
Quote from dud Boris Johnson

The West needs to keep arming Ukraine instead of seeking a peaceful resolution to the conflict between Kiev and Moscow, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has told French President Emmanuel Macron, according to Downing Street. Any attempt to resolve the conflict peacefully will lead to global instability, he said at a meeting on the sidelines of the G7 Summit on Sunday.  RT


John Smythe
Can you please send four men in white coats and a net to take this moron away.

Looks like Boris has been drinking soda water again.

Just nuke London!

For the people in power war means profit. For the people in the front line war means death.

British Pig need to die !

UK's Johnson's idea is a clear indication that NATO is in control of Ukraine peace talk with Russia not Ukraine itself, therefore this is proof that NATO is adding fuel to fire of Ukraine's war with Russia

antoni monti
In other words these euro clown jesters know they are looking like losers... because they are...and now they can't save face unless they start ww3 with Russia. .. what are they on?.... what happens to all the Colombian merchandise they confiscate?


  1. RB ya right. The dude needed to be sodomized jialat jialat to regain his common sense lar

  2. Still trying very hard to piss off Russia when NATO is running low on ammo and military equipment??
    Wait till winter comes and Putinator cut off all oil, gas, coal and wheat!!

  3. Who are actually running CNA? Looks like there is a whole bunch of crooked crooks in disguise, mainly foreigners (PRs and Non-PRs)?

    The Head must have switched off for a very long time, leaving everything to the .whims and fancies of the lower rungs? As a result, there has been a persistent string of pro-Western articles, detrimental to the welfare of the local people.

  4. In the last days of a dying empire, the ending for the last emperors would always be painful, miserable and disastrous.

    Ukraine is about to be finished in a few months. The UK, US and many European countries would follow suit. So would semi colonies like Japan and South Korea.

    This is the main reason why Boris said the war must continue and cannot lose. Losing Ukraine, the first domino, would lead the the fall of the European countries, one by one.

    The turning point was Syria. After the fall of Iraq, the Russians made up their mind that no other state shall fall under the attacks of the West. Syria is still standing and infallible as the west did not have the conviction to take on the Russians.

    In Ukraine, the Russians are on the attack, not just defending, and the West could only defending, like Russia is doing in Syria. All the initiatives in Ukraine are in the hands of the Russians with Putin in command.

    How could a small country like Ukraine withstand the force of a mighty Russia when it could only depend on a demoralised armed forces and foreign supply of weapons but no one dares to send in their foot soldiers. Statistics alone would say that the number of Ukrainian fighting soldiers would diminish daily from death, injury, surrender and defection.

    In another few months the Ukrainians would just drop their arms and raise their hands when they know it is a dying cause.

  5. In the US, no one would think that they could elect a president that is more stupid than Bush Jr. But they did, not one, but two. And the next president after Biden could be worse. Can you imagine anyone worse than Biden to be the President of the USA?

    This is a clear sign that the American Empire is declining fast and furious.

    The same goes to UK. Boris could proudly declared that he would still be in power to the 2030s, meaning that they could not find anyone smarter than this dud to be the PM of UK. How not to fall?

    The whole world should just watch the show without needing to lift a finger. The white empires would expire in their own rights, simply self destruct, with the great contributions from Biden and Boris.

  6. You are right

  7. Taliban has changed, now emerage a new white Taliban USA


  8. No escape from a nuclear war within the Next 3 Decades.

  9. Watching CNA is no different from watching any of the western cable news available here. There just isn't any balance. Even RT news has been taken away. Seems like Russian soldiers are gods and didn't suffer casaulties as there is scant reports
    Ever wonder why Msm is going down and people are turning to the social media and online news?

  10. If you understand how war is being waged today, how the Russians are using their superiority in weapons to fight this war, using missiles and drones, you would understand why Russian casualties are lesser.

    The Russians just need to push buttons from afar, not close combat. And the Russians can choose where to hit freely. The Ukrainians cannot anyhow shoot at the Russians, not into Russian territories.

    The weapons from Nato are new weapons, need training for months to use them effectively by professional soldiers, not the Ah Bengs that volunteered to fight, just throw the weapons to them and expect them to use them well. Even a simple rifle needs a lot of practice and zeroing and calibrating.

    Zelensky winning the war? Even the western propaganda is sounding like a joke about how well the Ukrainians are fighting when the Russians are gaining territories and taking city after city.
