
Shinzo Abe a very evil and wicked Jap rogue and scoundrel is assassinated: Good riddance.

I watched with disbelief when this monster Shinzo Abe was assassinated, many numbskull politicians in Southeast Asia and Singapore felt so sad with grief as if one of their love ones was gone. Don't they know every member of Abe's family and clan related  families from his grandfather Nobusuke Kishi downwards have stains of Chinese blood in their bloody hands. Even now PM Fumio Kishida and most of his cabinet members are clan related to Shinzo Abe's family through traditional clan marriage system and by which every member of the extended family is guilty of having Chinese blood in their hands.

Oh! what a pathetic sight seeing them showing respect and sympathy with  thoughts and prayers to a monster whose ancestors and whose grandfather the notorious Nobusuke Kishi had committed horrible crimes and atrocities which had killed and genocided  millions of Chinese and Koreans without mercy. To add insult to injury a book of condolence was on display and the public was asked to sign their condolences. I would have thought a book of condemnation and curse would have been more appropriate. Just let the world know my father was profiled, arrested and tortured in prison for many months.  I am sure many of the netizens grandfathers and  great grandfathers must have been similarly profiled, arrested and thrown in prison. Several tens of thousands of innocent Chinese in Singapore and Southeast Asia  had died a painful and agonizing death in this manner. Yet some of the  the present political leaders in  Southeast Asia shed tears in sympathy with the death of the Japanese monster. Have they no shame at all? Oh! Goodness , really numbskull.

Shinzo Abe a very evil and wicked rogue and scoundrel is assassinated: Good riddance. However, there are many thousands more of anti-China's  Shinzo Abe's type or replicas lurking in Japanese politics .  More of his ilk should be similarly despatched by divine design less they cause more turmoil and death in this world.

Shinzo Abe and his present pack of just as evil Japanese leaders in the LDP and Jap government are descendants from a line of ruthless killers and murderers forebears from the Meiji emperor era  in the 1860s to the 1940s. 

Like the white barbarians the Japs invaded China and Korea and massacred the Chinese by the millions. But ironically they arrogantly claimed the Chinese people are inferior people cheaper than trash and fit only ro serve them as slaves. 

Let the story be told and the people will judge who are the inferior people. Like the Western white savages the barbaric Japs had for centuries been trying to invade China since as early as the 14th and 15th Century during the time of the Yuan Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty. All their attempts to invade China ended in failure as China was able to repel their attacks and chased them back to Japan. 

However by the turn of the 19th Century China descended into decadence that caused many European countries and Japan to invade China again. In 1879 Japan took away Liu Chiu Islands  ( Jap renamed it as Okinawa ) and in 1895 it invaded and took away Taiwan from China. Also in 1885 Japan invaded and occupied the Chinese island of Sakhalin to the north of Hokkaido which is now under Russia.

In 1931 Japan invaded Chinese province of Manchuria then under warlord Zhang Tso-lin and later his son Zhang Xue-liang. In 1932 Japan established the puppet state of Manchukuo and installed Pu-yi as a nominal emperor though the actual power of the government was under Japan's control which ruled it as a Japanese colony.

In 1931 Shinzo Abe's grandfather Nobusuke Kishi was posted to Manchuria as a minister with full power to take charge of the new colony. In Manchuria Nobusuke Kishi"s rule was extremely exploitative and he committed endless unforgivable heinous crimes and atrocities against the Chinese people. He exploited Chinese cheap labour practically for free to expedite industrialization of Manchuria especially heavy industry like iron and steel mills to help the Japanese empire war industry. He used the Yakuza Japan's powerful gangsters or mafia to supervise the Chinese workers who were frequently beaten or killed with the most flimsy excuse. 

He founded Biolab Unit 731 in Harbin as a branch of the Japanese chemical biolab the Shinkuju in Tokyo. Fom 1930s to 1940s his Unit 731 conducted lethal life experiments on Chinese and Koreans to develop chemical and biological germ weapons against China. He dissected his Chinese and Korean victims alive without anaesthesia to test the reaction and effectiveness of his bioweapons. Nobusuke was really inhuman and cruel beyond description. No wonder he was known as the notorious Monster of Manchuria.

