
Hong Kong - Lunacy unchecked

 The western media and Channel News America are fond of advertising how bad the situation is in Hong Kong that Hongkongers find it unbearable and many are giving up everything, good jobs, job security, familiarity, relationships built over decades and social safety and security, to flee to the West and to their darling country, little Britain. To the Hongkongers, little Britain is still Great Britain and they would like to live like before in old Hong Kong, worshipping the old lady in Buckingham Palace and singing God save the Queen. That is their idea way of life, never mind if they are second class citizens to the Brits.

The Hongkongers are still living in the past, with a mindset cooked in the times of colonialism and white men superiority and everything white is good. They did not know or refused to recognise that the Hong Kong/China they are living in is a different world today. Hong Kong and China mainland are the growth engines and growth centres of the world where they could comfortably find jobs of their likings, commensurate with their education and expertise, without any colonial glass ceilings. In Hong Kong they could aspire to whatever they want, to the highest office in Hong Kong and even in China if they are up to it. And China is the new morality of justice, equality and fair play and human decency.

Many young Hongkongers are cutting their roots and giving up good jobs and good life to go West. What are they expecting to find at the end of their imaginary and out of phase rainbow? In the 19th Century and early 20th Century, many poor Chinese peasants had to flee China to look for a simple job just to fill their empty stomachs. There were barely any jobs available in a broken and bankrupt China semi colonised by the foreign invaders. Fleeing China looking for a job is not exactly what that attracted them. It was the push factor and all they were looking for was a bowl of rice, a meal, not a job to talk about. When they had nothing, and nothing to look forward to, anything would be good enough and worth the risk. Those were dire times and poverty was the norm to the majority of Chinese and anything was better than nothing.

The Hongkongers today are going West with a fictitious idealism that the West, fake democracy and fake freedom were what they want. But jobs in the West would not be waiting for them. Many would not be able to find a job in the West, or if they were lucky, a job that would be several rungs below what they were doing in Hong Kong. The social safety and security net and the safe environment they took for granted in Hong Kong would not be there. Their lives could be in danger just simply walking in the streets of racist white men's land. The jobs that they could get would come with all kinds of false ceilings and barriers, not the kind of freedom and democracy they believed to be there. Democracy and freedom in the West are not for Hongkongers but for the white men. Why would Hongkongers that have everything in Hong Kong, risk going to the West and may end up with nothing, even losing their lives? Has the stupidity has no cure disease spread to the Hongkongers?

They would painfully pay for their lunacy and naivity to think that the grass is greener over the fence. They did not know what they would be in for. If they could not find a decent job, definitely not what they could get in Hong Kong, and when their savings are depleted, they would wish they had not been so foolish and rash to run away from their motherland where everyday is getting better and tomorrow is something to look forward to. Going to the West is not only heading towards sunset, the West is not what they believe in their deluded imagination or dreams. Or they still think Asians or Chinese are incompetent and they preferred to be ruled by evil white men?

How many of the Hongkongers that have uprooted from the comfort of home would be able to find life better than they were in Hong Kong 10 or 20 years down the road is best described as wishful thinking. The realities still have not sunk into the minds of the Hongkongers and only when they hit the end of the road would they know how good it is to be in the motherland. But by then it would be too late. They may not even be welcomed back home. They made their choice under whatever assumptions and make beliefs, they would have to face the music for their own decisions.


  1. The West will sayang them if they turned traitor to betray their civilisation and become stooges or running dogs.

    The West love running dogs that would bite their own kind for their selfish personal gains.

  2. This was the mindset of the earlier days when the under educated Chinese thought and were sold the lie that the streets of the USA was supposed to be paved with gold and many Chinese were lured to USA to make their fortune.

    They landed up as slaves, like the African Blacks, building railways, working in mines and all the jobs the Whites shun. This is all written in history books, and yet today, many brainwashed and supposedly well educated Hongkongers are still living in the lies of that era. As they say, stupidity has no cure!

    As a non White in the UK, getting a job today is not as easy. The Brits themselves are fighting for jobs after Brexit. There are restrictions, residency requirements and lots of red tape to overcome in order to land a job.

    According to one video on 'PTE Wolf Warrior Diplomacy', highlighting the plight of some Hongkongers who took up the UK's offer of citizenship, some are now suffering homelessness and have been forced to work at minimum paid jobs with high inflation. Some openly regret throwing away good jobs in Hong Kong to live a life of deprivation. Well, they made their choice and have to live with it, second class citizens or not.

  3. There are two types of Hongkongers: the Hongkees and the Hongkongers.

    The Hongkees are the ones that love Western coun­tries. They are the ones who aspire to become one of the Westerners, a Yellow-man wearing all the Western clothes, yet unable to discard his ingrained Yellow-skin. How pathetic can that be?

    On the other hand, there is a majority group of Hongkongers, who aspire to be the rulers and responsible citizens of their own land. They are those who harbours the will to self-administered their oĊ•wned land.

  4. Having live in Australia for 6 years I can tell you it's not a drealand for asian there those who regreted serve them right but their kids will suffer because of their stupidity.


  5. Better be an poor emperor in your own land rather than a rich slave and dog emperor to the Whites.

    The Whites with their ingrained Whites Supermacy will never ever respect and love the coloured people.

  6. If the whites can sacrifice the Ukrainians, also whites with blond hair and blue eyes, what is there to hold them back from sacrificing the coloured people, especially the yellow skin Chinese?

  7. One death, only onw due to COVID in Shanghai since the lockdown is news? What are journalist doing nowadays. Just digging for bad news at the bottom of the barrel on China?

  8. Hong Kong immigration to Canada is booming

    Canada is enjoying a resurgence in immigration from Hong Kong.

