
Savages versus the Civilised - How they manage their threats and problems

 Between savages and civilisation there is a world of a difference, no matter how they lied, praised themselves and smeared and demonised others. The rest of the world can see with their eyes wide open. They are no longer the ignorant natives of the past, albeit some are still wearing blinkers and could not or chose not to see the devil as they are.

The savagery of colonialism has been carved in stone but disguised and doctored in the history books of the colonialists as a matter of fact, nothing to cry about, no savagery, no massacres, no genocides. The colonised have been schooled and fed with the fake truths manufactured by colonial masters to the point of worshipping the colonial masters till today, still believing that the ex colonial masters, the real savages, are the civilised and saviour of humankind. They just cannot see through the thin veneer of lies and plastics. 

The latest, the hordes of Asean leaders are happily paying their way to the White House, the heart of the savages, to be lectured on how to make enemies, told who are their enemies, and how to make wars, and of course to buy more weapons to defend themselves against a perceived enemy as defined by the number one terrorist nation of the world, the USA. They have forgotten that these savages committed genocides, massacres, invasion of countries, assassination of leaders, cheating, lying and are engaging in endless wars, and would be telling them to fight more wars these savages would be creating for them.

The savages have wars and killings in their DNAs, but because of stolen wealth, dressed in smart suits, dined with fine cutlery and feast with the finest wine and delicacies, looking very well and very civilised. Even when they killed, massacred, bomb the daylight out of poor defenceless people, no one could see any evil or any wrong in what they were doing, or they simply turned to look the other way.

When the savages encountered problems, or imagined threats, or fabricated threats, their only solution is violence. They would resort to war or throwing obstacles at the self declared enemies or throwing  whatever in their path to cripple, maim or kill them. They did these even to fair competition. They never think of playing fair or compete to be better than the competitors. If they were allowed to apply these devious means in the Olympics, they would have crippled or poisoned every competitor to prevent them from competing in the race. This is how outrageous the savages are.

In the case of the Covid pandemic, the savages resorted to casting slurs and lies to smear and blame others, blame China, used vulgarities and spread disinformation. By now, the whole world is very clear where is the source of the Covid19 virus but not muttering a word about it. China, the first victim of the virus, simply responded to the pandemic in the civilised way. Identified the virus, shared its genome, developed the vaccines, and trying to control its spread to its people and the people of the world, without blaming anyone for it. The evidence is all out there. The virus has been stopped from spreading in China. The savages are angry and did not want to accept this and wanted China to remove all preventive measures to help to spread the virus across China which would end up spreading across the world.

The savages went on a witchhunt, spreading lies, let the virus spread while laughing and ridiculing China and blaming China for the virus without any proof or evidence. This is how savages behaved, and they behaved exactly as how savages would.

Another example of savage versus civilised competition is trade and economic development. China is rapidly industrialising, manufacturing goods and services for the world, becoming the biggest trade partners for 140 countries in the world. It sells good and useful goods and services to benefit the people of the world by being cheaper and more efficient. And instead of being grateful and thankful for the service provided by China, to improve the lives of their people, the savages called this a threat to their dominance and control of the world. 

Instead of bettering themselves to be as competitive as China, the savages started all kinds of wars, including trade wars, to cripple the productive power of China to the extent of hurting their own people with high tariffs, and hostile policies including blocking education of tertiary students. Savages only believe in wars, not fair competition.

With production and manufacturing facilities in top gear, China needs raw materials, oil, resources from all over the world to feed its factories. The savages threaten to choke off the supply route of China especially the choke point of the Straits of Malacca. This is a real threat of using force to cut off supplies to China especially oil and raw material.  China's response to this existential threat is not to fight force with force. There are civilised ways to overcome threats and challenges without the use of force. China simply find alternative trade routes, build ports and railways to by pass the choke point. Could the savages think like civilised people, to compete fairly without resorting to force and war?

The BRI is also another option to bypass the choke points as well as being more efficient and cost effective, with shorter travelling time by land and a shorter journey between Europe and Asia. This is also a big boon to all the landlock countries that have no access to sea ports. The BRI is a massive solution that would facilitate trade with more efficient transport modes and would benefit many countries along the road and rail network.

