
This world is getting more wicked, just for the sake of making more money

 The American hegemony all boils down to money, to control the world, to dictate to the world, to create instability and war, but within their control, just to sell more weapons. War is big business to the Americans, the biggest manufacturer and exporter of weapons. Other than wars, a corollary is forming gangs, gangsterism, and offering every member weapons and weapon systems, not building infrastructures to benefit the people and economic activities.  Everyday, everywhere the Americans pop up, they would be offering to sell more weapons to whoever that they could sell to by stoking fears.

The Americans always look for easy way out to make money. Other than wars and printing money, they have found another lucrative ATM, selling vaccines, fake vaccines also can, as long as they could find enough suckers or collaborators to go along. Better still if the collaborators are governments that can compel or mandate the consumption of the vaccines by its citizens. With their control of the media, and with many silly and willing suckers that believed anything West is good, there will not be shortage of buyers, even after being proven they have been duped wholesale.

Traditionally, and correctly, medicine, vaccines, drugs etc must be prescribed by the medical professionals, not by pharma manufacturers or government institutions. Increasingly we are seeing this changing, that it is the pharma companies or the governments that are prescribing the use of drugs or vaccines, not the medical professionals. How could this be?

When this insanity is accepted as the norm, that governments and pharma companies are given the god forsaken right to not only prescribe the use of drugs and vaccines, but even to make them mandatory, it becomes a license to kill, oops, a license to make money indiscriminately.

Does anyone feel it strange that viruses, or new diseases, or diseases that were thought to have been wiped out for good are resurfacing again, and not in unhygienic slum countries but in clean and developed countries like China, US and Europe? We have seen how quickly Covid19 started in Wuhan, China and then overnight, every nooks and corners of the world have Covid19 virus. This is not ruling out the conspiracy that it all started in the USA, in Fort Detrick and also in Ukraine, Europe.

Now what, monkeypox Made in USA, not in Africa. And the latest, polio, Made in USA, thought to have been eradicated. How convenient, to have these diseases in supposedly hygienic and clean environment USA? And how convenient that the pharma companies have all the vaccines and drugs ready and recommending and prescribing them for mass vaccinations. No need second opinion from the medical professionals. 

How's that when compared to the proliferation of computer viruses one after another, and the proliferation of anti virus companies. Is this another chicken and egg theory, which comes first? Is Nature or the virus the culprit in the spread of viruses, computer viruses and organic and inorganic viruses? Why is it that all conspiracy theories point to the same direction, all man made?

Follow the money. Yes, who is going to make easy money out of these viruses and vaccines? It seems that this is an endless story of viruses appearing one by one, and pharma companies are all going to laugh to the banks.

By the way, with the explosion of Covid19 cases in Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand and many countries using mRNA vaccines, what would anyone be saying of the effectiveness of these vaccines in preventing infection? If this were to happen in the earlier phases of the pandemic, these countries would be called epicentres. And the cases are growing and growing and they have all been numbed by the numbers and pretended that it is the new normal. 

PS. US identifies first cases of monkeypox in children 

Speaking on a conference call, Dr Jennifer McQuiston, deputy director of the CDC's division of high consequence pathogens and pathology, said it is not a surprise that pediatric cases of monkeypox have emerged, but "there is no evidence to date that we are seeing this virus spread outside of" the communities of gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men. CNA


  1. When medicine and drugs are commercialised and profit is the driving motive, good medicine/drugs would eradicate the diseases quickly. This is bad for business.

    So, to drive up profit, medicine and drugs must not be too effective. Or more and more diseases must be created to drive up demands, like computer viruses. Create more viruses to create more demand.

    This world is sick to the core.

  2. Step one, get WHO's endorsement that it is a serious pandemic and needs worldwide vaccination.

    GENEVA: The World Health Organization will reconvene its expert monkeypox committee on Thursday (Jul 21) to decide whether the outbreak now constitutes a global health emergency - the highest alarm it can sound.

    Then it would be boom town Charlie.

  3. SINGAPORE: The Ministry of Health (MOH) is evaluating the need for monkeypox vaccination for some healthcare and laboratory workers who are at higher risk of exposure to the virus due to their jobs, but it is not recommending inoculation for the general population.

    Hope no one starts thinking about making more profits, signed partnerships with pharma companies and make inoculation mandatory for all.

  4. Maybe that is the reason why Covid vaccines are not effective, booster shots also not effective, then can jab and jab and jab. More sales, more profits.

