
Ukraine - Azovstal Steel Plant, a death machine against Russia, now a mouse trap in Putin's hand and a nightmare for the Americans and AngloSaxon tribe


Smoke rises above a plant of Azovstal Iron and Steel Works during Ukraine-Russia conflict in the southern port city of Mariupol, Ukraine, on Apr 25, 2022. (Photo: REUTERS/Alexander Ermochenko) CNA


The latest satellite pictures taken on Apr 29, 2022, by Maxar Technologies show massive damage to the Azovstal steel plant. (File photo: AFP/Maxar Technologies) CNA

Above are two pictures of the Azovstal Steel Plant in Mariupol. The top picture gives an impression that it is still there and Russia is just throwing a mortar at it, with very little damage. The second picture, taken on 29 Apr is markedly different, all flattened by the Russian attacks with heavy bombers and concrete piercing bombs. Anyone coming out trying to escape would expose themselves to be struck down.

Mariupol is a top secret American facility in Ukraine, housing bioweapon labs and all the top brass of Nato, planning and command HQ for Nato troops to attack Russia. It once housed something like 6,000 secretive soldiers in it. Trump actually knew about this and was trying to expose it to bring down Biden and his son, who is the key member and owner of this project and facility. Trump could not say it out himself but needed the investigators to expose it against Biden.

There are many top military, scientific and political personalities inside this top secret fortress underground, now turning into a mouse trap with all the mice in it and in the hands of Putin. This is the biggest and most valuable catch of the Russians and a trump card that Putin can use to skin the Americans slowly. The Americans are so desperate to want the top brass in the mouse trap out and are bringing everyone of importance to talk to Putin. The UN Sec Gen Gutteres has gone to see Putin for their release. Austin, Blinken and even Pelosi, have been to Kiev to get Zelensky to put in more effort and tag this as top priority item. Zelensky now has offered to exchange all Russian POWs for the top brass in the Steel Plant. Rumours are speculating that the big fish could be Biden's son, Canada's top army general, top bioweapons scientists, top Nato generals etc etc that are so important that they risked several helicopters to bring them out but all got shot down. Not to forget, the top brass of the neo Nazi anti Jew Azov regiment.

The revelation of the identities of the big fish inside the Mariupol mouse trap would be so embarrassing to the Americans and AngloSaxon and Nato countries that all the people inside are as good as persona non grata. They have disowned them and did not want to have anything to do with them as this would confirm their crimes and ill intent against Russia, an act of war. Sneaky Canada quickly announced that the general had retired on 5 Apr, no longer the top Canadian general in service.

As the American and AngloSaxon tribes are panicking, Putin is sitting comfortably in Moscow enjoying the show. Putin is in no hurry to release the mice in his mouse trap. The presence of American and AngloSaxon top brass in a deadly war machine on the border of Russia with an evil intent to attack Russia is unacceptable and unforgiveable. The evilness of the AngloSaxon tribe would be exposed to the whole world, of their savage instinct and intent to break up Russia and terminate the Russians.

Putin now would have more reasons to want to nuke the Americans and Europe. The rest of the world that have not been sucked into this evil AngloSaxon scheme should enjoy watching and stay neutral. What is inside the Mariupol mouse trap could set off WW3. Trump is waiting eagerly for this to be exposed to bring down Biden and his son. Compare to Biden and his son, Trump is like an angel.


Anonymous said...

'There Are No Nazis In Ukraine...just A prisoner of war from the Azov battalion'

... it is just that they are being taken POWs wholesale nowadays. But other than that, in accordance to US Congress, Pentagon and White House, and Western media, they are not there.


Look at this dude, he is obviously a cook or a driver and never harmed anyone. As per SS and swastika ink, hey, he had to do it for impersonating a Hitler soldier in his high school play. Olaf Scholz should be especially proud pushing for military support of Kiev regime. John Kirby probably will weep in voice from seeing such an upstanding Ukie "freedom fighter" being unjustifiably questioned about his humanitarian work in Donbass.


patriot said...

The US, NATO and the European Union are goading and instigating Zelenskyy to fight Russia.
Zelenskyy himself is instigating the World against Russia.
Russia should end the War as fast as possible by removing Zelenskyy and annexing Ukraine. Letting the War to go on any longer shall mean the Triggering of the Third World-war.