The response of the savages is expected. Instead of providing a better alternative, they started to demonise and spread lies about the BRI, about debt traps that were non existence, about non transparency, about all kinds of fictitious lies, and even threaten to attack the projects with terrorism.

No matter how they disguised themselves, no matter how well dressed and how well tailored are their suits, savages are savages and can be judged by their savage behaviour. Violence, lies, cheating, wars, sanctions, threats are their way of life. They love wars and destruction and like to thump their chests as brave savages, and also form gangs and fabricate lies to raise tension and incite wars.

Do not judge a savage by what he said but by what he does. Action speaks louder. Action is the truth.

The Asean leaders listened to the savages in the White House talking about wars and how to make enemies with their top trading partners, and probably with more offers of arms sales, like Coast Guards patrol boats. Do not be conned by the savages. Watch their alcohol and beware of intoxicating drugs offered by the savages.

Fortunately the Asean leaders are not daft and would not be drugged to do the bidding of Biden and his savages. Go in peace and return in peace.


  1. The pariah dog in Australia has been booted out of office. Labour Party will form the next government with Anthony Albanese poised to become the next PM.

  2. Ukraine war lessons spur China military shipbuilding surge - SCMP

    - Satellite images confirm reports shipyards are rushing to complete aircraft carrier and other warships delayed by pandemic

    - Russia’s exposed weakness piles pressure on PLA Navy to be ready for any change in status quo on Taiwan

    Mainland China has stepped up efforts to get its military shipbuilding schedule back on track. Recent pictures from commercial satellites show construction has resumed at a rapid pace at several shipyards run by the China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC) conglomerate.

  3. We always thought humans have brains and can differentiate good from evil. Alas, there are those who just follow meekly and blindly what the USA and the West drum into their brains, that what the USA and the West consider as evil must be evil. Even animals knows when to avoid predators, when they sense their presence and knows such predators only purpose is to annihilate them.

    And we have thus now landed the world into endless conflicts, divided into camps, forced to take sides and became proxies to fight wars on behalf of the evil curse unleashed by the Anglo Saxon Whites. Countries have to fight wars as proxies for the USA and the West, on their soil, all to help the USA maintain their superpower status while they suffer the devastation of war and carry the debts of borrowing to rebuild their country after the war has ended.

    Some countries inevitably become victims of debt traps engineered by the West for rebuilding. Had there been no wars or devastation, there is little need for them to have to borrow up to their eyeballs for reconstruction? And who finally benefits from all this?

    Of all the wars fought in history, none has been fought on mainland USA, save for the civil wars, which the rest of the world is not a part of. Thus the USA was able to maintain and retain it's high ground of giving aids and loans with long strings attached through the IMF and World Bank to countries destroyed by their proxy wars. Who finally suffers from all this?

    Now Ukraine is going through the motion of being destroyed in a proxy war for the USA and might even pull NATO into the quagmire. We should dig deeper to understand why the USA is doing all this. One reason that many could clearly see was the USA eyeing the energy market in Europe. They had been going through the motions to derail NORD Stream 2 since the start and the EU had been dragged over the coals to suffer for the agenda of the USA. The other reason is that by creating antagonism against Russia to no end, Russia becomes the bogeyman for NATO, thus allowing the USA to remain in Europe to dictate to the colonies they control. Even Germany, the most powerful member of EU, is now an obedient puppy catering to the interest and dictates of the USA.

  4. Will Australia's external policy change with the change in Government? If the USA still controls the Australian Government, which inevitably will remain so, nothing will change. In fact nothing ever changes in White countries even if the Government changes a thousand times. They still have to follow the dictates of the USA. Even South Korea and Japan, non White countries, have to follow with heads bow and tails between their legs. The animals in the circus are well trained to obey.

  5. Also, will Singapore's external policy change when Wong takes over Loong's position?

  6. Biden is here to help South Korea fight COVID19 as well. The country with 83 million infections and more than a million death is very experienced in fighting COVID19. Good luck to South Korea. Just follow the leader and South Korea will be saved.

