
Breaking News - Larger wildlife, oops dogs of mixed breed allowed in HDB estates

 This is about the most dangerous and irresponsible decision ever made by the govt. We have wildlife on two legs infesting HDB estates, the safe sanctuary of working class Singaporeans. Now we have 4 legs wildlife being allowed to join in the fray.

Wildlife are wildlife and their animal instinct cannot be eradicated completely no matter how well trained they are. You need only 1 percent of error and the victims of wildlife would suffer immeasurable pain and agony for their whole life. When the safety of our little children and old folks, even adults are concerned, there cannot be any compromise. Who is going to be responsible should a little child or an adult be killed by a wildlife, or be disfigured by the attack from a wildlife? 

Can anyone recall the vicious attack of a peacock on a poor little girl and disfigured her for life? Can you imagine the pain the poor child had to go through, or that of the parents and grandparents, to see a beautiful little girl suffering that kind of agony when it needed not happen at all, but because of a wildlife?

And now with this regulation, wildlife are going to be everywhere in HDB estates and you would not know when their animal instinct would take over them and hell breaks loose. Wildlife have extrasensory abilities. They can sense thing that normal human beans cannot. They could attack when least expected. What do you think dogs howl in the middle of the night...for no reason?

Do not take safety from harm from wildlife for granted. When an innocent, normally well behaved wildlife turns wild and attacks a human bean, it has its reason that we cannot explain.

Please, for goodness sake, for the safety of our children, including adults, withdraw this dangerous regulation immediately. The safety of human beans, especially children, cannot be compromised just because a few would want to enjoy the company of wildlife.

Singapore is a very safe place and does not need to keep large wildlife for protection. Many years ago, a Brit told me he was retiring to Rhodesia. And the first thing he would do was to buy two large dobermans for protection against the African natives. In Singapore, it is the Singaporeans that need to be protect from the wildlife, two legs or four legs. Do not endanger the lives and safety of Singaporeans, young and old, for something so frivolous, good to have but not necessary, that may come with pain and suffering for others.

I want to put this on record that whoever approved this regulation has/have been warned of the consequences. No amount of apologies would be enough to allay the pain and suffering of the victims and their families.

Keep large wildlife out of HDB estates. Do not endanger the safety and lives of Singaporeans by your decision. It cannot be 'for the good of Singaporeans' to allow large wildlife in HDB estates. The selfish and frivolous interest of a minority is not good enough to endanger the safety of the majority of Singaporeans. In fact all big and ferocious dogs that were bred to attack must not be allowed in the island. When a supposingly harmless peacock can inflict so much damage and pain, the damage and suffering from a big wildlife is unimaginable.

Be responsible.

PS. I have just seen a video clip of a friendly domesticated dog devouring a child like a plaything.

Be warned.

I would like to put up the video but it was too painful and horrifying to watch.


  1. When the shit hits the fan, then they will walk back on their decision. Just wait. Such dogs are unlike poodles which can be controlled and carried around. When in lifts in particular, things can go terribly wrong, especially with children and old folks around. And when two big dogs met in the lifts, all hell may break loose. People who ever live in kampongs know dogs are dogs and dog fights need no prodding.

    Just like E-scooters and dock-less bikes, it needs accidents and reckless behavior to happen before they see the problem.

    Just wait. It is a matter of time.

  2. We cannpt wait for some poor children to be maimed or killed by dogs to stop this practice.

    It is unacceptable.

  3. When the dogs start to pee of shit in the lifts or corridors and anywhere, when their numbers get too big.


  4. Sometime back I was nearly attacked by an alsation dog at Chiselhurst Drive at Serangoon Garden Estate. Out of the blue I suddenly saw the dog rushing towards me from a short distance. I yelled and shouted in fear. Then the owner of the dog who was washing his car outside his house called out loudly to his dog to stop which it did. If the dog had not obeyed its owner's call I could have been badly mauled.

    I told the owner he should have leashed the dog and not let it run free outside the house. He just said sorry for he thought his dog was tamed.

    Wild dogs, two legs or four legs should not be allowed in housing estates especially HDB housing estates. The government should not go out of the way to satisfy the ego of dog owners at the expense of public safety. Any contradicting legislation that had already been passed should be repealed immediately.


  5. When someone fell into the MRT track and died, they started to erect barriers in every station.

    When a dog mauled and killed a child, what would they do? Culled all the dogs? No dogs outside the flats? Erect barriers in every HDB corridors for dogs only?


  6. This Note of Caution and it's Message MUST BE TAKENED SERIOUSLY BY THE

    We need a responsible regimr that ensures every untoward incident and accident will be prevented and avoided.

    1. I think the two legs wildlife is more dangerous


    2. Indeed
      the Two-legged
      Species is far more vicious.

  7. I have just seen a video clip of a friendly domesticated dog devouring a child like a plaything.

    Be warned.

    I would like to put up the video but it was too painful to watch.
