
American fiction versus reality

 Sometimes fiction sounds more realistic than facts if you believe in what the USA says about Venezuela. They still claim that that stooge Juan Guaido is the Interim President of Venezuela.

Now Biden is begging Venezuela (and Iran as well) to produce more oil and the USA is going to lift some sanctions on them. So, that is it, sanctions are leading to the energy crisis, clear and unambiguous. And who created all that? And who is Biden really going to beg for all that oil from Venezuela? Not from that stooge Juan Guaido but President Nicholas Maduro. Imagine ostracising, admonishing, demonising and trying to remove him from power illegally and now crawling to him to beg him to produce more oil to help the USA? That must be the most humiliating performance I have ever seen of a USA President stooping so low in history to beg an enemy for help. Shameless is all I can think of!

Oh, well, they did try to get their former enemy, Vietnam to help to contain China. Wonder when Biden will go down on his knees to beg forgiveness from Putin and release more oil. What a joke!



  1. China must always remain vigilant and keep a tight lid on infections, irrespective of economic issues, because biochemical warfare is silent, untraceable, easily waged by even one soldier escaping the scrutiny at entry points.

    If history is any clue as to who is most likely to conduct biochemical warfare, just remember who used biological weapons in Vietnam. And who ever used nuclear weapons on another country.

  2. More fiction comes out of USA every day.

    Nowadays, everything that goes wrong in USA seems to be due to Putin.

    Samples galore: Putin did it
    Putin's oil crisis
    Putin's price hike
    and lately Putin's inflation

    Wonder what will come out when it is Xi's turn? These people in Washington really are a joke. If they cannot find someone to quarrel with, they will probably quarrel with their own shadow.
