
The US and its European allies hubris and hypocrisy about democracy, human rights and rules of law.

    The evil white race of the West led by the Anglo-Saxon United States should stop bluffing about their cheap talk on democracy, human rights and  the rules of law. 

The first thing they should do if they are true to their preaching is to give back the lands to the  natives and indigenous people of North America, Latin America, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, Australia, New Zealand and Diego Garcia. All the illegal and illicit white invaders such as the Anglo-Saxons and the Teutonics should pack up and go back to Europe, to England, France, Spain, Portugal, Holland, Germany, Italy, Belgium and Scandinavia where they originally came from.

The free world and the United Nations Organisation must help all the indigenous people of North America, Latin America, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, Australia, New Zealand and Diego Garcia to take back their homelands so that they can form their own respectable independent countries.

Next they should stop interfering in other countries internal affairs. They should stop interfering in China's internal affairs in Taiwan, Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Tibet and should instead do the right thing by restoring the rightful and legitimate demands of Scotland, Wales, Catalonia and Northern Ireland to have their lands back as independent countries.

All the US talk about human rights is just pure hubris and hypocrisy. The white government of the Anglo-Saxon United States commits the worst travesty on human rights. If it is sincere about human rights it should stop ill-treating, terrorising and killing its non-white citizens. It should stop its illegal and illicit sanctions and blockades on countries which do not follow US dictates. US should stop sanctioning and blockading Cuba, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Venezuela, Bolivia, North Korea, Iran, Yemen, Syria and Afghanistan. US should stop creating turmoil and wars in the Middle East, in Korea, East China Sea and South China Sea

The United Ststes should not shamefully impose its own rules as rules of law on other countries. The only international rules of law are those formulated by the United Nations Organisation. By trying to impose its own rules on other countries US is guilty of imposing extra-territorial rights on other countries and thus infringing on their sovereignty.

For the last five hundred years the evil white race went on a world rampage of savage aggression and conquest against all the non-white people and countries in Asia, Africa, North America, Latin America, Australia, Hawaii and New Zealand, killing, looting and massacring with the utmost cruelty and atrocities. This 500 years white men's curse which brought terrible agonizing  suffering, deaths and tremendous destructions to properties must be stopped and never be allowed to happen again.

The United Nations Organisation and the non-white countries must see that US and its Western allies walk the talk on the correct path of democracy, human rights and rules of law and not to use their distorted version as a guise to supplant, sabotage and subordinate other countries to their control and hegemony.


Tuesday, 12th July, 2022


  1. The Anglo-Saxon white invaders of North America is not qualified to talk about democracy human rights and rules of law.

    What democracy are the hypocritical Anglo-Saxons talking when they invaded other peoples land, destroy native countries and exercise full total control and hegemony over the natives.

    Having conquered the natives lands the white invaders looted their gold and mineral resources and then they killed, massacred and genocided the natives. Now they come to preach to the world about human rights. They must have taken us for fools though yes, many non-white people are being hookwinked and believe in their nonsense.


  2. The United States and it European allies have no shame when they tell others to follow the rules of law.
    Do they follow rules of law when they set out to do evil things.
    What rules and whose law did they follow when they started an aggressive war against North Korea in 1950 -1953, when they took land away from the Palestinian in 1948 to form the Jewish state of Israel, when they under fake and false accusations invaded Iraq, Syria, Libya and Yemen in the Middle East and when they carried out a disastrous war against Afghanistan which lasted for 20 years.All these American and Western imposed wars caused millions of unnecessary deaths and great destruction to properties just because white men's greed for the oil and other rich resources of the lands they invaded.


  3. When the white men talk about rules of law they only want others to follow their rules and if you don't do so they will just attack you and destroy you. They want to replace international rules of law formulated by the United Nations Organisation with their own illegal and illicit rules which favour them but are detrimental to their victims. In other words they want to exercise extra-territorial rights over others which is tantamount to infringing on their sovereignty and thus subjecting them to their dominance and hegemony. This is white men's democracy, human rights and rules of law and they expect others to believe them. They are the most despicable and abominable people on earth.


  4. US Secretary of State vowed to keep up pressure on Myanmar regime: ST. Monday, 11th July, 2022.
    Who gave him the right or permission to harass the Myanmar government and people? Under which rule and law is US empowered to interfere and meddle in Myanmar's internal affairs. ASEAN, India and China must warn US and the West to hands off from Myanmar. In the recent past US had infiltrated into Myanmar's internal affairs and through CIA and its evil NGOs had managed to instal the treacherous pro-US stooge and traitor Ang San-Sukyi which caused serious damage to Myanmar's governance and wellbeing due to her corruption in her government causing adverse consequense in trade and commerce and in banking and finance.
    The evil United States is trying to rob off the rich mineral resources of Myanmar such as oil, copper, lithium and tin when it tries to achieve this through the installation of a pro-US puppet regime under US control and direction. So is this what US democracy, human rights and rules of law about. It is all bullshit.