In 1939 Nobusuke Kishi was appointed as Minister of Commerce and Industry as well as Vice- Minister of munitions. Under his full control coal, iron ore and grains were plundered from China while oil, tin, copper, rubber, timber and other strategic resources were plundered from Southeast Asia countries and transported to Japan to become the driving force of Japan's crazy war machines. 

At this time Japan imperial military government also appointed Nobusuke as Manchukuo's Deputy Minister of Industrial Development with full control of Manchukuo's economy. Nobusuke Kishi crash program on Manchukuo's Industrial Development was completely focused on the production of steel for the purpose of arms manufacture to meet the military's demand of building a strong National Defense State. Indeed he was the mastermind behind the industrial development of Manchuria to support the Japanese imperial empire. He was also one of the warhawks in the Jap's fascist regime to demand the launching of The Pacific War. Thus he was simultaneously known as the "Monster of the Showa Era."

In Manchuria Nobusuke cultivated opium on a large scale. He monopolized the opium trade. Opium became the largest source of revenue for the Japanese imperial government. He and his Japanese army stationed in Shanghai made huge profits from opium business.

In Manchuria and Mongolia he forcefully  evicted the Chinese villagers from their lands and promoted the Manchurian and Mongolian pioneering group to get Japanese immigrants to immigrate to Northeast China and Mongolia in large numbers. 

One of Nobusuke Kishi's diabolical sins was the  organizing of comfort stations in Manchuria, China, Japan and in Southeast Asia and the forceful capture or induction of innocent Chinese and Korean girls or women into the comfort stations to serve the savage sexual instinct of the Japanese soldiers. Kishi was really a devil incarnate.

After Japan's defeat in the Second World War, both Emperor Hirohito and Nobosuke Kishi were listed as Class A war criminals chargeable for death sentence. Nobusuke Kishi and Hirohito's stance changed immediately from being self-proclaimed superior people that overlords the Chinese and Korean people to that of a very low class cur with no dignity and self-respect at all when like accursed dogs they knelt down before General MacArthur and licked MacArthur's asshole.

Their shameful low class slavish demeanour was well rewarded later when both Kishi and Hirohito were shamelessly acquitted by the US government after some dirty illicit shadowy deals and trade off. Under the immoral shady deal Japan had to surrender to US all the blue prints, records and documents of the  Biolab Unit 731. Also all Japanese scientists involved with the work of 731 must serve the US government and be deployed in biolabs in both US or US military bases overseas. Further Japan had to surrender to the US the over 3,000 tons of gold plus all the diamonds, rubies and jewelleries which Japan had plundered from the people of China and Southeast Asia countries. 

Nobusuke in his wildest dreams had never thought he would be acquitted and thus to escape the death sentence. So after his acquittal he was so grateful to the US that when he came out of his cell he just wanted to lick MacArthur's ass again to show his loyalty all the time. 

When MacArthur observed his pathetic slavish attitude he assured Kishi that the United States would hand over the Japanese government to him and Japan in the future.

Indeed it was through CIA financial support that helped Kishi to establish the Liberal Democratic Party and to win the elections in 1955 after the official termination of US rule in Japan.

Thus with strong CIA support Kishi became the Prime Minister of Japan in 1957. As the prime minister of Japan Kishi pledged his infinite allegiance to MacArthur and his oath of allegiance to the United States. 

In 1959 he pushed vigorously for a new treaty with the US. In January, 1959 he went to US to sign the "Treaty of Mutual cooperation and Security" which stipulated that the US must defend Japan and that Japan must be defended by the US which clearly makes Japan a vassal state of the United States. There was very strong opposition to Japan becoming a colony of the US. But inspite of tremendous opposition Kishi signed the US / Japan Security Treaty. In signing the treaty Kishi swore allegiance to the US that clearly denied Japan as an independent country but a colony of the US

Later he wanted to revise the Japanese Pacifist Constitution to amend Clause 9 that forbids Japan to rearm the military and to involve Japan in overseas wars again. 

