
Soloman Islands - The contempt of white supremacy to control and rule the world

 Any thinking person would not have missed the outrageous contempt of the white men in wanting to control the Solomon Islands as their colonies and to dictate to the international community their white men's rules of law, ie, the laws only favour the white men. This duplicity also applies to terms like democracy, human rights, war crimes etc etc, all shall be interpreted by the white men to favour white men. Democracy and human rights are for white men only.  White men would not be punished for war crimes and could commit war crimes against coloured people with impunity. Any silly Asians and coloured people still want to vomit such discriminatory terms and pray to the white gods?

Solomon Islands are independent countries and about 2,000 km from the coast of Australia, a sub continent the white men stole from the natives of the islands and claimed as theirs, just like they have claimed the USA, Canada and New Zealand, and Falklands and many islands in the oceans. And the islands are several thousands of km from Hawaii, another island stolen from the natives. The international community must not accept this white men's rules of law, that they can seize island and land mass, as theirs by force. The seizure of these land masses with original natives, the real owners of the land, must not become a fait accompli, unchallenged and cannot be challenged.

The white men and their fork tongue would interpret their rules of law to their favour, like Ukraine, next door to Russia, can have white men's military bases but Solomon Islands, 2000 km from Australia, cannot be allowed to have foreign military bases. This white men's rules of law can only hold, maybe for a while longer, as long as white men is still having superiority in military forces and weapons. But it would not be for long. Once Asian countries and the rest of the country could unite against the white men's rule, all the American bases in Japan and South Korea would also be sent packing. And Australia and New Zealand would be returned to their rightful owners, and the white men be sent back to where they belonged.

The coloured people of the world must be united to take on the white men and stop the bullying, oppression and control by the white men. No one, no country, should be ruled by the white men if they have any pride in their own beings. Everyone, country and nationality, must be treated equally, have equal rights to choose their way of life, their political system, to choose their friends etc etc and not be dictated and forced by the white men to be subservient to the white men.

Ukraine, the Solomon Islands, are turning point in modern history, for the world to stand up to the white men's oppression and rule, to free themselves from the clutches of white supremacists and racists. A New World Order must be established without the white men's supremacy and white men's rules of law. The international community demands for a fairer and more equitable world order. For that to happen, they must put an end to the white men's rule and hegemony.

PS. The Aussies claimed that military bases in the Solomon Islands would be a red line. China might as well declared foreign military bases within a 2000 km range from China's shoreline is a red line. Both can play the same rules of law game. US now threatening China and Solomon Islands with consequences if China builds a military base there. The Americans can continue to threaten China, Russia and the rest of the world. But the military balance is tilting and when there is parity, when China, Russia and their partners are strong enough to show their middle finger to the white men,  the consequences would be on the white men.


Anonymous said...

'The present conflict in the Ukraine is clearly not really about the Ukraine – that artificial collection of territories is only a tragic battlefield between the West and the Rest. The conflict is about the organised violence and extraordinary arrogance of the West, the US/UK/EU/NATO, against the rest of the world, specifically Russia, supported by China, India and indeed all other peoples. Therefore, the coming Russian victory in the special operation in the Ukraine essentially signifies the end of the West’s 500-year long domination of the planet. This is why the tiny Western world, some 15% of the planet, is so virulent in its opposition to the Russian people.

The Russian victory will undermine the remnants of illusory faith in the mythical superiority of the West and above all in the USA, fear of which long discouraged the resistance of the ‘Rest’ to the West. Neither Iran, nor even China risked challenging the USA – Russia has. The Ukraine is the USA’s ‘unsinkable’ Titanic and Russia the iceberg to sink US hubris and overreach. When the world sees the Russian victory, four continents at least, Europe and Asian China, India, Iran, Saudi Arabia, as well as Latin America and Africa, will vote for freedom from the American Empire. It is the end of Western domination, ‘the end of the history’ of ethnocentric Westerners like Francis Fukuyama. '


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

India's Dark Hand Behind Blast Killing 3 Chinese Teachers in Karachi?

India-backed separatist terrorist group Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) claimed responsibility after a suicide bombing in Karachi which killed four people including three Chinese citizens outside the University of Karachi's Confucius Institute on Tuesday afternoon local time.

Pakistan has strengthened the protection of Chinese nationals in recent years and "hard targets" like projects or construction sites that are tightly protected are thought to be difficult to attack. For that reason, the terrorists sought "soft targets" such as teachers at Karachi University.

