
UN should extend the appointment of Michele Batchelet as High Commissioner for Human Rights

 When the Americans fabricated the lies about genocide of minorities in Xinjiang, they demanded an investigation team to visit Xinjiang to confirm their wild allegations of concentration camps and discriminations against the Uyghurs. They acted as if they were the UN and wanted their own team to visit Xinjiang. Obviously China would not take it kindly and would not allow mischievous Americans to run wild in Xinjiang and to plant fake evidence to fabricate more lies.

When the UN was ready to send an impartial team to investigate the American allegations in Xinjiang led by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Batchelet, the Americans went into a rage to attack her and the visit. Even before the visit started, the Americans were accusing her of being bought by China and would not report the truth, the American fabricated truth that the Americans wanted to deceive the world. This is the greatest insult to the UN and its officials, the High Commissioner for Human Rights. The attack was callous, rude, smack of hooliganism and gangsterism, without any basis.

It is very sad and disappointing the the UN allowed itself and its officials to be attacked and bullied by the evil Americans without defending itself and taking the Americans to task. But given the Americans' control over the UN and a large number of its members, the UN is quite hapless to do anything to right the wrong of the American gangsters. The Americans were furious as they knew that the UN mission would only find out the truth contrary to the American lies, that the minorities in Xinjiang are living very well and there is absolutely no discrimination against the minorities, no concentration camps and no genocide. The Americans knew that the visit would make them look stupid and silly. They wanted to stop the visit to save their own skin and to perpetuate their lies without providing any evidence.

The UN mission led by Batchelet went ahead with the visit and as expected did not find anything acrimonious that the Americans alleged. And this was too much for the evil Americans. They must discredit her and her good office. They continued with relentless attack on her integrity as an official of the UN. They coerced and bribed small countries and their lackeys to attack the poor lady and demanding for her resignation. The pressure was so great on Batchelet that she had announced not to serve another term when her term expires. This is how outrageous and contemptuous of the Americans to bully the UN and UN officials to do their biddings and to support their lies and hostile agenda.

The members of the UN must stand up in full force to support Mitchelle Batchelet, defend her integrity and professionalism, protect her from the abuses of the American gangsters. The decent UN members must get together to support Batchelet and extend her distinguish service for another term. This is only fair and right for the UN members to do, as a show of force and unity, that the UN would not buckle and would not be hijacked and become a tool of a racket run by gangsters and hooligans.

The members of the UN must do their part to uphold the good name of Michelle Batchelet and the office of the UN for Human Rights. If they fail to support a UN official and the good name of the UN office, then they must be held accountable for allowing the gangsters and rogues to disparage the good name of the UN. The UN is an organisation for the countries of the world, not a mafiadom of a small minority of crooks and scoundrels.

The UN must do the right thing, do the needful to be respected as an international organisation representing big and small nations, not cowered by big bullies and thugs. The integrity and good names of the UN and its members are now being challenged and have to be defended at all costs.


  1. If the United Nations is not able or unwilling to stand up to the Hooligan American Gangsters, then it is quite clear that the United Nations has been bought by the funding of the Evil USA Empire.

  2. The UN is toothless and bows to the wishes of the Anglo Saxon cligue, controlled by the USA and it's sidekick the UK. Just go back a step or two about Russia's call for further investigation into the accusation that they committed the false flag Bucha Massacre. This was totally brushed aside by that joker Boris Johnson, and the guilty verdict was passed upon Russia hurriedly. So, forget about the UN doing anything against the USA's dictate. Michele Batchelet will be outsted and a stooge will be installed.

    Talking about the UK, there is not going to be any united 'Kingdom' to talk about going forward. Scotland is seriously trying to break away from the 'UK mess' as they call it. They will reach a decision probably by October. The Brits will not allow that for sure, because Scotland is holding all the cards. The North Sea oil reserves belongs to Scotland and that alone is going to deal the Brits a big economic blow if they leave the UK.

    Then, there is also the issue of the Republic of Ireland and the border fiasco now facing Boris Johnson, who now wants 'unilaterally' to vary the 'Brexit Agreement' with the EU and the EU is expected to take legal action. That sounds much like the 'Minsk Agreement' between Ukraine and the two breakaway republics, with Ukraine ignoring the terms of that agreement unilaterally and continue to commit genocide against the Russian speaking people in Eastern Ukraine.

    People are saying that Theresa May had bigger balls than Johnson, who hasically agreed and signed the Brexit agreement without reading the fine print. They said that he was probably half drunk and agreed blindly and discovered his mistake when he became sober. Theresa May had all along struck a hard bargain with Brussels, which was why she could not go ahead with Brexit and had to resign. Now Johnson has taken the UK into the sewers and is stuck there.

  3. China's third aircraft carrier 003 will be launched today with many new features that the American carriers did not have. So Americans cannot accuse China of stealing their technology.
    China can now wait to see the Americans stealing Chinese technology.

  4. They point is the USA admitted that they lie, cheat and steal openly, so even if they steal Chinese technology, it is just normal for them and they will feel no shame to admit.

    The USA has now stolen the high end chip technology from TSMC by luring the TSMC to build a manufacturing facility in Arizona. There is even leaked intel that if China should take Taiwan by force, they have instructed the Taiwanese to destroy the TSMC manufacturing facilities and not let it fall into Chinese hands.

    Now we know why they are willing to risk so much to protect Taiwan. Take away the importance of TSMC and Taiwan will be another Afghanistan or Ukraine in the coming months. It will be no big loss for the USA by then.

