
Covid19 - Pfizer vaccine lie, the clothes are coming off


This 17 minutes clip is a revelation of more to come on the journey to oblivion of Pfizer and AstraZenega when the truths of their clinical trials, the data they tried to hide, but now ordered by the court to present would make them looking like criminals.

Pfizer has made a filing to the NY SEC warning that for safety and insufficient efficacy reasons, their vaccines might not be approved, a self admission of the truth that they tried so hard to hide. And even if approved, the doctors, the users may not want to use them anymore. No more claims of 96% efficacy but not willing to admit that they lied about this efficacy number.

Listening to the truths that are slowly being exposed, knowing how they intentionally hid them and prevented the public from knowing, is so disgusting and so frightening, that the American govt and many countries are complicit to this vaccine tragedy.


  1. https://www.gao.gov/assets/gao-22-104613.pdf

    Federal Investigators Reveal ‘Bombshell’ Findings CDC & FDA Undertook Politically Motivated Actions During Covid Pandemic

    A federal investigation into Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) found that public health officials suppressed Covid study findings for political reasons, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) has revealed in a 37-page report (Link: https://www.gao.gov/assets/gao-22-104613.pdf).

  2. Federal Investigators Reveal ‘Bombshell’ Findings CDC & FDA Undertook Politically Motivated Actions During Covid Pandemic

    A federal investigation into Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) found that public health officials suppressed Covid study findings for political reasons, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) has revealed in a 37-page report. (Link: https://www.gao.gov/assets/gao-22-104613.pdf)

  3. Finally, the cat is out of the bag.
    Criminal behaviour that almost all governments including our own coverment had been a hand in.

    All indemnify Pziffer etc for any liability. Sad.

  4. Pfizer, Moderna, Novavax are all evil MNCs which want to mdominate the world. If we get sick from their vaccine or booster, we cannot sue them. We are not cats. We don't have 9 lives. Their vaccines did not stop omicron.
    Don’t let their vaccines into your body.

  5. If you had the pfizer vaccine, is it possible to have some other vaccine to counter the original one?

  6. Anon 11.32 - Can you summarize the main points?

  7. The IMF chief got infected even though she got the vaccination. https://gnews.org/2445951/

  8. When all the data are released, Pfizer, AstraZenega and Moderna would be sued bankrupt by the Americans, those whose family members died or suffered serious side effects. The non indemnity clause does not imply to the Americans but only to foreign governments.

    The fear of this scenario has led to the resignation of the CFOs of Pfizer and Moderna within a week. The CFOs are the people that would know how serious are the financial implications. Better resign and run road first.

  9. The non indemnity clause does not imply to the Americans but only to foreign governments.

    Which page is this? I don't find it.