The Pakistani government has publicly said many times that the country's violent terrorist forces and separatist movements have been infiltrated by international third-party forces, and Pakistani intelligence had linked recent attacks in the southwestern Balochistan province to handlers in India and Afghanistan.

Indian newspaper The Hindu reported that BLA commanders in the past had sought medical treatment in India's hospitals, China's Global Times said.

The BLA, especially the Majeed Brigade, has close contact with India. It is hard to judge whether these are official or not, but without Indian travel permits, the Majeed Brigade head's visits to India would not be possible.

Anonymous said...

The US has The Hague Invasion Act, but wants The Hague to target Russia

Washington wants Putin in the International Criminal Court, but its law allows “all means necessary” to prevent cases against USA

Amid the fog of war in Ukraine and the total absence of any due process to assess the various violent scenes emerging from the conflict there – a process which normally takes years – the Biden administration is already looking for a way to get the International Criminal Court in The Hague to start from Washington’s desired result and work backwards.

“The Biden team strongly wants to see President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia and others in his military chain of command held to account,” according to the New York Times.

Except that the US isn’t even a member of the court, so what authority, moral or otherwise, does it have? And neither is Russia, as of 2016, so any efforts to target Russia would amount to little more than symbolism. The lack of satisfaction that Washington would get, compared to the potential risks that it could itself incur, makes the lack of self-awareness even more flagrant. Why would Washington risk opening a massive Pandora’s Box against itself by suddenly expressing its newfound interest in defending international law?

Until now, Washington had no use for the ICC, and refused to consider any talk of war-crimes accusations against American officials or military personnel within the context of its various armed interventions around the world.

In 2002, amid the US invasion of Afghanistan, and just ahead of its bombing of Iraq and removal of Saddam Hussein from power, Congress passed The American Service-Members’ Protection Act, known informally as The Hague Invasion Act, which allows “all means necessary and appropriate to bring about the release of any U.S. or allied personnel being detained or imprisoned by, on behalf of, or at the request of the International Criminal Court.” It also prohibits cooperation with, and extradition of Americans to, the court for trial.

America has always railed against international law as applied to its own actions when it has felt that the end justifies the means for either itself or its allies. Former US ambassador and National Security Advisor John Bolton said in 2018, just ahead of the Trump administration’s sanctioning of ICC officials (rescinded last year by Biden) over noise about investigating American war-crime accusations in Afghanistan and Israeli war crimes in Palestine: “The United States will use any means necessary to protect our citizens and those of our allies from unjust prosecution by this illegitimate court.”

Fast forward to 2022, and “war crimes” guilt – which, by definition, can only be determined by a judge – is being recklessly bandied for propaganda purposes, including by President Joe Biden himself. While Team Biden tries to figure out how to manipulate a court whose authority Washington categorically rejects into doing its bidding, it may want to first consider how it plans to engage while avoiding its own exposure to war-crimes trials.

- RT

ex-ST editor Leslie Fong says: ""What is news even to me is the Hague Invasion Act, which Washington says gives the US the right to invade the Netherlands and rescue any American being tried in the International Criminal Court in The Hague for war crimes! What outrageous arrogance! What a brazen disregard for the rule of law! The next time anyone lectures me about the rules based international order, I will ask him about this."

King Solomon said...

The USA and Australia are trying to relive the days when only the Whites have the right to colonise whichever country they set foot on. They came, they saw, they stole is all there in the history books. Oh yes, to paper over it, they call it discovered. As if no one already lived in those countries they 'discovered'.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The Hague Invasion Act is like the Taiwan Relations Act, Made in USA. They made their own laws and act on them as legal, their rules of law. No need approval by any country.

Their laws are as good as lawless. Their rules of law are gangster's law.

Tomorrow they can pass a law to unlaw the UN or arrest any leader of a country. Then they act on it, under their rules of law to break up the UN or to arrest other country's leaders as lawful.

A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...

From all evidences, at least since 500 years ago, the rule of law to the evil USA means lawlessness.

There is actually no rule of law.

According to them, the rule of law means according to their own laws, which can also be easily broken like changing underwear.

patriot said...

When the Supremacist lmperialist loses its power, it shall be at the Mercy of others.
That day is coming soon.

Tua Peh Kong said...

Parrot - All the christian groups always say the end of the world is coming. They are always wrong. End of the day, nothing happens. LOL!