
War on Terror and the Empire of Lies

 We are all familiar with the phrase war on terror but not too often heard of the Empire of Lies. The latter is expounded by Julian Assange, after his exposure of the Americans as a nation of liars and being persecuted in the land that proclaimed to be the champion of free speech and freedom of expression.  Assange is hounded down as a dog by the Americans and has just been repatriated to the US from UK. And his govt, Australia, sheepishly ignored his plight and afraid to protect him as a citizen of Australia.

Assange has exposed the biggest liar, lying country of all time, the USA. And he has all the proof to show it. And the world does not need any more proof than to read what the Americans said and did all over the world and the infamous WMD accusation against Saddam Hussein. On the other hand this Empire of Lies has been spreading lies after lies against all the countries it chose to made enemies off, especially China and Russia and all the countries it has made victims of its sanctions, and without any proof or flimsy rhetoric. For decades, it has thrown everything at China to brand China as a cheat, a liar country that cannot be trusted when the Americans is the epitome of lying from the top to the bottom. The Empire of Lies, infamous for all the lies about other countries, is accusing others of lying.

Then there is the war on terror. Many countries and people were alleged and made into terrorists and terrorist states by the  Empire of Lies, that they are threatening the safety and security of the biggest hegemon in the world with unmatched military power. Peasants and poor farmers in the Middle East and Afghanistan were also accused of being terrorists and a threat to the Empire of Lies.

Who is the threat to the world? Who is the greatest terrorist of all time today? Just because the western media deliberately ignored this reality does not mean that no one knew about this truth. The biggest terrorist and terrorist state is none other than the USA, the Empire of Lies. And it is conducting a war on terror to terrorise small and weak states all over the world.

The war on terror must be turned against the biggest terror and a clear and present danger to the countries of the world, the American Empire of Lies. The rest of the world must be united to take down this number one world terrorist, the American Empire of Lies. The world would not be deceived any more. The world is looking straight into the eyes of the Empire of Lies and telling it as it is, the Terrorist of the world. 

A coordinated strategy must be worked out to start a war on terror against the evil Empire. The American terrorists must be stopped from accusing innocent people and states as terrorists.  The Empire of Lies must be stopped from calling others as liars.

Pelosi's visit to Taiwan is the most dangerous act of aggression and provocation and could lead to war. The reckless and irresponsible Americans are risking war with China. China is all ready for this day. China will sink every American ship in the western Pacific Ocean. And if those ships based in Japan dare to leave ports or intervene, it would mean all the bases in Japan would go up in smokes. This is a highly inflammable situation that would lead to WW3.

The terrorist Americans are testing it, gambling on it, that they could get away unscathed. with this irresponsible behaviour. The warmongers cannot lie anymore. Ukraine is not enough. They want a war in East Asia.


  1. China and Russia must be prepared for World War IV.

    World War III has already begun. It started by the Evil USA since it invaded Egypt, Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan.

    This time around, China and Russia must obliterate the Evil USA and all its Military and Covert Operations Bases. No more Military Bases and Miscellaneous Up-To-No-Good Covert Operations Bases must be allowed throughout the whole World.

    The US Homeland must also be disintegrated, for good. This only-230 years country must not be allowed to exist it its present form. There are too many deceptive and dangerous lies being disseminated by the Evil Political Hacks across the Board. This lying business has to be stopped, in one way or another.

  2. The USA homeland will not be untouched, unlike the previous two World Wars. This will be a different definition of war altogether and they can spin whatever the want about whatever shield or layers of anti-missile missile shields. These can provide just theoretical comfort. As they found out, anti-missiles can take out targets at just over 50% success. Now, with hypersonic missiles, wonder what are the odds? That is it!

    The USA was able to avoid being attacked due to the distance that enemy planes had to surmount to strike their homeland. Japan only managed to attack Pearl Harbour. The reality is far different this time. Missiles and drones can travel thousands of miles, carrying multiple nuclear warheads. Try shooting them down, every one of them.

    As Al Capone said: Somebody messes with me, I'll gonna mess with him.