  5. That the UN still has a good name is giving too much credit when credit is not due.

    Since the war in Iraq, the UN has lost much of it's credibility, and in most people's mind has been reduced to being just a rubber stamp, to be used by the USA whenever there is a need to call it's poodles to pass judgement on whoever they want to do a regime change. Nothing more, nothing less.

  6. The UN would be replaced soon. Why would the majority of the countries allow a small group of white savages to misuse the UN to their advantage and to rubbish the whole world?

    It's uselessness is glaring. It's role as a white men's tool to attack the rest of the world is obvious.

    Time to bury the UN for good. It is irrelevant.

  7. Irrelevancy is the result of overuse or misuse. In the case of the UN, usage today is not always for world benefit, but for tyranny controlling it to carry out it's vile and nefarious agenda. It amounts to weaponising the UN and in this case, just high-jacking the UN to serve the partisan interest of the USA.

    The world would not be what it is today if the USA had not been weaponising it's US$ hegemony so blatantly, and misusing it against others and is leading to it's eventual irrelevance. That goes for the SWIFT system as well in time to come. Had the USA not been misusing it, perhaps the global community would have let it last a bit longer.

    The world really needed alternatives to those useless World Bodies and must find a more equitable Global Reserve Currency that does not favour any country with power to print money out of thin air without consequences, as if a God given right.

  8. China Accelerating Preparations for Taiwan Reunification; Treacherous DPP Members Face Death Trials

    China on Friday launched the country's third aircraft carrier in the Jiangnan Shipyard. Having a displacement of more than 80,000 tons, the carrier, named Fujian, is equipped with electromagnetic catapults and arresting devices.

    Fujian is also the name of the eastern coastal province facing the island of Taiwan.

    Earlier on Monday, Xi Jinping, chairman of the Central Military Commission, has signed an order to promulgate a set of trial outlines on military operations other than war.

    The outlines aim to protect people's lives and property, safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interest, and safeguard world peace and regional stability.

    The outlines, comprising 59 articles in six chapters, serve as a legal base for military operations other than war and will take effect on June 15, 2022.

    China will characterize its Taiwan reunification operations as non-war, similar to Russia's military action in Ukraine which the Kremlim has said is non-war but a special military operation.

    Any secessionist Taiwanese Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) members captured in China's reunification effort with the renegade island will likely be sentenced to death for treason against the motherland. Executions in China are carried out mainly by firing squads and lethal injections.

  9. Writing in the June 6th issue of Yazhou Zoukan, a Chinese language current affairs weekly, Japanese commentator Honda Yoshihiko said President Joe Biden entered Japan on his May 22 visit, not from either of Tokyo's international airports but from the Yokota US airbase in the Western outskirts of the Japanese capital.

    His immediate predecessor Donald Trump did the same when he went to Japan on Nov 5, 2017. All other previous American presidents from Jimmy Carter to Barack Obama used Haneda airport for their visits.

    So what's the significance of that?

    According to Mr Honda, by using Yokota, Trump and Biden bypassed Japanese immigration channels and violated normal diplomatic protocol.

    They were, in effect, behaving like the head of an occupying power lording over an occupied land and showing scant respect for a sovereign country that, in name, is America's equal partner.

    Mr Honda said what pissed him off was not so much the boorish behaviour of the US presidents -- he has come to expect that of the Yanks -- but the craven servitude of the Japanese government in not standing up for the nation's honour and dignity.

    - Leslie Fong

  10. Trump entered Singapore from Seletar ?

  11. Flying from one American base to another, though in Japan, is like flying within the US. Homeland, no need to go through Japanese Immigration, not entering Japan.

    1. Those US bases in Japan and S Korea, although in other sovereign countries land, aren't subjected to the local laws like the common folks. Technically, an American serviceman can commit murder while out and return to base to hide, there is nothing both countries can do. Thats why the Okinawans, who aren't ethnic Japanese are fed up and want to remove the bases because of past cases where their womenfolk were assaulted or raped and ther culprits were just sbipped back to the US iso facing Japanese justice.

  12. Japan is a colony of the US. Even what US did to them in the 80s to clip its rise challenging the US economically, it has to this day continue to lick the boots of its master that once kicked its arse.
    Nothing demonstrate this kowtowing better than former PM Abe's rushed trip to Trump Tower in NYC just hours after the blamegame dickhead's 'election' just to bow to him.

  13. Wondering if this is what they called Japanese honour or Japanese shame.

  14. The leash is loosening because the Devil needs Japan to be their cannon fodder against China. After using, and if Japan collapses, it will be Afghanistan all over again. Just collateral damage they will say. How to say that in Japanese, anybody?

    1. I think in Japanese is called bukaki

  15. Japan is still keeping negative interest rates while other countries are doing the opposite.

    Japan has stagnated since 2008, despite all the stimulations and has fallen further and further behind China. In spite of all the years of negative interest rates and stimulations, the country could not shake off the stagnation, so what is the purpose of keeping the negative interest rate? Still hoping that will make difference going forward? I thought Abenomics already solved the problem years ago. What happened?

  16. The Okinawans also know that in the event of a war, they would be the first to be wiped out because of the presence of American bases in their island. The Japanese treated them as expendable, they die their business. Better that the Okinawans died first than the Japanese.

    Unfortunately the Okinawans have been subdued, too small in numbers to protest and to get rid of the American bases. They should seek China's help to regain their independence to save their own lives and culture as independent state. China and Russia should help the Okinawans to free themselves from the Japanese just like the Japanese trying to help the Taiwanese to free themselves from China.

    China would have many good reasons to help the Okinawans to be independent state. The whole of Ryukyu islands should become independent from Japan, as independent island nations.
