
USA - The devil incarnate accusing others of crimes the Americans committed themselves in abundance

Let us be honest. The USA and the West were the forerunners of genocide, human trafficking, climate change pollution before pushing the bad name to other countries and pretend they are angels, now doing humans a good deed by demonising countries that do the same things they did centuries ago. Putin hit the nail on the head when he said the USA and the West always accused others of doing what they already did long ago.

Genocides against the Native Americans stands out as the most inhuman act against mankind by any country, and they stole everything - land, resources, human rights of the Natives by keeping them like animals in concentration camps called reservations to protect them. Why need to protect them and against who? They did not need protection before the Whites landed in America. Fancy protecting them now against those who put them in the reservations, if that is what they mean.

Now the fake angel is going around fighting and accusing countries of engaging in human trafficking. What were the White Curse doing when they were kidnapping millions of Blacks from Africa to work as slaves in the USA. That is not human trafficking? The Whites were the forerunners of global human trafficking and they now pretending they are angels sent to close down the human trafficking scourge.

When drug was a great way to make money, the White Curse became greedy and even forced the Chinese to open up China to the drug trade. China had a horrible time fighting the opium addiction which weakened the Chinese people's hardworking trait and the Whites exploited it. They were the forerunners of the drug menace now screwing up the USA itself.

Before China's manufacturing rise, the USA was the biggest polluter in the world. They wanted to move their manufacturing to China to benefit from the cheap and abundant labour, with all their pollution stigma in tow, and succeeded, and China became the biggest polluter instead, while the USA enjoyed the cheap goods for nothing and just paid for in fiat money. When this became unsustainable, they turned the tables by claiming China stole their manufacturing jobs, but not their pollution baggage. How convenient! Did China forced the USA companies to set up shop in China by force or sanctions?

Enough said.

Again think and think deeply about it!



  1. Very good article on the 4 worst crimes committed by the whites. Someone ought to be sodomized jialat jialat for them

  2. And who is that someone that needs to be sodomized?

    Isn't it the outrageous, evil and criminals of the Evil US Empire, both militarily and in covert operations conducted everywhere in this peace-loving world?

  3. This is one of the best articles I have read so far.

  4. The problem is that the White Curse have managed to pull wool over people's eyes for decades, having total control over the Media, and brainwashing all and sundry with their selective narratives, making the people basically uninformed and ignorant.

    Social media is now doing a great job to counter all the selective narratives and people are waking up. We can see the awakening, the de-dollarisation moves, the geo-political shift ongoing in South America, Africa, Middle East, Central Asia and around the Pacific region. Of course there will be those who are colonies of the evil empire and are unable to be unshackled and who will remain cowed and subservient forever.

  5. This is another good article about what the Americans do to try to corrupt China. They cannot be trusted .
