
Biden giving peanuts to Asean for development and security

WASHINGTON: US President Joe Biden will open a gathering of Southeast Asian leaders with a promise to spend US$150 million on their infrastructure, security, pandemic preparedness and other efforts aimed at countering the influence of rival China.  CNA

Wow, US$150m, to buy what? Can't even buy two good class bungalows in Singapore or one F35. This is really an insult to the Asean leaders. Having to travel all the way across the Pacific Ocean for a few dollars. They might as well tell Biden to keep it. He is throwing billions to Ukraine but throwing a little titbits for Asean, and blowing his horn that the US has not forgotten Asean and is coming back. Any single Asean country could easily afford to throw him US$150m for his war in Ukraine if he asks.

What does the Americans expect Asean to do with the peanuts? Why don't the Americans offer to build their version of BRI, more ports, more high speed rails, more roads, supply chain linkages? Don't the Americans have anything good to offer other than fabricated lies and threats? At the very least they should throw a couple of billions to Asean like they are throwing to Ukraine for wasting their precious to go to the US to listen to crap talks. After all the Americans only need to switch on the printing machine and effortlessly the money would come pouring out like water.

Oh, Biden could hang a badge on each of the Asean leader and called it the Badge of Friendship or Order of the American Empire. Cheap and good and would make the Asean leaders very happy, and could show it off, 'See, from the Emperor!'  But please, don't threaten them with sanctions or their lives with be with us or against us. It would frighten the Asean leaders and some might wet their pants.


  1. The US is desperately stealing other countries' monetary reserves to fill up its hollow Treasury. That explains the peanuts . . .

  2. All Americans should be ashamed that their government is holding hostage those countries that lend the US money!

  3. 'These reserves which the Chinese thought were assets, has now become hostages to fortune, and the Chinese suddenly realize that all these assets which took them years and years of hard work, millions of Chinese workers who work 20 hours a day to earn the money, to export the products to earn the dollars, and the US Treasury can just take them away with the click of a switch.'- Kishore Mahbubani, May 11

  4. The Americans would not feel any shame. In fact they would feel very proud about it, that they can rob other people's money, a sign of strength and power.

    Why would the silly Asean leaders travelled all the way to have dinner with these robbers, gangsters, murderers, troublemakers and terrorists?

    Are the Asean leaders out of their minds?

    1. They no choice lar. Some are very scared if they don't show

  5. We see no up the ASEAN leaders who carry Biden's balls !

  6. 150 million dollar? Million? Is that a typo? Should be billion lah !


  7. Why are the ASEAN Leaders wasting their times
    with a sick and
    failing power
    that is getting more distrusted by the Days?


  8. 150 Millions to help ASEAN?
    Maybe not enough to pay
    some ASEAN Regimes for one term.
    Must be much
    worse than
    peanut in the Eyes of an Ex-Prime Minister of Sin, namely Goh Chok Tong

  9. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/asean-united-states-singapore-summit-lee-hsien-loong-biden-proposed-indo-pacific-economic-framework-2682336

  10. Singapore welcomed UAssA

  11. Sinkieland welcomed UAssA

  12. Why is the USA calling all the monkeys to assemble in Washington? Oh yeah, the USA is giving peanuts to monkeys?

    The USA is giving US$150 million to ASEAN 'with China in focus'. Take note of that! The USA is telling the monkeys to take the US$150 million and do the USA's monkey business against China.

    When is the big tree going to fall?

  13. Singapore is 100% going to welcome the Evil USA, without a doubt.


  14. US is trying to use the US-ASEAN summit to lure South East Asian to decouple from China.It tries to get ASEAN to join its Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) and with 150 million dollars it wants to discuss with ASEAN countries many aspects of the economy. It wants to discuss with ASEAN on technology, education, infrastructure and trade. US leadership is out of its mind. What can 150 million dollars do? It can't even buy two posh bungalows in Singapore or build a decent condominium housing anywhere in ASEAN countries. So stupid still want to tout ASEAN about its IPEF programme.

    Actually the bastard Americans think they can use the summit to influence ASEAN countries to join US to contain China. These abominable Americans want to coerce ASEAN into the quagmire of confronting China. They are desperate and out of their minds. Their sinister plot will not succeed to disrupt China-ASEAN cooperation.