  3. Everyday they are threatening and provoking China in the South China Sea with their fully armed warship and war planes. And the lying Americans are saying China is aggressive and threatening peace.

    How many silly buggers still cannot see the difference, who is provoking who?

    Pelosi flying to Taiwan not provocative, not unfriendly, not a threat to war?

    And American and western media, and some silly American poodle media also repeat the American lies as truth.

  4. Who is provoking who, I believe sensible people in the world can see. You do not go to other people's doorstep antagonising them, and then turning around accuse them of provoking you. It is preposterous, illogical and pure propagandising.

  5. woody
    Trump contributed to the destruction of this nation by going along with bombing Syria, assassinating an Iranian general, and other crimes for the benefit of Israel. No man can serve two masters. You might have heard that. American First means AMERICA - not Israel. America First means doing what is in the interests of the American people. It means steering clear of foreign wars. Ending sanctions and trying to get along with other nations. It means ending a foreign policy of belligerence and threatening other countries.

  6. All the CRIMES that Trump has generated, initiated and executed must come back to roost. Nothing more, nothing less.

    Americans cannot serve two Masters and get away with the Deep Crimes.

  7. Countries are dragged into fighting the proxy wars on behalf of the USA and just benefits their agenda of hoping to remain as the sole superpower.

    In Vietnam they thought that it was an easy target to subdue, but found out the hard way, with Russia and China behind the North Vietnamese. In Iraq it was thought that subduing Saddam Hussein was going to be a walk in the park and they went in themselves, and proclaimed 'Mission Accomplished' in just barely two months. Years later Bush was quoted to have said that that was a wrong message that he made and he regretted it. Why? Because the war in Iraq is still not over and Iraq is in chaos. No WMD found, no chemical weapons discovered, no peace in Iraq, nothing has been accomplished short of stealing the oil and other precious Iraqi heritage.

    Now in Ukraine, they dared not step in directly because they know Russia is no Iraq or Afghanistan. So they used proxies, all the dummies in NATO, who are suffering now. Those dummies deserved their fate at the hands of the USA. Now, Nord Stream 1 and 2 are basically over for good. The USA will now sell highly expensive oil and gas to the Europeans, which they bought from the Saudis at market prices, and those oil and gas were in turn bought from Russia at deep discounts by the Saudis. Who are the real suckers?

    How long can the Europeans survive on expensive oil and gas after building all those LNG degasification terminals and LNG tankers to transport the oil and gas from USA? This is like cutting the nose to spite the face. They brought all these upon themselves and the EU will soon disintegrate with infighting.

  8. It is easier, cleaner, neater and more efficient for the white men to scheme and destroy themselves without getting the rest of the world involved and get killed for no good reason.

    So far the rest of the world has behaved quite intelligently by not getting involved and get themselves killed.

    But a few silly coloured states are itching on wanting to get involved, to get their people killed for the good of the Americans.

    Silly Taiwanese, oops, Japanese calling themselves Taiwanese, would want to become another Ukaraine, to be killed for their own stupidity.

    Asean has so far been able to act as one, not allowing any silly pro American poodles to drag them into the shit hole. Asean must thank the Indonesians for having a wise President in Widodo to keep the ship steady and not be used by the Americans.

  9. The Americans may be willing to sacrifice the old woman to start a war with China. China would definitely take action if she approaches Taiwan. This is the highest level of provocation forcing China to act.

    It could be another dangerous maneuver and an air accident could happen. Pelosi and her aircraft could end in the sea together with the crew. This is what is needed to start a war.

  10. When Pelosi's aircraft takes off to Taiwan, China is likely to put all its armed forces on full alert, on a war footing.

    For Pelosi to go to Taiwan is a signal that the Americans are prepared to start a war with China.

    China putting its armed forces on full alert is China's signal to the Americans that it is prepared to go to war with the Americans.

    The Americans want to play this chicken game, see who chickens out first. China would not back off as this is affecting its core interest and the reelection of Xi to another term in office. Xi cannot appear to be weak.