    On second thought, was Biden actually here to help South Korea and Japan or to spread more poison and to poison the mind of the new South Korean leader about China and North Korea?

    Kim Jong Urn probably knows the reason, which is why he is expected to welcome Biden with a big cracker.

  7. QUAD security group plans system to track "illegal fishing" by China

    The US, Japan, Australia and India will on Tuesday unveil a maritime initiative aimed at curbing illegal fishing in the Indo-Pacific, a US official said, in the latest effort by the “Quad” to counter Chinese activity in the region.

    President Joe Biden and the other Quad leaders — Japanese prime minister Fumio Kishida, Indian prime minister Narendra Modi and newly elected Australian prime minister Anthony Albanese — will announce the initiative at a summit in Tokyo, according to the official, who alleged that China was responsible for 95 per cent of the illegal fishing in the Indo-Pacific.

    The initiative will use satellite technology to connect existing surveillance centres in Singapore, India and the Pacific to create a tracking system for illegal fishing from the Indian Ocean and south-east Asia to the South Pacific, according to the official.

    Speaking about China’s efforts to draw Pacific Island countries closer, the US official said they marked a much more ambitious strategy that required Washington to significantly “step up our game”.

    “China has done a lot of stuff in the Pacific that is sort of old wine in new bottles. I do not believe that’s what we’re dealing with,” he said.

    “This is a step change in their ambition. And it is a direct challenge that we in the West, as countries that have long standing interests in the Pacific, have to address.”

  8. Instead of talking about illegal fishing in the Indo Pacific, what are they doing about the poisoning of the Pacific by the Japanese dumping of contaminated water into the Pacific to poison the fish in the sea?

    All the time steering to nothing of substance while avoiding the most important thing that they are complicit in undermining. The QUAD should just stop talking cock.

  9. The USA lost it's dingo in Australia. Now it has to cultivate and train a new doggie to carry on it's anti China agenda.

  10. US experiments ‘may have contributed to emergence of Covid’

    US experiments may have contributed to the emergence of Covid-19, leading economist Prof Jeffrey Sachs has warned, as he called for an independent inquiry into whether the virus leaked from a lab.

    Prof Sachs, who has twice been named in Time magazine’s 100 most influential people in the world, called for universities and research institutions to open up their databases for scrutiny, amid fears labs were genetically modifying viruses.

    Covid-19 first began spreading from a wet market in Wuhan, about eight miles from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV).

    Writing in the journal PNAS, Prof Sachs, who is also chairman of the Lancet Covid-19 Commission, said it was clear that scientists from the University of North Carolina (UNC) and New York-based EcoHealth Alliance (EHA) had been working with WIV to manipulate viruses.

    “Research proposals make clear that the collaboration was involved in the collection of a large number of so-far undocumented Sars-like viruses and was engaged in their manipulation….raising concerns that an airborne virus might have infected a laboratory worker,” he said in a joint article with Prof Neil Harrison, of Columbia University.

    The authors said that before the pandemic, work on Sars-like coronaviruses was being carried out as part of a ‘highly collaborative US–China scientific research program’ funded by the US government via the The National Institutes of Health (NIH).

    This project, known as PREDICT, sought to identify viruses which had the potential to leap from animals to humans.

    Researchers collected bat coronaviruses from China and southeast Asia, which were sent to various labs for ‘sequencing’, ‘archiving’, ‘analysis’ and ‘manipulation’.

    US experiments remain unknown

    China has failed to reveal much of the work that was happening, and removed a database of viral sequences shortly before the pandemic erupted.

    But experiments were also taking place in the US which have also never been disclosed for independent analysis, the authors argue.

    “The precise nature of the experiments that were conducted, including the full array of viruses collected from the field and the subsequent sequencing and manipulation of those viruses, remains unknown,” wrote Prof Sachs and Prof Harrison.

  11. The pair also point out that the same group of Chinese/US scientists had submitted proposals to insert a specialist feature into Sars-like viruses called the furin cleavage site (FCS).

    Covid-19 is unique in having a FCS, and it is the reason the virus is so infectious to humans. No other coronaviruses have the feature, and some scientists believe it is evidence the virus was man-made. Others think it occurred naturally through evolution.