It was initially said that Jerusalem would be the Place where the Third World-war would originate, however, it now seems Ukraine could be the Starter at the lnstigation of the US.
It appears that Russia, China and North Korea have seen through the US Motive and have prepared themselves to counter the Wild Ambition of the White Supremacist lmperialism Move.

A New World Order is in the Making, albeit at a very high cost.

Anonymous said...

Nancy Pelosi must be enjoying all the most beautiful sight in Ukraine. Hope she sees the real beautiful sight of the flattened Azovstal Steel Plant and exclaimed - What a beautiful sight to behold.

When the next higher ranked USA leader, Kamala Harris visit, she would be laughing - Hahahaha all the way.

These three, one supposedly in power but blur, and two clowns in line - Biden, Harris and Pelosi are really a joke in the eyes of the world.

Anonymous said...

Go away Putin Lost testicle. Why are you here? This site is not for you.

Anonymous said...

Russia bombed Kyiv when the UN Secretary General Mr Guteres was there. They were sending a clear message that they are not scared, and they don't give a shit about the UN and its American stooges. Why they didn't do the same thing when Joe Biden's grandmother Pelosi was there. They missed a good chance.

Anonymous said...

Stories from either side -both with some truths and both with falsehoods too!

D Menace said...

Hopefully Putin can capture all the Yankee stooges hidding in the gutters of the Azovstal steel factory for public display to the world. If I am in charge I would castrate the whole lot and exhibit them too.

Anonymous said...

Not only yankees, there are French, Canadians, Brits and likely other European senior military officers inside Azovstal.

patriot said...

It is
known as dig
ones' own grave.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Apologies that comments would be held back because a few asses trying to mess up the blog since yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Sleep walking to WWIII:

'The tiny and peaceful nation of Moldova will soon be dragged into the Ukraine/Russia war. Historical and current geopolitical reasons are in play and being applied against Russia’s widening eastern front moving westwards. However, it is the southern Ukrainian region from Odessa to the Moldovan Transnistria that may trigger an escalation towards World War.'

'If Polish and Romanian troops cross into Transnistria these NATO factions will suffer certain and massive casualties and their national points of origin will be undeniable. At that juncture two NATO member will have been attacked..by Russia… and…and…

The media will do the rest.'

Anonymous said...

They dug graves hoping to bury the Russians in, but instead they themselves are being buried. After the humanitarian corridor is over and those civilians warned to leave the Azovstal Steel Plant have left, Russia may flood the plant if those fighters inside do not lay down their arms and surrender.

They also imposed sanctions confidently thinking that it will collapse the Russian economy, but did it? The Ruble is even stronger than before the Ukraine War. Russia has all the essential supplies of energy, food, fertilisers, minerals and you can't put a country that is self sufficient like Russia down.

They talked about an embargo on Russian oil and gas, but found themselves now between a rock and a hard place and deeply divided. They tried to get around it by asking those EU countries not distancing themselves from the embargo, and still importing Russian oil and gas, to sell some of those oil to those EU countries that refused to buy Russian oil in Rubles.

Putin told those countries still buying Russian oil and gas that they cannot expect to buy extra Russian oil and gas in order to sell to their EU allies boycotting Russian oil and gas, and will only be allowed their normal supplies. So, that should put a stop to the sneaky underhand moves of buying Russian oil and gas on the sly, but giving the impression that they are boycotting. How pathetic!

Now, about Modi's visit to the EU. Is this also another sneaky move to coax India to sell oil it gets from Russia? You never know, but Putin will surely know and close the loophole as well.

Anonymous said...

Who is inside is interesting. What the Russians cannot do with bombs to reach those inside the bunkers in the Azovstal Steel Plant, flooding them is going to do the trick. No shit. And they will surrender like rats. Then, dead or alive, we shall see the extent of the involvement of the USA, UK and NATO.

Anonymous said...

Who are these civilians? How did they got to get inside the Steel plant that is outside the city, away from civilian settlements? Could they be the families of the neo Nazis that brought them there for safety, but now found it unsafe when the whole complex and its devious and evil purpose have been exposed and now under attacked?

Anonymous said...

Both Zelenskyy n Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen still fully trust America. Both of them r trying their best to destroy their own nation.

Anonymous said...

