
Foreigners in charge and taking over...Singaporeans 'bo pian'

Locals discriminated by foreigner-born is real
Recently, I talked to a Malay Taxi Driver, he told me his daughter is working at a bank call centre (largest bank) filled with mostly foreign born, namely from South Asia and Philippines. Most of the managers are also foreign born, many are now new citizens and PRs. The staffs also many are new citizens and PRs.

What she said is working at the call centre isn’t any fun. They do not mix with local born, they will only mix with their own and worst still the promotion pattern is almost predictable. Local born are discriminated and working there have little joy or satisfication, most just bite the bullet because there are not many jobs available to local born.

Time and time again, same tactic of businesses crying for more foreign workers, almost every year. The art of brainwashing via MSM has reached new heights and local sheep can’t really think. We have ballooned from 3.8M to 5.8M and they are still doing the same cry every year. Don’t you think something is wrong? Secondly, we are
constantly reminded that locals are choosy, want high pay and good jobs. We are reminded to downgrade and do menial jobs like care givers and security captains better than being unemployed.

The massive import of foreigners will not stop, I believe the target of 6.9M for 2030 is still on, we will reach 10M by 2050.....


Above is part of an article posted by Stella in the TRE. This topic has been hammered and bashed to death by so many writers but nothing seems to change. The pain is there, and many are suffering in silence, hapless, cannot do anything, can fight, no strength to fight any more. It looks like this issue will just die a natural death. After a while everyone got so tired, just give up.

This is the culture of Singaporeans. KPKB for a while and then all raised their hands, throw in the towel and continue to vote for the same people and party to power to repeat the same policies and to endure the same pain all over and over again. 

Half of this little island is now shared and owned by foreigners, now affectionately called new citizens. Is this stupidity or Singaporeans are just too generous and would not mind sharing their country with foreigners, including sharing their employment opportunities and educational opportunities?

The Americans, Canadians and Australians stole continent and sub continent and still would not share them so easily, only a small number of foreigners allowed into their stolen land. Singapore is so generous, come everyone, come, this island is yours if you only become a citizen.

What do you think? No point talking about this topic anymore? Let it be, let it be.  I also very tired.


  1. U tire u think I not tire meh

  2. Many times encounter arrogant rude angmoh cyclists on Singapore roads who think they are still the colonial masters here.

    The bureaucrats here maintain very high high road taxes and COEs, implement bus lanes with the objective to reduce the numbers of cars on our roads supposedly to reduce road congestion and improve traffic speed, yet they close their eyes to all these foreigner angmoh cyclists to ride freely with no rules on our roads especially the bus lanes, posing obstacles to buses and other road users and slowing down traffic.

  3. Singaporeans should raise the white flag and invite the foreigners to take over the island. Like it or not it is happening and will not be stopped by all the whining.

    Our forefathers fought for this island for their children and grandchildren and descendants. Since their children and grandchildren did not treasure it or want to keep it, it is time to give it away.


  4. Sin sold
    Sinkies pawned
    many years back.


  5. Majority of Singaporeans bo-chap, no hiew and bo kuan. That's why Singapore is like that now.


  6. No inhabitant in Sin can ever loses a country that does not exist as a nation.
    The Land is only a playground for the Elite.

  7. You are so correct! On the dot. This land which we called Singapore is not for Singaporeans, since one lousy seat warmer took over from another seat warmer.

    They are both seat warmers because none of them ever think of Singapore as a nation. That's why the early years' of Nation Building disappeared in silence. Not a single word has been spoken of since.

    Even the old man, when he was still alive, did not speak about this thing called Nation Building any more.

    The writing has been on the wall for so many years already, yet the people are still unaware or failed to be aware, of the Elites' intention!

    The least being said the better, for everyone's own good.

  8. The Head of the Army said NS is a sacrifice but it is necessary for Singapore to exist as a nation. Someone else from the same party said Singapore is not a nation, only a city and that it belongs to everyone. Both are in the same choir but they sing from different song sheet depending on the audience. The one singing about sacrifice is just a song bird - no power. his role is to soothe and entice the sheep to give and to sacrifice. The one singing about Singapore belonging to the world holds the power. That is why the door is wide open and the red carpet rolled out to welcome everyone from all over the world to come in. It is unconscionable and cruel to force citizens to sacrifice for the hordes they allow in to pluck the fruits planted by our fathers and grandfathers.


  9. To give citizenship freely to foreigners is as good as selling away the country. To sell out the country to foreigners is treason. To give all the good and lucrative jobs to foreigners at the expense of the citizens is treason. In short if the government, the politicians, the ministers and MPs are doing things against the wish of the people then they are having brain comatose or brain dead.They would thus show themselves to be selfish,self-aggrandizing and most incompetent. When the rulers are guilty of all the averse governance to the detriment, suffering and agony of the people then the 'Mandate of Heaven' must apply. The "Mandate of Heaven" demands that the people have the right to rise up and overthrow the diabolical government that has misruled the country. In China's 5,000 years of civilization many rulers who misruled China had been removed by the people in this manner.

    It is very clear the present government is both brain dead and arrogant and therefore the "Mandate of Heaven" must apply.

    Eagles Eyes

  10. There are only 3.5m citizens in Singapore.

  11. Reason why Sinkies gotta drink NE Water - recycled from urine and toilet bowl water - is because of the gigantic increase in demand for water due to the extra 2.3 million foreigners who mainly came into tiny Singapore after 2004 when there was a change in premier . . .

  12. Only one word to describe all these shits. KNNBCCB.


  13. The island is acting against the group concensus of ASEAN. It is the only ASEAN member that follows America and the Western countries and Japan to condemn and sanction Russia. We are small, just a tiny red dot and musn't ally with any big power especially the diabolical and most wicked United States and its Western allies. We must not assume false political or personal egos but recognize ourselves as just inconsequential tiny little elves in the conflicting world politics of the Western warmongers. Please don't talk about principles in which we have none. By showing ourselves to be an American ally and allowing the monstrous United States to operate its military forces out of Singapore we are definitely a priority target for Russia or China to lob at us with a nuclear bomb that will vaporise everything in the island. Will the numb skull leaders please wake up, be sensible and smart before calamity happens to our precious little island.

    Sceptical political observer.

  14. Anonymous said...

    Reason why Sinkies gotta drink NE Water - recycled from urine and toilet bowl water

    Only stupid people would drink such water.

  15. What is the difference between squeezing orange to get orange juice and squeezing shit?

  16. every 4 years or so, local passport holders who are 21 years old and above have an opportunity to express their opinions in the ballot boxes.

  17. 'It is “regrettable” that countries have started increasing food export controls as these have an adverse impact on a consumer country like Singapore, said Lee Hsien Loong on Friday (27 May), according to a report by CNA.

    But the situation is “not so surprising” given the disruption in the global food supply chains due to the Ukraine war and high inflation, added Lee, who did not name any countries that are imposing the controls.'

    It would be no problem if we have 10m pop. True? There will be more people to eat. Pardon the pun.

  18. Why are Singaporeans allowed to drink shit water (literally from the dirty and filthy toilets and shit-holes!)?

    Just think of three good reasons?

    Possible Answers:

    1. They must have shits in their brains?

    2. They could have been influenced by those with shits in their brains?

    3. They have got no choice but to drink the shits, even though "purified" and "chemically treated in some ways"?