    CIC News obtained new data from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) showing a 50 per cent jump in Hong Kong permanent residence landings and four-fold increase in study and work permit applications compared to pre-pandemic levels.

    Hong Kong was the number one source of immigration to Canada up until 1997, with up to 30,000 Hong Kong residents moving to Canada each year. In 1998, Hong Kong was surpassed by China, India, and the Philippines, which remain the three leading sources of new immigrants to Canada to this day.

    Immigration from Hong Kong to Canada boomed leading up to the handover of Hong Kong’s sovereignty from the United Kingdom to China in 1997. Residents of Hong Kong were uncertain of the ramifications of the handover and hence moved to countries such as Canada in pursuit of economic and political stability. Following the handover, far fewer Hong Kong residents moved to Canada and prior to the pandemic about 1,500 gained Canadian permanent residence each year.


  9. Hong Kong Documentary Prompts Taiwanese to Eye Immigration Policy

    As Hong Kongers trickle into Taiwan seeking asylum, a documentary about the Hong Kong protests of 2019-20 is prompting Taiwanese moviegoers and civic groups to question current immigration laws.

    The documentary, "Revolution of Our Times," became the highest-grossing Chinese-language overseas documentary in Taiwan's film history in its first week of screening. It opened February 25 in more than 30 theaters throughout Taiwan, according to Taiwan's Central News Agency, grossing some $558,000 (NT$16 million) by March 8.

    During that week, Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen promoted the film on her Instagram feed, and on March 9, she took to Twitter, saying "The Hong Kong people's courage & commitment to democracy are an inspiration to us all, as we work to preserve our own freedoms & way of life."

    The film is in Cantonese, the language spoken in Hong Kong. It chronicles the protests that erupted in Hong Kong in response to the Beijing-controlled government's introduction of an extradition bill.

    The documentary covers key events in the sometimes-violent protest movement, with footage of the storming of the Legislative Council complex, the 2019 Yuen Long attack, and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University siege.

    "We've been waiting a long time for a commercial release in (Taiwan's) theater chains," Kiwi Chow Kwun-wai, the director, a Hong Konger, told VOA Mandarin. "This is the only chance at the moment to reach a wide audience in Taiwan. I am very excited about the positive aspects."

    The film, which premiered at the 2021 Cannes Film Festival, is banned in China and Hong Kong. It has been getting an international rollout — San Francisco; London; Vancouver, British Columbia; and elsewhere — starting April 1.

    After watching the documentary, Rebecca Hu, a Taiwanese YouTube influencer, told VOA Mandarin, "I think I am very lucky to live in Taiwan, because I think it's so disheartening to see police beat (Hong Kongers). The police are supposed to protect the people."

    Chenter Yang, an educator in Taipei, the capital of Taiwan, told VOA Mandarin that the documentary serves as a warning to citizens of liberal democracies "who are suppressed or threatened under the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) regime."

    "I hope that in the future we can have the opportunity or have more ways to help (Hong Kongers) get the justice they deserve," Yang told VOA Mandarin after watching the documentary.

    Yang's response to the 152-minute film — that Taiwan should offer Hong Kongers more immigration assistance — is now a topic of debate in the self-governing island nation that Beijing has viewed as its territory since the CCP won power in 1949 after a civil war.

    On July 1, 2020, President Tsai's government opened the Taiwan-Hong Kong Services and Exchange Office in Taipei to help Hong Kongers work and study in Taiwan, a day after the new security law came into force in Hong Kong.

    In August 2021, Taiwan's Interior Ministry revised its Measures for Hong Kong and Macao Residents to Enter Taiwan and Residency and Settlement Permits, the name of a law stating that if a resident of Hong Kong or Macau, both controlled by Beijing, has current or former work or investment ties to China's government, Taiwanese authorities will deny a residency application.

    According to the latest data released by Taiwan's immigration service, the number of Hong Kong residents who have obtained Taiwan residence permits and settlement permits has hit a record high in 2021, when it granted 11,173 residence permits — an increase of 360 over 2020 — and 1,685 settlement permits, an increase of 109 over the previous year.

  10. Let's hope Taiwan would not become another Ukraine and the Taiwanese have to flee to Japan or the USA, and hope they are accepted by these two countries. The Japanese would not Japanese born in Latin America. So it would be a test if the Japanese would accept half breed Japanese from Taiwan.

    As for the USA, the hate Chinese movement is not going away and Taiwanese are equally prone to become targets of white and black racists.

    What would the Taiwan Chinese choose? Would they choose to become beggars in Japan or the USA, or become victims of hate crimes? Or would they return to the motherland and become first class citizens of the new number one super power, the biggest economy in the world?

  11. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2022/4/15/inhumane-uk-plan-to-send-refugees-to-rwanda-sparks-criticism&ved=2ahUKEwik7rz4g533AhVMjJUCHYzCALIQ0PADKAB6BAgeEAE&sqi=2&usg=AOvVaw1NmoafnAIcsR3u-fytN-1w HK BNO be warned, you may end up in Rwandan.

  12. Hahaha

    The police in Hong Kong beat up Hongkongers for no reason? This is the kind of propaganda that the West promotes. The protestors were destroying Government properties and setting fires to shops and business outlets. Police anywhere would do the same. If not, what is their job?

    Police in USA and Europe not only beat up innocent non violent civilians, targeting blacks, but occasionally killed them as well. How come no one talks about it from Taiwan?

  13. They probably do talk about USA police violence, but the MSM will not broadcast or talk about those interviews, because it does not fit or suit the USA agenda. Moreover, Taiwan is a colony of the USA and is forbidden to speak ill of it's master. Dogs do not bite their master.

  14. Their Masters in the USA are violently incapable of avoiding violence. The most they can do is to silence those who talk about it.

    They are always there to interfere, interrupt and intervene to make sure that violence is always there.