  5. The Evil Empire and it's doggies keep talking about Russia weaponising oil and gas against the EU. What kind of a joke are they spouting?

    The USA should look into the mirror first. What did they do with the US$ hegemony? Not weaponising it yet? But for years using it to sanction countries that cannot agree with them. What about SWIFT? Not weaponising it yet? But using it to prevent those countries from doing their normal transfer of money. These are not weaponisation? What planet are they living on?

    I think Putin was spot on in his criticism of the Evil Regime. When the USA accused countries of doing things against the norm, check back and you will find that they have been doing it well before accusing others. Genocides, war crimes, human trafficking and drug trafficking are all in their sin book.

    There are yet other more serious crimes which they are the only humans who ever committed - dropping nuclear bombs on others and using widespread biological weapons against others. The fact that the UN and ICC have no marbles to say anything about that, except talking cock, does not mean those are not crimes to be judged. Heaven will judge them.

    The hypocritical USA has no moral audacity to judge others in anything that others do.

  6. They are using western media to spread lies and disinformation to smear others but not exposing or talking about their war crimes, crimes against humanity and wicked deeds.

  7. COVID19 was planned 12 years ago by the Evil Empire and it's stooges and was targeted at China, which was getting too strong and too fast and had the biggest world population. India by the way is expected to overtake China as the biggest country by population by next year, 2023.

    The COVID19 virus was created in a lab to reduce the world population and by that I mean the non White population of the world. SARS was believed to be just a test run many years ago and this time COVID was the real thing. However, the perpetrators obviously overlooked the fact that viruses mutate fast and of course change the way they were supposed to do in the first place. That caused the uncontrolled spread in the USA and the West, which Trump, with the knowledge of hindsight had gloatingly boasted it will not touch the USA. Well, it did and in more devastatingly way than on China.

    Do watch this video on Youtube by "PTE Geopolitics 'World Gone Crazy'" titled 'COVID was planned 12 year ago and released in China'. The insider predictions were made in 2010 and everything just turned out to be frighteningly true today.

    1. Yes. That can be truthfully confirmed, with hindsight.

      12 years ago, I read with interest and disgust the conversation of some very well-known persons who had the blatant audacity to speak in a direct self-implication manner.

  8. Strangely, on Channel News America, nothing much or total news blackout about the protest going on in the West, in UK, Holland, Canada and soon Germany and France. Everything is centered on China virus situation, Sri Lanka crisis and interestingly the hyped up Pacific Island conundrum.

    What say you guys on selective journalism. Believe in what you will, but do find out the real news on social media. You will not regret doing so.

    1. Looks like CNA has been bought. And whoever is directing it has also been bought and who whatsoever is directing him has the intention of allowing the present state of affairs to go on and on. So it seems, naturally.

  9. Shameful journalism.


  10. These white imperialists are most despicable. Every other country around the world is either their frontyard or backyard. Every nook and corner of the earth is important to their national security. The US Monroe Doctrine of 1823 has blockaded or prevented Central America and South America countries from trading direct with other countries outside the hemisphere except through Washington. In this way the United States makes all the money as compradores or middlemen in buying or selling the products of Central and Latin America countries. Is this democracy when through sheer military might the US prevented lts neighbouring countries from carrying direct trade with the outside world. This is pure dictatorial exploitation. Fortunately for the region Russia and China are now powerful enough to break through the Monroe Doctrine against US dictatorship to carry out direct trade with most of the countries and help them to develop their economy, trade and commerce and industries as well as develop their oil and mining industries. American Anglo-Saxon Monroe Doctrine is white racist and supremacist dictatorship to exploit the wealth and riches of the countries in the region for the benefit and profit of the United States. This shows US democracy is a farce and only a means for exploitation of non-white or weak countries.

    In the 1950s and early 1960s after using all the South Pacific Ocean island countries for nuclear tests of its atom bomb and hydrogen bomb and after taking all the available natural resources from the islands the US left the island countries in the cool and poor for decades. Now these islands appeal to China to help them to build up and develop their countries in building public infrastructures like roads, schools, hospitals and light industries as well as trade and commerce the white countries of US and Australia did not like it and threatened the small oceanic countries with consequences. Do they still want to shamelessly call their bully and exploitation democracy and human rights. What rules of law are they following. The despicable United States and its poodle or sheriff Australia only know how to use strong arm twisting to get small or weak countries to bent to their illicit rules and dictatorship.

