
Xinjiang - A picture is worth a thousand words

 A picture is worth a thousand words. Let the photographs of Xinjiang tell the true story of the place and its people, the Muslim minorities of China. No amount of silly and mischievous American lies can dispute what the photos are saying. If need confirmation, just make a trip to Xinjiang to face the truth.

'Maxime Vivas (Vivas) is a French writer and journalist, who wrote a book titled Ouïghours, pour en finir avec les fake news (Uygurs, to put an end to the fake news) based on his two visits to Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in 2016 and 2018. 

Recently, his new book Les Divagations des Antichinois en France (The ramblings of anti-China forces in France) has been published in which he wrote about.' Global Times

This is Urumqi, capital city Xinjiang.  How many Muslim cities around the world are as well developed and modern as Urumqi, in the middle of the Gobi desert?  All the photos are from Global Times.

Are these Muslim minorities in Xinjiang unhappy? Scrutinise their faces to see if they are faking or real. The treacherous Americans are lying to the world that these Muslim minorities are victims of genocides.  The evil Americans can fabricate their lies. The picture above will tell the truth.

The Americans are claiming that the Xinjiang minorities are working like slaves in the cotton fields of Xinjiang, like the black African slaves that worked in American cotton fields.

The slaves of Xinjiang cotton fields are the machines, modern cotton picking machines operated by skilled workers. This is the new realities that the Americans would not want to see and were very angry when UN chief of Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet visited Xinjiang to get a first hand view of the truth. And the American gangsters have organised a hate team to discredit her and forcing her to resign. Look carefully at the so called slaves of Xinjiang cotton fields, it is a huge cotton picking machine. Not the same as the African slaves of American cotton fields.

I rest my case.

Below are a few pics of LA, USA. Credit to Google. These are definitely slums compare to the modern skyscrapers of Urumqi.


  1. To me in today's world, a picture sometimes does not worth a thousand words ! Y? It is now possible to doctor it in different ways with certain tools ! E.g. u r not in Rome, but a pic can make u as if u r in Rome !

  2. It was reported there are tampons shortages in US.

    The shortage was due to "supply chain problem", the US is facing production workers shortages.

    Tampons relies on cotton for its absorbent properties, which Xinjiang produces.

  3. Let the West try fooling the rest of the world, but they are really fooling themselves silly.

    Take Ukraine's joining the EU for example. All the talk about Ukraine going to enjoy the EU dream by joining the EU does not fool the Russians. Who is going to pay for that dream? Russia said that Ukraine joining the EU comes with negative consequences. That is the truth. For Ukraine, it will be a free ride, but for the EU it will be a massive liability.

    Remember the PIIGS needing crutches to help them with debt problems? And who was carrying that burden most of all. It was and still is Germany and France. Now Ukraine is going to join the EU. What does Ukraine bring in to benefit the EU in the short term. Mired in massive war debts, short of funds for reconstruction and an economy in ruins, does that sound like a great benefit for the the EU? With Germany and France, among others, in the EU facing high energy cost going forward, how realistically will their economy fare going forward. And if their economy fails to deliver, can they possibly increase their bailout with the addition of Ukraine? And what will ordinary Germans and French citizens think about using their money to bail out another member joining the ranks of the PIIGS?

    Russia should encourage Ukraine joining the EU to hasten it's demise. It would be a blessing in disguise for Russia. And they can continue to pound Western Ukraine to rubbles.

  4. What you see in those pictures of some of the tent dwellers on the streets is only part of the story.

    Those are basically drug pushers paradise, with drug dealers pushing drugs right in front of police stations. Then there are lack of sanitary facilities, resulting in people urinating and shitting around street corners. The stank was overpowering according to some who have to pass by those areas, and they have warned others to be careful not to step on human poo walking around.

    Can you imagine sending tens of billions of US$ to prop up Ukraine, while doing nothing to solve the homeless problems in the USA? And they talk so much about human rights and moral standards and all the advantages of what democracy brings to humankind? They can keep their democracy at home.
