since WWII and still today liberating all the poor souls.

Waters held no punches and told him that he like the brainwashed dumb Americunts who do NOT even know where Taiwan is still thought so highly of themselves as the winners and heros of WWII.

Its the Russians who fought the Nazis and Chinese who fought the Japs and NOT you dumb arses.

Americunts are just bystanders who only fought when the Japs bombed them in the Pearl Harbour and they wanted to claim credits.

Also if they have no A bombs the Japs would have also slaughter them.

So till today the Dumb Americunts still have this notion that they are the World's Leaders and Saviours and their Americunts Exceptionisim to do what's they like without persecutions.

Go and fark off 


  1. The evils of the Americans knows no bound. They are hell bent on killing the innocent people and called them collateral damage.

    Just imagine. 900 000 civilians have been killed from 2001 onwards! That is not counting the total number of innocent civilians that they must have killed, murdered and massacred since World War II. And that is not counting the numbers they have killed during World War II.

    Altogether, the evil USA must have massacred, murdered, killed and maimed millions upon millions of innocent people - especially the children and women, who have nowhere to flee.

    What a great cruelty that is!

  2. Virgo don't look up as the drone may be overhead