  15. $150 millions for the whole Asean populations of about 500 millions peoples. Each people got us 30cts, not enough to get a cup of subsidised coffee. Thanks you very very much.

  16. The Evil USA must be very desperate. It's using the $150 million to BRIBE the small "ikan billis", thinking that it will work wonders.

    What kind of cheapskate is that?

    1. They have since increased the amount for their coast guards vessels to patrol the region

  17. Presiddnt Duterte is the only smart one not to attend even though Pbilippjnes has more contentious issue with China than all others.
    He can see making good and being friendly with China serves his country better than being with the US, with its record of engineering regime change ,. Pakistan's Inram Khan being the latest.

  18. Of the US$150m, US$60m would be used for the operation of a US Coast Guard Cutter ship in South China. The implication of a Coast Guard ship is very serious. Coast Guards are to patrol a country's coastal waters. The US is indirectly saying the South China Sea is now America's coastal waters. They are now sending their Coast Guards to claim the South China Sea.

    Do Asean leaders understand this implication? Now one Coast Guard, tomorrow 10, then 30 and so on. This incremental encroachment of Asean waters and South China Sea, in disguise as aid to Asean is subtle but can be a big problem for all the countries in the region.

    Asean should tell the Americans to keep the US$90m and keep the Coast Guards in American shores.

  19. By planting the seeds of containment of China, they think that giving US$150 million will be enough to buy out some ASEAN leaders.

    They gave Zelensky billions, making him a billionaire, and by giving just peanuts to what they think are the beggars of ASEAN will do the trick? This is a slap on their faces and if ASEAN leaders knows the meaning of shame, they should show it with their middle finger.

  20. The Americans forced the leader of Asean to support the American IPEF that is still in the planning stage without any details. The IPEF could turn out to make Asean a protectorate of the USA. How can Asean support something that is still blur blur without knowing what it is all about?

  21. What a joke. The Americans paid the actor Zelensky billions just for him alone, and only willing to give Asean US$150m!

    The Sultan of Brunei could say, keep your money, US$150m I give to Asean. Don't come and give us trouble. Keep your coast guards in America. This region is not America, not right for American coast guards to be patrolling our waters. We can do it ourselves.

  22. Up to now, does ASEAN need USA coastguards to patrol their waterways? Who has been making trouble around this region? This is just a ploy to play on the minds of ASEAN leaders that China is a big threat. The moment the USA steps in, it will be trouble for ASEAN. Inviting or allowing the devil into your yard will bring disaster to your home.

    The devil stayed for decades occupying the Philippines. The devil, after taking care of Saddam Hussein, is still in Iraq, plundering the country of artifacts that will grace their museums. It is no pride to showcase stolen artifacts belonging to countries like India, China, and other Asian countries. Only the shameless can feel proud of their thievery.

    The White Curse, eight of them, ganged up with Japan to do the same to China, hoping to stay by dividing China into concessions, but were eventually chased out. They tried to do it to India and could not hold their act together and left.

    The devil had a foothold in South Korea and refused to leave. They keep antagonising the North to no end and used that as an opportunity and excuse to remain in the South.

    And do not forget that the devil stole the land of the Native Americans, committed genocide and forced what remains of the minority of the Natives to live on reservations. The Natives even have no rights to their own land. Damned hypocrites!

  23. Biden is said to be coaxing ASEAN leaders to speak up for Ukraine. Biden himself cannot think coherently, forgets what he wants to say, lost his senses midway through speeches and he wants to teach the monkeys how to sing? Hmmm, US$150 million is not going to work.

  24. BIDEN IS CHEAP SKATE !! Worst of all Untrustworthy of his status!! He gives Billions to Ukraine to fight Russia. But dished out USD150 million to be shared among 10 countries for infrastructure, security, pandemic preparedness and other efforts !!
    Biden is truly off his rocker!!
    He truly thinks SEA Countries are beggars.
    SEA Leaders should tell Biden to piss off!!
    SEA are friends with China - End of story. We do not need US influence to tell us what to do. So, Biden MYOB!! SEA Countries have honors, unlike your C5 & Western cronies including Japan & SKorea who will obediently carry out your commands.