What is sad is that the people in Ukraine and Taiwan allowed these two clowns to decide the future of their countries and their lives when these two are doing everything for their own personal interests.

Anonymous said...

No mercy. Putin Serves them right.

Anonymous said...

They say opium is addictive. Yes, it is. The Chinese suffered that humiliation for over a hundred years at the hands of the west. Seems the chicken has come back to roost.
Now, taking bribes by the billions can't satisfy Zelensky. Yes, it's worse than opium.

Anonymous said...

U took the words right out of my mouth. The Biden regime is gonna face Trump come November. It could be game over for those clowns.

Anonymous said...

Two stupid idiots clown

Anonymous said...

The problem with the USA is that both parties are putting on their best show to fool their voters. When one sings the high notes, the other has to sing the low notes. It has been going on for decades, even centuries.

Who sings which note is decided by the Deep State. But you can be sure of one thing. Russia and China will always figure in their song going forward, and both will have to play the bogeyman in the USA playbook. In the past it was communism, then it was terrorism. Both these two are now out of fashion and Russia and China bashing is the new script and new song in the USA songbook.

Anonymous said...

Pelosi will be history, after US Nov '22 election, where Republicans will take back the 2 houses, Congress n Senate

Anonymous said...

When Trump wins in November, you can be sure Russiangate version 2 is going to be another blockbuster as what happened in Trump's 2016 first term.

There were already accusations that Trump had asked Putin to release the evidence of Joe Biden's son Hunter in the Biolabs in Ukraine. That will be another accusation that Putin interfered in the USA elections and spark another wild goose chase occupying prime time MSM attention for the next four years. Yes USA people love soap operas, just as Pelosi loves seeing destruction and called them 'a beautiful sight to behold'.

Sooner or later, Pelosi's pigeons will go home to the USA to roost, with the country in serious trouble, while their leaders are sending tons of taxpayer's money to fill the black hole in Ukraine, instead of looking after bread and butter issues of their citizens at home. A diversion perhaps to pull wool over USA citizen's eyes

cina apek said...

Ukraine is just a side show. The main show is still Jerusalem and the main show has yet to begin.

Anonymous said...

The Ukrainians in Mariupol are mostly pro Russians, no need to hide in the steel plant from the Russians unless forced to or dragged in by the neo Nazis, or they are families of the neo Nazis.

Anonymous said...

No western media is crying for the Palestinians who are kept as prisoners in their homeland, being deprived of food, medicine, being killed daily, not a word about human rights or crimes against humanity. Deprived from the basic right to work and live normally.

The Gaza Strip is a concentration camp, like those in Nazi Germany.

Anonymous said...

Trump is such a sweet angel , may he win again !

Anonymous said...

Yes, when they found out what Biden and his sons were scheming in Mariupol, the notoriety of Trump would be like child play.

Anonymous said...

Ya, Trump must win. Trump will then probably begin trade war version 2. Wait, didn't he said gloatingly that trade wars are easy to win and that Mexico is paying for the wall. Say it again Trump, if you get elected.

Now, the reality has hit the USA and they are trying to bring down the tariffs to curb inflation. But they put it very nicely and not admitting that they lost the trade war. How can they? The USA always wins, even though they actually lost, because the MSM will make sure they win on every front. Where they cannot win, they just move the goal post and play dirty.

Without the factories moving back to the USA to produce cheap goods, where else can they provide substitutes for their people? From Europe? Made in USA is just a figment of Trump's sick mind and vagina mouth. Those goods will be even more expensive than those from China even with tariffs added in. And so their testicles have been caught by the seaweed and now trying to extricate themselves by trying to remove the tariffs.

Yes, I support another term for Trump. He is so sweet he will surely be able to make the USA great again version 2 also. Other than him, who else inside the USA is more capable of doing that?

Anonymous said...

When all else failed, they might fall back on the two wicked women in Hillary or Pelosi.

Anonymous said...

Even White women are wicked. Where got hope?

Anonymous said...

Putin should take out Zelensky and the war will end immediately. The Russian knows his exact whereabout 24/7 and sending one hypersonic missile will be no problem.

Anonymous said...

Ayo, just take him out for the greater good !

Anonymous said...

Just take out Zelensky. End of the misery in Ukraine.

Anonymous said...

