
All Empires must fall, China will not

 All Empires did all they could not to fall. But all Empires fell without exception. The American Empire is falling and the Americans are trying all they could to hold on to it, but for whatever they are doing and have done, they are actually helping their Empire to fall faster. They are dismantling all their dominance and control over systems, technology, trust, etc etc discrediting themselves and undoing themselves, giving up their monopolies and strategic advantages in everything. 

In just a few weeks, they have committed the gravest of all sins by discrediting the American designed international financial system and confidence in the US dollar as an international currency.  These two are the final nails to the coffin of the American Empire. 

Only a few years back they started on a technology and economic war against China only to lose control of the mobile phone technology and AI industry. Huawei has developed its own operating system and Android's share is dwindling and would soon become a minor operator. So is their control of the chip industry. China is launching its own chips and would be in parity very soon and would overtake the Americans to be the dominant player. China is also running away with 5G and 6G technology while the Americans are desperately hugging on to their obsolete 4G tech and pretending to have 5G with 4G plus tech.

Space and space station would be history to the Americans in a couple of years. There will be only one space station in the sky and one, the ISS, floating and limping along with dead astronauts inside for overstaying its useful life and run out date. Because of the distrust and fear of American deceit and treachery, no American astronauts would even be allowed into the China Space Station for whatever reason. China has learnt that any cooperation with the Americans is their undoing as the slimy, untrustworthy and scheming Americans' intent is to undermine and destroy China in everyway they could.

The Americans silly trick of embedding a software in the Boeing fleets of aircraft and abusing it to cause the aircraft to crash at will have destroyed faith in the countries of the world to buy and operate Boeing aircraft. Like the international banking system, international currency, the world is looking for safer alternatives to replace operating American made aircraft, weapons systems, the banking system and the US dollar, and no more petrol dollar. 

The American can kiss their Empire goodbye. Its end is nearer than the Americans think or believe or want it to be.

Why China would not fall in the same way as the American Empire? The Chinese have spent many hours studying the rise and fall of Empires and have learnt many valuable lessons. They would not be stupid enough to want to face the same fate as a fallen Empire. The Chinese historically has never been an Empire like the West, invasion, colonisation and conquest. Now, armed with more knowledge and wisdom, the last thing that the Chinese want is to conquer the world by military force and to build an Empire.

China would be rich and powerful, but only wants to be respected as a big power, not to control the world as an Empire. There will be no Chinese Empire to talk about. Only the West are talking about empires, wanting to hold on to the evil American Empire but accusing China of empire building. China is building a new world order of common destiny and shared prosperity. Without becoming an Empire, there is no Chinese Empire to fall on the wayside like the last American Empire. The new reality is that no one would subscribe or succumb to be ruled or to want to be ruled by another Empire.

The Chinese are not stupid to want to build such an Empire to be the enemy of the world, to be hated, to be opposed, and to never live in peace. It would be too costly for the Chinese or any country to have an Empire Dream. It would be a nasty dream to start with and to end with.


  1. Why is he looking confused? It's because of his confused mind, or because of his deranged mind?

    On either condition, he is not only looking confused, but he is very confused.

    He has been able to speak some senses purely because someone has written those things for him to speak about. But at the end of the day, he has been creating troubles after troubles, again and again, and therefore he has to take the full responsibility.

    The White House has been busy trying to cover up for him again and again, too. This cannot go on and on, without any repercussions. Ultimately, he has to shoulder all his blunders of a confused mind.

    How can a President be of confused mind?

  2. 'How can a President be of confused mind?' unquote

    Well in the USA, it matter not, because it is the Deep State dictating the policies. USA Presidents merely follow the rules, whether Democrats or Republicans. Ironically, Trump let out the open secret fact that it is the Deep State controlling the Presidency.

  3. The West prefers to go all out with a bang:

    'My first conclusion here is that a direct military conflict involving NATO and Russia is now likely.

    That, by itself, is simply horrible, but here is a simple truth: if the Anglos, yet again, want to burn down the European continent there might not be anything Russia could do to prevent that. And forget about the suicidal Eurolemmings. Russia can win that war, and she will, but yet again at a huge cost.

    And that is exactly what the Anglos want.'


  4. Nato main aim are to contain China. Nato militaries based had surrounded China for decades. On the western side of China, US,Canada, EU and on the Eastern side, USA militaries are in South Korea, Japan etc. China Russia India should stand together and take down Nato. NATO SEEM TO BE A GANG TO BE ELIMINATED FOR WORLDWIDE PEACE.

  5. NATO MUST Be Eliminated at ALL COSTS!


    1. It has become too strong for its own good.

    2. It is getting more and more cocky.

    3. It is devicing more and more hidden weapons that are detrimental to the welfare of all other countries in the world.

    4. It is growing more and more outlandish than it used to be.

    5. It is definitely going all out to annihilate both Russia and China, and subsequently, to destroy India too.

    Those five, the most important of all, have been instrumental to its very existence - the Conquest of the whole World.

  6. NATO is a cancer that is growing to overwhelm Russia and soon the world. The USA has been feeding that cancer. To remove the cancer, bringing down the USA is the only way. When the big tree falls, the monkeys will scatter. Same with the monkeys in the East.

  7. When they have eliminated China and Russia, India would be next.

  8. The White People are the Worst of All Peoples. They are the most wicked and most cruel that this World has ever seen.

  9. China, Russia and India should work together to break the stranglehold of the western world by attacking the weakest link of NATO. They should join business to snack away Canada from nato. It would break the USA into two and also separate the link of NATO. Canada is a big countries, and can host many Indians and Chineses, of course, overpopulated sg are welcome.

  10. Canada has no backbone and follows the USA like a dog. The USA shouted catch and they obeyed and caught Meng Wanzhou. If the USA ordered jump, they will jump too, even over the cliff. How to pry away a dog from it's master?

  11. Just treat it like a dog, a big obedient dog. It will definitely follow your instructions, I am sure. Otherwise, no money is paid. I will refund to you all your money that you have paid.

  12. US Army Major General Roger L. Cloutier was captured at Mariipol and taken to Russia.

    The Russians didn't even realize the rank of the person they captured. He is a Lt Gen, not Maj Gen. Good bargaining chip. They should exchange him for a new battlecruiser to replace Moskva.

  13. The Moskva was likely to be shot by the contractors aka American or European mercenaries.

  14. Exactly. Wagner set up explosives near the Moskva and detonated it.

  15. Monitor Lizard Gang-Raped in India

    Four men in the Indian state of Maharashtra have been arrested for allegedly raping a Bengal monitor lizard within a tiger sanctuary, India Today reported.

    They have been identified as Sandeep Tukram, Pawar Mangesh, Janardhan Kamtekar and Akshay Sunil. The Maharashtra Forest Department checked the mobile phone of the accused and came to know about the incident.

    The officials found the recording of the act which showed the accused allegedly gang-raping the monitor lizard.

    If convicted, the accused could be charged with seven years of imprisonment.

    The gender of the monitor lizard is unknown.