Shinzo Abe takes after his grandfather Kishi and openly shown his intention to delete Clause 9 so that he could rearm the military and restore Japan to resemble the Meiji Era's bellicose military regime of the 1860s to 1940s. Abe had clearly shown his diabolical intention of starting another war with China when he had Japan planned and prepared for the day. Abe may be dead but his evil intention is alive with the LDP leaders . In truth Abe had already planned ahead with a conspiracy with the United States to take down China in future. The present LDP leaders and PM Fumio Kashida will surely try to fulfill Abe's wild dream and evil intention. That dream hopefully  is just a pipe dream and in any case China is capable of kneading it in the bud.

But Japan's psyche is not just invading China. Japan wants to conquer the whole of Asia and eventually the whole world like what the white men did.

Japan now is a pathetic US colony and the Japanese still think they are a superior people. The Japs really stink. What do you think and what does the world think of the Japanese.


Sunday, 17th July, 2022

 Shinzo Abe's grandfather  Nobusuke Kishi was guilty of the murder and massacre of millions of innocent Chinese people during Japanese war of aggression against China from as early as late 1920s to 1940s or end of Second World War. This war criminal Nobusuke Kishi's daughter Yoko Kishi married Shintaro Abe another war criminal and through which marriage Shinzo Abe a monster was born.


  1. The assassination of Shinzo Abe by their own people shows that Karma is the Universal Law of this world.


  2. The Japanese like to bully only the weak. That was how it invaded Korea in 1895.


  3. Abe and his grandfather Nobusuke Kishi were low class dogs who like to kowtow before the barbaric Anglo-Saxon Americans. At least the indigenous native Americans have more pride and dignity as they really fought the dirty white invaders to the last warrior.


  4. After the Japanese defeat Nobusuke Kishi and his master emperor Hirohito prostrated before General MacArthur and the American government begginng for their lives. Real disgusting low end cur, still want to claim superiority to the Chinese people.


  5. What's wrong with the despicable Japanese? They were defeated by the Americans. Instead of being angry with the Americans they get angry with the Chinese. Instead of hating the Americans they vent their hatred on the Chinese. Maybe they were frustrated that they could not invade China successfully because of strong and mighty resistance by the Chinese patriotic resistant fighters led by the Chinese Communist Party under the genius leadership of Chairman Mao Tse-tung and his most efficient and competent colleagues like Premier Chou En-Lai, Marshall Chu-De, Marshall Peng Ter-Huai and Marshall Liu Bo-Cheng just to name a few.

    Inspite of two American nuclear bombs that obliterated Hiroshima and Nagasaki they still love the Americans. Nobosuke Kishi and his grandson Shinjo Abe had already lay plans in conspiring with the Americans for a future joint attack against China. The Japanese are aware of the plot and may try to fulfill the two evil men's aspiration. But don't worry if they continue to plot against China they will be digging their own graves. That goes the same for the abominable Anglo-Saxon Americans. When the time comes China will obliterate the whole of Japan and the evil and wicked United States.

    We Chinese love peace but we are not afraid of war if imposed on us. We will surely fight to win.

    Ying DE Sheng, Penang, Malaysia

  6. Japanese blood runs in many secessionist Taiwanese DPP members, some even have Japanese names . . .


  7. I think it would be a good idea if Redbean can by his courtesy invite netizens whose family members had been tortured and killed by the Japanese to register in a special column of his blog to tell their stories and maybe with a future demand for compensation from the despicable Japanese government. The special column should be posted every day for at least two or three months so that eventually more people will be aware of it.

    My grandfather was incarcerated, tortured and put to death. Right now we still do not know where he was killed and disposed.

    Japan is so evil it should be destroyed completely for the safety of Asia and the world. Same goes for the evil satanic white Americans of the United States.

    Zhong Kuo-Mong

    Thanks, Redbean

  8. Let's not forget SG's own Hero the late Mr Lim Bo Seng who sacrificed and tortured by the Japs during the 40s. His spirit of Never Betray Own People & Never Surrender to enemy Attitude still Holds in this mundane world today.Till the day of the downfall of Japan his spirit will arise & fight against the evil Empire or the aggressive Japs regime. His spirit will live for many many years in this red dot, a Hero that never bow down to its aggressors by force, His fighting spirit will never die & revered by his descendants.