  11. Published by CNA on July 27, 2022:

    "SINGAPORE — Former Sri Lankan president Gotabaya Rajapaksa has obtained a 14-day extension of his short-term visit pass (STVP), which will mean he can stay in Singapore until Aug 11, CNA understands.

    He was ousted from office over his country's economic collapse and fled to Maldives before arriving in Singapore on July 14."

    I have said this before the approval was grunted.

    He can easily extend his stay in Singapore indefinitely, at the pleasure of the President of Singapore (and the pleasure of the PM too?).

  12. Basically, there is nothing to stop him from getting approval, if required.

  13. In the past, the Americans have been exploiting its unchallenged military supremacy to act in whatever way it wanted, to intervene and bully countries in the region, including China, at its own fancy. It would create incidents to intervene and act as the untouchable gangster in the region.

    It is still trying to act in the same way in the South China Sea to provoke and incite and create incidents to allow it to interfere as the undisputed gangster. It is the law, its words are the rules of law.

    The Americans still did not think or see that things have changed. Today it does not have the power and ability to intervene and dictate to China. If it dares to create incidents or poke its fingers into China's affair, the fingers would be chopped off by China.

    The Americans can no longer act as it likes like the swaggering cowboy with his pistol on his hips, unchallenged. He would be mowed down and be dead meat before he knew what hit him.

  14. The very thought that they cannot dictate any more going forward is making them paranoid, highly dangerous and clearly desperate. They have to confront China, a pure competitor, in economic power and military power, and one that they have never come across before. The Pentagon hawks think that the earlier the war begins, the more successful they think their chances will be, and that is why they are so confrontational, yet wary. They know China will fight back as they did in Korea and Vietnam, and is getting stronger.

    Can they take down China is the question and what will Russia or North Korea do? North Korea needs China to hold it's backyard. So does Russia, and both are not going to stand idly by. If China falls, it means the USA will be using China, like they are using Ukraine, to station nuclear weapons on Chinese soil to threaten Russia.

    That was also the situation why China entered the the Korean War, when it realised that the fall of North Korea is going to expose their vulnerability to USA threats and will not be good for China's security. Same with North Vietnam. And so China entered the Korean and Vietnam War on the side of the North.

  15. Tension is raising in the SC Sea with the pending visit of old hag Pelosi to Taiwan.
    From the official statement of the Chinese FM, this is serious and warn about crossing the red line just as Russia went to war against Ukraine after the redline was crossed.

    US is taking no chances, rushing military equipment and carrier groups to sea around Taiwan, including the USS Ronald Reagan, just to protect Pelosi.
    USS Ronald Reagan just had its ships replenished with supplies at Singapore Changi Base and has left since Monday.

    In the event of a military conflict resulting from Pelosi's visit and if RSS Ronald Reagan is involved , I am not sure if China would view Singapore as complicit by giving logistical support to the American warship before a battle.

  16. Would the Americans be willing to lose two aircraft carriers just to protect an old hag making an unnecessary trip to Taiwan just to earn $1m pocket money? And the two aircraft carriers carry more than 10,000 soldiers, plus all the aircraft and weapons. These are just the down payment.

    Once the two aircraft are struck, China would have to complete the destruction of all military bases in Japan and South Korea for its own protection and defence. Oh, Guam too must be wiped out as well.

    This is a heavy price to protect the pride of an old hag. Oops, two old hags, one already senile.

  17. The war on terror mothing into WMD in Iraq and ended years ago, but the USA is still there stealing the oil and other resources.

    Oh yeah, Bush did say that his 'Mission Accomplished' message was a mistake. I agree. The USA has not completed it's plunder of the oil and resources, so in retrospect the mission is not yet accomplished.

    As for terror and WMD, that was a fabricated excuse to invade Iraq. It was a war crime, clear and simple, but no culpability on those perpetrators. How strange that such a big fabricated lie, that created a war, that killed millions of innocents, can just be swept under the carpet. There is so much blood on the hands of those at the UN rubber stamping the invasion.

  18. https://www.conservapedia.com/Swords_of_Iron Swords of Iron