  5. US is the only country to be able to preach human rights and rule based order from a hypocritcal and fake moral high ground.
    The latest , listing 11 countries that indulge in human trafficking, coincidentlally are all geopolitical opponents of US and no prizes if you guess that includes China, Russia, N Korea, Venezuela. The Baltic states and Ukraine have been infamous for human trafficking, even being ticked off by the State dept are comveniently omitted.

  6. The irony is that most of the world have been brainwashed for decades that what is from the West is always good and anything from China is all bad. Even China's so-called Autocratic System of lifting hundreds of millions of it's own people out of poverty is an affront to the USA's Democratic System of continually enriching the super rich, and must not be seen as an example for USA's system of democracy. That demonisation of East is bad narrative was also levelled at Japan when it was rising, and they managed to scuttle the Japanese ambition and the Japanese are now as obedient as a new born puppy.

    Nowadays, there is the continual narrative that China stole technology from the West. China must have stolen their space station, their space ships to go to the moon and Mars, their high speed rail, their 5G mobile phone development and going into 6G, their AI, their super computers, their electric vehicle development, their jet engine knowhow, building of aircraft carriers, submarines and warships and of course their nuclear bombs . All these developments were never allowed to be participated in by China at all, and most were China's own development in adversity, so how could China be stealing from them with most developments not even in existence in USA?

    When they accused China of stealing from the West, we have to look deeper into who really are the biggest thieves and robbers. The Anglo Saxon Whites are the ones that are the inventers and predecessors of the art of stealing or robbery. They are like a visitor to your home, saw what is in your house, the gold, precious jewels and the big wide land. They left and soon came back with guns and tell you they discovered your house and they want it, and they took it by force. They stole or robbed everything the eye could see. That was what happened in North America and Australia and in many other countries of the world.

    The Brits did that earlier all over the world, but had to let go of those territories after facing financial constraints, but not after stealing much of the resources to fund their Industrial Revolution. They stole US$45 trillion (some say in Sterling, which is even more massive) from India alone, and even tried genocide against the starving Indians by shipping food back to England to feed the whites while Indians were facing famines.

    The days of unilateral blackmailing of countries using sanctions is no longer the prerogative of the USA and the West. Russia has taken a leaf from the USA playbook by using energy as a weapon. The EU can call it anything they like, blackmailing or weaponising of oil and gas, it does not really matter. And as Deng xiaoping famously said - 'It does not matter whether a cat is black or white, as long as it can catch mice, it is a good cat'.

    Russia is teaching the world how to deal with sanctions and how to counter them. Not that other countries have not found their way out of such sanctions. Cuba lived with that for half a century. North Korea as well and yet it managed to go nuclear and still firing crackers at it's whims and fancies. Iran is still developing well and, like China is getting stronger in adversity. Venezuela is still in one piece and not close to collapsing. And do we honestly believe Russia will collapse and the Ruble turned to dust? In someone's dementia tainted dream probably.

    Incidentally, I came across this piece of information that Saudi Arabia is importing lots of cheap discounted oil from Russia, more than before, and reselling them at big profits to the rest of the world, particularly Europe. That really took me by surprise somewhat. Now Saudi Arabia does not need to extract more oil by just importing from Russia. And Russia realistically need no Europe to push their excess oil output. That makes really big suckers out of the USA and the Europeans. And who is really benefitting from the win-win situation? You make a guess.

  7. Is the love of money really the root of all evil?

  8. "But everyone's philosophy You Die You Business."

    That is not true. Only the Saudis are the greedy ones in this case.

    You can't talk about the Saudis greediness and then use it to strike each and everyone in this whole wide world.

    Please do remember that "It takes all sorts of people to make this world".

    Though many are driven by greed but not everyone is. There are people who earn a honest day's living.

  9. Now that Europe itself is facing problems with food and energy shortages, the EU is trying to save face by saying that they are prepared to roll back some of the sanctions against Russia, claiming it was for the sake of helping to alleviate food shortages for the rest of the world, particularly Africa.

    Trying is save their own arse would be a more appropriate explanation than trying to joke about saving other countries. We know them inside out. They never did care about Africa.

    What is realistically leading to the indication of their loosening of the sanctions since they claim that Russia is in deep trouble? Why is there little news in the MSM about trouble having erupted in Canada, UK and Holland? When inflation rises further, which will likely, more protest will break out soon - in Germany, France and other European countries. All these are making them nervous and wondering whether they have been betting on the wrong horse.

    As someone commented, Putin must demand the lifting of all sanctions, not just selective lifting. At this stage it is not for the EU to dictate, when they are standing on shifting sand.

  10. https://youtu.be/-lCcEQ8em9g
    How to fight the Russians

  11. https://youtube.com/shorts/ewvbNpASwbc?feature=share
    UAssA mass murderers
