
Americans war against China and the history of hate mongering against the Chinese Civilisation

 (146) VFP 2021 Convention - KJ Noh speaks about the US-China confrontation in the South China Sea - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Cu1FBUfG64 (17 min video)

 KJ Noh, a Korean, gave a clear synopsis of the American history of racism and hate against the Chinese Civilisation and now an all out war against China, just before an open military war. So far China has been able to divert and ward off all the attacks, essentially killing all the American initiatives and ending them as failures. But the Americans are getting more desperate and rash and any moment it could lead to an open war and WW3.

The deceitful and savage Americans have been lying to the world that they are not against China or wanting a war with China but are attacking China everywhere in every dimension and fields. These white savages would not rest in peace until they destroy or take down China or be destroyed by China.

The video also recalled the biggest massacre of Chinese by the Americans in California in 1876, and not allowing the Chinese to be out on the streets after dark. The white savages have been oppressing and suppressing the Chinese for centuries, treating the Chinese as subhuman beans.  With social media, all their dirty dark secrets would be pulled out for airing. They cannot hide their crimes against the native Americans, the blacks and the Chinese. The white savages owe these people a blood debt to be repaid one day.

The world must be prepared for WW3 at any moment in time, with the white savages in a last desperate attempt to remain as the unchallenged evil Empire to rule over all the coloured people in the world. They have been feeding on the sweat, labour and blood of the coloured people for centuries. Now they are returning to their savage self and resorting to daylight robbery, wars, killings, cheatings and lying and spreading vicious diseases around the world using biochemical weapons and pathogens


  1. https://youtu.be/kS43sp4wVcY
    Chinese Army is READY
    Unite or Fight?
    PRC General to the Americunt Black Gorilla.
    The Hen of Sinking Land turned pale.
    Each time ShangGila Meeting always sided up to the UAssA.


  2. Sin is like a double-sided adhesive tape.
    It shall be torn apart when both sides split apart from it. This shall be the
    The lncumbent
    Sin Regime is much alike the Ukraine. Both shall end up in similarly in history.
    Ukraine is claiming victory now, however, it shall be gone


  3. Singapore does not belong to just a few of the selfish, self-interest, and self aggrandized grow rich billionaire or millionaire politicians, ministers or MPs. They better have the wisdom to act on Singaporeans interests or else they will have to face the "Mandate of Heaven" and be overthrown violently.

  4. Yes, you are right in a certain way. They can be overthrown. However, the chances are very slim. Even at today's rate, the chances are still slim.

    Don't forget, over so many donkey years, the PAP has already have the total control of the country - ranging from the top civil service, admin service, military, police, immigration, law, civic affairs, to political control through the People's Association, Grass-Looters, Community Centres, CItizens Consultative Committees, and Residents' Committees. They will always have the upper hands.

    Moreover, all the Intelligence Divisions, departments and organisations are under their full control. So what can the meagre opposing forces do? Only political rhetorical discourses in the Parliament and some grassroots activities. In addition, the political activities are also fully controlled by the PAP.

    Things such as organised route march, huge protests, strikes, etc are all kept under control, tight and watchful control. Anyone goes out of line, shall be called in for questioning and charged if necessary.

    The Opposition Political Parties are not united, not coordinated and disjointed. They are not able to form a sizeable force to challenge the existing political setup of the PAP.

    And as long all the Grass Looters and under the People's Association, tightly controlled by the Prime Minister himself, there is no way the Opposition will be able to make significant leeway.

    So, please think deeper.

    1. Right you are!
      Also all the Media's been prograting their propgranda day in and out an Sinkies swallowed all line, bait sinker into their throats.
      Can see most Sinkies obeyed every rules to their dot.
      Wearing masks for over two years now and even now all allowed to unmask in open spaces for some fresh air still wore them.
      Fears of been book by the gian png lost their jobs ambassadors.

  5. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/world/britain-un-official-condemn-donbas-death-sentences-against-british-soldiers-2739876

  6. While the Evil one is starting to stir up trouble in Asia, the EU is being dragged by them and dumped into the sewers and is expected to collapse within the next three years, if the war is prolonged and sanctions against Russia continues.

    Whatever they try to spin, there is no escape from the reality that they will face disintegration trying to tow the USA agenda by their total embargo of Russian oil and gas. They cannot survive doing that. There are countries in the EU, namely Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain, the PIGS, living on aid from the rest of the EU - Germany and France in particular. If the latter two faces financial difficulties themselves, who else is going to support and feed the PIGS?

    Even if the EU can find alternative supplies, they cannot afford buying oil from elsewhere to run their factories, as they will be paying multiple times more than Russian oil and gas. Now there is no certainty that the Middle East will produce more even with Biden going there to do arm twisting. The EU depending on oil and gas from other sources cannot compete, simple as that. How long can they last? By the end of the year when winter comes, Europe will suffer immensely and do they honestly think their people will just take it lying down? Life will not be the same without Russian oil and gas. No two ways about that, no matter how hard they try to spin that all will turn out fine. They are just fooling themselves.