    The evil US objects to Solomon Island Republic an independent island sovereign country signing a mutual aid military treaty with China as if they are the king and lord of all the independent Pacific island sovereign countries. But the US can have a thousand military bases all over the world. What are these intimidating bases for? Are they for protecting the interests of US and the white countries or for intimidating and coercing other countrie to toe US dictates? This is what they call Western democracy, human rights and rules of law. All these are shams use as a disguise to control the meek and the weak countries. They are all fakes and should be condemned by the world and the United Nations Organisation in no uncertain terms.

    Eagles Eyes SG

  11. White savage gangsterism to bully and control the world. But they are many silly coloured people that like to be controlled by the white savages and keep on carrying and sucking their balls.

  12. The USA support for democracy is indeed a farce. Take Saudi Arabia for example. When Jamal Khashoggi was assassinated, the USA made up all kinds of accusations and insinuations and called Prince Mohammed bin Salman a 'pariah'. There were all kinds of fake war dance calling on countries not to deal with 'dictators' like MBS in the name of democracy.

    Now, what is Biden trying to do today in the light of the energy shortage? He is prostrating himself before MBS begging for oil and forgetting what he said about not supporting dictators. What a hypocrite! This is the USA version of upholding democracy and their own 'Rule of Law'. All hubris and fakery.

  13. The other remarkable narrative missing on Channel News America is continuous touting of the winning of the war by Ukraine against Russia. That has died down significantly, when the MSM could not support the narrative with the facts to show. Ukraine, according to them was all along winning the war, but strangely losing more and more territories. How is that for a country that is winning the war? They could not invent more lies to support their lies and now all is relatively quiet on the Ukraine front.

    And it is back to China Lockdown and collapsing, Sri Lanka collapsing, Pacific Islands issue, but nothing in particular about those protests in UK, Holland and Canada. Are we in any way surprise by the agenda?


  14. Russia will pulverise Ukraine in days if it wants to.
    Luckily anf a blessing to the Ukraine Commoners that Putin is not doing so
    on humanitarian ground.
    Ukraine People should rid themselves of Zelenskyy, their own nemesis.


  15. Putin should not be so kind. Many of the Ukrainians are Nazis. And many that are fighting the Russians are mercenaries. Just shit a few mother of all bombs on them like the Americans did to the Arabs and Muslims.


  16. Mike Pompeo was honest to declare that they lie, cheat and rob
    if l may add.
    Boris Johnson did all the Unsavouries and denied doing so. One is low class and one is worse than that.
    Seems that Scums
    are in vogue in White Savages Societies.


    1. Ex-former Australia Prime Minister Scot Morrison is
      vile, audacious and worse.

      TheWhite Davagrs ard declining and heading for doom.


    2. Thr White Savages are declining and heading for doom
      to correct my mistake
      in my Above Comment.
      Sincere Apology.

  17. The key American objective in the Ukraine War is to take down Europe and bring it under the absolute control of the Americans. Europe would be destroyed for good. Ukraine would be no more.

  18. Stunning statement from former National Security Advisor John Bolton on CNN just now:"As someone who has helped plan coup d'état — not here but, you know, other places — it takes a lot of work." pic.twitter.com/3rsSX355ND

    — The Recount (@therecount) July 12, 2022

  19. Pre-emptive use of force perfectly fine to thwart threats to US and its allies, John Bolton tells RT

  20. The white savages are proud of doing such aggressive acts of terrorism. But the bananas regard these acts as acceptable because they are committed by their white gods. Their white gods can kill, destroy, massacre, rob, steal, cheat, all very friendly acts.

  21. Only one race has committed so much evil, destruction and killing of so many innocents. And they profess to care so much about Muslims, Democracy and Human Rights. Just unbelievable.

    Muslims no longer believe in the Western narratives on Xinjiang. Middle East countries practically ignored what nonsense the USA and the West is spreading about the Uyghurs. The way they treated the Muslims in the Middle East, it does not make sense and illogical for them to believe in the USA and the West. That is over now.

  22. Now the Ukraine narrative is not selling as well. Nobody is buying their snake oil anymore. The can only sell that to their own citizens, who they kept ignorant of global events. But it would not last for long.

  23. Tue, July 12, 2022 at 5:30 PM·5 min read
    African countries owe three times more debt to Western banks, asset managers and oil traders than to China, and are charged double the interest, according to a study released on Monday by British campaign charity Debt Justice.

    This is despite the growing accusations by the US and other Western countries that China's lending is behind the debt troubles faced by some African countries.

    The study said just 12 per cent of the continent's external debt was owed to Chinese lenders, compared to 35 per cent owed to Western private creditors, according to calculations based on World Bank data. SCMP