    Leaked proposals showed that scientists from the University of North Carolina, EcoHealth Alliance and the Wuhan Institute of Virology had applied for funding to insert an FCS into a Sars-like virus less than two years before the pandemic.

    The funding request was turned down by the US Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa) who warned it was unsafe.

    Writing in the journal, Prof Sachs and Prof Harrison said: “We do not know whether the insertion of the FCS was the result of natural evolution…or was the result of a deliberate introduction of the FCS into a Sars-like virus as part of a laboratory experiment.

    “We do know that the insertion of such FCS sequences into Sars-like viruses was a specific goal of work proposed by the EHA-WIV-UNC partnership within a 2018 grant proposal that was submitted to Darpa.

    “The 2018 proposal to Darpa was not funded, but we do not know whether some of the proposed work was subsequently carried out in 2018 or 2019, perhaps using another source of funding.”
    Independent and transparent investigation needed

    The US National Institutes of Health (NIH), has previously stated Covid-19 could not have emerged from experiments it funded because there is too much of an evolutionary gap between the pandemic virus and published lab data.

    But Prof Sachs and Prof Harrison said that claim could only be verified if investigators were given access to unpublished viral sequences.

    “There is much to learn from the US institutions that were extensively involved in research that may have contributed to, or documented the emergence of, the Sars-CoV-2 virus” the pair conclude.

    “Only an independent and transparent investigation, perhaps as a bipartisan Congressional inquiry, will reveal the information that is needed to enable a thorough scientific process of scrutiny and evaluation.”

  12. The man who almost started the ball rolling in blaming China for the Covid19 pandemic and every negative on HK, Xinjiang, human rights - on the orders of US and Trump - Scott Morrison, ex PM Scott Morrison is GONE!

    Here is congratulating him a good riddance for taking the Aus-China to the deepest of Mariana Trench and causing economic catastrophe and the rise in anti-Asian hatred and crimes in his own country.

  13. The new Australian PM made one very pointed comment that Australia needs to repair it's image. Why did he need to say that? Isn't Australia doing very well as a member of the Mafia family?

    They are a member of the QUAD. They are also a member of the 5 eyes. They are also a member of AUKUS. Why should Australia need to repair it's image with it's illustrious line of membership in such prestigious groupings?

    How is the new PM going to repair that image? Reviving economic considerations need to involve China, which the USA is trying to discourage. That is the biggest hurdle he has to clear to repair Australia's sullied image as a stooge of the USA.

    He also has to repair Australia's relations with the French, who are celebrating Morrison's ouster by calling it 'good riddance'. A decade of Morrison has changed the fortunes of Australia, once an attractive destination for the rich investors from China and able to sell much to the booming Chinese market, now with many exports finding markets unable to match the Chinese as substitution. Even Chinese tourist now avoid Australia like the plague.


  14. Scott Morrison is a joke in history.
    Those eho have voted for him
    are bonkers

  15. Morrison goes down in history as a racist pig !

  16. The case of Monkey Pox that has been reported was very old news - in April 2019. Now, it is May, 2022!

    Why are we revealing old news again? Is it because there was nobody interested in monitoring the old news?

    In the midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic, who had given a damned about monitoring the Monkey Pox event?

    It seems that since Nov 2018 until now, there has been not a single soul in the highest authority monitoring this event. If they had, then reports would have been forthcoming.

    We must be more cautious in our monitoring!

  17. Apologies. There is a mad dog barking madly and trying to shit on this blog. So I have to activate the moderating function.


  18. Morrison's fifth-great-grandfather, William Roberts, was on one of the first transport ships to arrive in Australia after being convicted of stealing yarn worth nine shillings.

  19. Typo error:

    It should be "Nov 2019 until now", not "Nov 2018".

    My apologies.

  20. That says it all. Morrison is a descendant of British convicts deported to Australia. His fifth great grandfather could be among those who committed genocide against the Native Aborigines.

    They say leopards can never change it's spots. I say generations of leopards too can never change their spots.

  21. How come he got 5 great grandfathers?