  9. https://youtu.be/Wd9R46K1ZeA

    Watch this. It tells the truth.

  10. All these talks about the Japanese atrocities in Singapore, and still Singaporeans love anything that are Japanese. Many Singaporeans holiday in Japan and feel that the Japanese are nice and friendly people.

    1. Hello, the above statement isn't 100% true. Sg youngsters watch Korean drama, Korean Video, Listen Korean music / MTV, dances Korean BTS, use Samsung phone, watch SamsungTV etc... Korean foreigners would be not be surprise to see that SG looks like as if they like their own country .. anila sayo..kam sa mida..


  11. Re: Anonymous 1:51pm

    There are reasons why what you mention is true.

    What does our education system teach our children? In schools do they teach history and geography? Even if they do they just gross over the evil deeds of the Japanese or the British imperialist. So our children grow up without any knowledge of the heinous crimes and atrocities that white imperial countries and Japan committed against other people. Between 1945 to the present it is already 77 years. In these 77 years at least two or three generations grow up without knowing what happened in history. Even if they did teach some sort of history it is the usual British colonial history that glorifies the British conquests and the demonisation of the conquered people.

    Also what do children read after school. They read mostly English story books like the usual Enid Blython, Charles Dickens and what not.

    Before there were not much to choose between Western and Japanese products. Take for example cars. From the 1950s to the 1970s Japanese cars were cheap compare to European or American cars. The same goes for audio electronic products where the fu..ing Japs products had an edge over Western products. It was not until the 1980s when Korean cars and audio electronic products like televisions and DVD players gave the Japanese a run on their products. Thus it unfortunately boils down to the question of affordabilty and not because people love the Fu...Japanese.

    May be you know only the few who holiday in Japan. What do you expect if they can't afford holidays in continental Europe or America. Well it is all the same as both the Japanese and the whites in Europe and America are very anti-Chinese. The Japanese are very deceiving. Outwardly they pretentiously appear to be nice and friendly but inwardly they are really black demons just like the Europeans and the Anglo-Saxon British and Americans.

    Eagles Eyes.

  12. What they write about on MSM today is still Tienanmen Square. The tanks running over the protestors. Nothing ever mentioned about the Nanjing Massacre or the Changi Beach massacre. Tell me, how many Singaporeans knew about the Changi Beach Massacre?

    What they write about on MSM today is all about Ukraine and is all about Russian bombing buildings housing civilians, but nothing mentioned about Ukraine military hiding military hardware within those buildings for the Russians to hit and blame the Russians for killing civilians, when they took out those military hardware inside.

    When they fabricated those lies about Saddam Hussein's WMD, which was never in existence in the first place, they were never taken to task, neither were they taken to task over what biological weapons they dropped on Vietnam, the millions of mines scattered throughout the country and still affecting and killing people.

    And yet stirring the hysteria over the killing of scores of civilians in Ukraine was really overbearing. Nothing more sickening resulting from the hypocritical stance adopted.

  13. Hi anon 4.40 agree with what you mentioned. If you noticed all sph-aka pap mouthpiece news have this anti china slant. I guess they might be getting sone funding $$ from cia as well.

  14. What Anon 9:43am described as torture were child play compared to what they did in Harbin in Unit 731. Go and google and read how cruel and savage were their so called experiments on life human beans. Pregnant women cut to gorge out the unborn babies with no sedatives, victims burnt or frozen alive, body parts cut up piece by piece, infected with all kinds of diseases, etc etc.

    How could people be so cruel, so barbaric?

  15. Good that such stuff could be googled and dispense for those who tend to forget over time. The most important thing is to keep on digging up and dispensing and not let them be forgotten as they hope the world will. Let it not be so simple as terminating Jeffrey Epstein and soon Julian Assange to end the trail leading to the most important perpetrators.

    That is why it is important to keep up the issue of genocides in North America, Australia, the atrocities in Asia by the Japanese, the war crimes by the USA in Iraq, Vietnam, China, Yemen, Syria and the use of biological weapons and WMD by the one and only country ever to do that.

    They have written history to whitewash their crimes, but the truth seekers of the world must not allow that to happen.