That dog claimed that there were ten assassination attempts on his life. Wonder if it is true or just a USA dog fabricating USA lies and told to create the impression that he is really that important.

Which leader in the world can survive ten assassination attempts on his life and still live to tell? Even John F. Kennedy could not survive one such attempt and he was the President of the USA. Oh, that was a fabulous story of how he was assassinated by an assassin and that assassin was assassinated by another assassin. Only in USA could such soap opera be credible. Because they have been living with so much lying that they believe their own lies.

Anonymous said...

Too may Nazis in Ukraine since Feb 24th. Hopefully they all go back to Russia

Anonymous said...

Nazis should go back to Germany. Then we shall see the beautiful sight to be behold when they create internal chaos in Germany itself. You see, pigeons are smart in going home to roost. And Germany is home to the Nazis.

Anonymous said...

Germany is already falling apart. The Nazis will make that happen faster.

When Merkel was the leader, she had been able to counter the USA influence by standing up for Germany. Now, Germany and the rest of NATO are basically colonies of the USA and under USA total control, lock stock and barrel.

Anonymous said...

The new Chancellor and Foreign Minister both look like Nazis and acting like Nazis.

Anonymous said...

If Zelensky really love Ukrainians, he should just surrender to the Putin/ Russians to stop the war and avoid further sufferings of the normal citizens of Ukraine. US should stop sending aids to Ukraine because this will only prolong the war. US seems to be creating and supporting wars and bringing grief n sufferings throughout the world.

Anonymous said...

Zelensky has sold his soul to the devil. If he surrenders to Russia, all the money paid to him by the devil, now kept in the devil's bank would be confiscated. The amount is in the billions.

People with so much money to lose would die die work for the devil to protect their money.

Anonymous said...

They probably promised him more to come if he prolongs the war. Those obsolete weapons must be used or disposed off somehow and what Ukraine offers is such an opportunity to make hay while the sun shines.

Jetthapeterkhoo said...

A nice trick is to pour oil/petrol/diesel into the plant and all the rats will surface obediently hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

Pouring water into those bunkers would be a cheaper and easier alternative. The rats will come out for sure. All kinds of rats from USA, NATO and the UK. Bet on it!

Anonymous said...

Putin wasnt entirely wrong about neo nazis in Ukraine. The puzzling bit is..how is it they were allowed to fester for so long...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yeah!!! ASAP please!!!!!!! The innocent Ukranians have sufferd too much already 😭😭😭

Anonymous said...

Nothing puzzling about the neo Nazis in Ukraine. They allowed them to fester because it was their intention to let them fester, capitalising on the bad vibes existing between the neo Nazis and their defeat at the hands of the Russians decades ago. Don't get me wrong. It was not the USA and allies that defeated the Nazis under Hitler. That was hijacked history, not real history.

What is more tantalising now than attempting to revive the neo Nazis, rearming them, adopting them into the Ukraine military and pitting them against their former enemy, the Russians?

Anonymous said...

Did anybody find Ronald Mcdonald? He's been missing since they started closing the franchise in Moscow. Rumours have it he ran off to the Mariopol in hopes of genetically trying to breed a giant cow so we can a true Big Mac instead of those puny patties that have mysteriously shrunk over the years to justify profit. Shame on you Mcdonald's Corporation.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you put your real name on the comment ?

Anonymous said...

Nowadays don't need flooding. Use sound waves bombing to drive them out.

Saifol 'Sani' Shamlan said...

Now I am so curious. When are the Russians going to send in their troops in the the plant and its tunnels? What's going on here?

Anonymous said...

Exactly!!! Save lives too!

Anonymous said...

I like that though too!

Anonymous said...

Unlike the evil Americans, the Russians are very kind to offer a safe passage for the civilians to leave. Unfortunately the neo Nazis are holding them as human shields.

There were no such offers when the Americans invaded Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan. They just bombed the daylight out of the Arab and Muslim civilians in these countries, killing hundreds of thousands of them, and wounding millions.

If there are no civilians still inside the steel plant, the Russians could send in the mother of all bombs and blow up everything inside the bunker complex. But there is also the consideration of catching the big fish and crocodiles alive, and also the tons of biochemical weapons to show the world the deadly intent of the evil Americans and to charge them for war crimes.

Biochemical weapons are banned by the UN.

Anonymous said...

Right on point