
Warning - Do not park your money in US or western banks

 The world better wake up fast. In recent years, the USA has been using regime changes to create unrest, forcing legitimately elected Governments to crack down on protestors instigated by them, and then using human rights as a reason to punish those Governments.

Now seizing the assets of those other countries is becoming the norm. Venezuela, Afghanistan and now Russia's state and individuals have been targeted for seizure of their assets using 'frozen' to fool the world. This is daylight robbery, and using Mafia logic.

Countries of the world better think deeply and act with open eyes before putting their money in Western Banks, and keeping assets in Western countries, all of which are members of a Mafia gang lead by the USA.

The danger to any country is simple, and it is easy for them to target any country that they think is not towing the line, by supporting political opponents and using fake NGOs to instigate unrest, thereby forcing crackdowns which could lead to sanctions and seizure of assets. And we know they have doggies supporting their actions.

Those so called NGOs, like Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, etc are devils in disguise, angelic in theory, but they conduct activities that are less than savory on behalf of the White Curse. Think of why the USA alone, apart from the Europeans, have to set aside US$300 million a year to fund those activities.

After Russia, the question is 'Who is next'? 



  1. Also don't park your money in Singapore banks. They are same as Whitemen's banks because they tow the line of their Western Masters.

  2. As at end-December 2021, Singapore is holding USD189.4 billion worth of U.S. Treasury securities, while China holds USD1,068.7 billion worth, according to U.S. Treasury data.

    Sovereigns should trim their holdings of U.S. debt while they can.

  3. Putin will retaliate. Biden has no idea what’s coming. Vivian also.

  4. Putin will not let Singapore goes off scott free.

    In the next few months, there will be cyber-attacks and many government websites hacked, data stolen and/or destroyed.

    The Singapore financial system will collapse, etc.

    Many secret data will be exposed, especially the hidden secret assets of all the filthy rich multi-millionaire ministers.

    Vivian Balakrishnan's personal bank accounts will also be hacked.

    Be prepared to courageously accept the consequences of your stupidity.

    USA cannot help you to stop these cyber-attacks.

  5. Unprovoked they go and poke Russia, then fearing Russian cyber retaliation, they plan to set up a cyber military force. Stupid or not ?

    1. The cyber military force will be attacked until no days and no noghts. For sure.

      In addition, all the banks, GLCs, GIC and Temasek will also be attacked. For sure.

      No stones will be left unturned.

      Russia never do any harm to you, nor provoke you. Instead, you are the one who provokes Russia. And you announced it to the whole world in order to belittle and shame Russia.

      That is not how diplomatic relationship is conducted at the international level.

      Russia has all the time in the world to skin the arrogant, haughty, fat aristocat.

  6. The mouse loudly belittle and shame nuclear power Russia in front of everybody at the UN General Assembly, and received a grateful hug from the Ukraine envoy.

  7. Last few years the USA and the West had been particularly interested in human rights issues, because that can be used as a weapon to instigate protest, then accuse the authorities of targeted countries for using excessive force to put down rebellions, and give them opportunities to impose sanctions and could realistically lead to confiscation of assets and reserves.

  8. The mouse from the Lion City is roaring at the UN for everybody to see and applaud. Wonder what prize is available from Alfred Nobel for roaring.

  9. US & Western Allies Use Ukraine to Contain Russia, Similar to Using Taiwan to Contain China

    Sergey Lavrov: For eight years, we've been appealing to the collective conscience of the West while desperately trying to reason with Zelensky's government, which has developed all the hallmarks of an ultraradical, neo-Nazi regime. And the West failed to stop it. Honestly, I don't even think the West was trying to stop it, because to the West, Ukraine has always been a tool to contain Russia – even before 2014. This entire situation has come about because the West refused to recognise that Russia has equal rights in constructing the European security architecture.
    This is also supported by the reaction of leading NATO countries – the United States in particular – to the initiatives put forward by President Putin last December. Back then, he talked about the need to act in good faith and honour one's agreements: more specifically, he was referring to the idea that any country, even when it chooses to join a military alliance, must never pursue any policy that would infringe on the security of any other country. That was a commitment approved and signed by the presidents and heads of government of all #OSCE countries, and it is also enshrined in NATO-Russia Council documents.
    The West has flat out refused to comply with this principle.
    Then we heard President Zelensky say that if Russia continues pushing Ukraine to fulfill some of its obligations, he would consider the option of Ukraine restarting its nuclear weapons program – that was a step too far.

    Question: Was that the tipping point?
    Sergey Lavrov: No, it has been building up over time. Our patience has its limits, you know. But all the things I've outlined are everyday events, small developments that have convinced us, step by step, that the West has adopted a strategy of using Ukraine to contain Russia. The plan is to create an 'anti-Russia', a belt of hostile states around us.

    Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s #interview with Al-Jazeera TV channel, Moscow, March 2, 2022

    - Russia Embassy in Singapore FB

  10. Virgo, what are you referring to? Terminals 1 to 10?

  11. Should put your money in my bank. Safest. No BS.

  12. Where US is concern, most Asian cities just pay lip-service unlike the Lion City, their specialty is lick-service as they are totally inspired those tyrannical White Masters.

  13. Taking Away Central Banks' Currency Reserves Will Reshape International Role of U.S. Dollar

    In a world in which accumulating foreign assets is seen as risky, military and economic blocs are set to drift farther apart, predicts WSJ's Jon Sindreu.

    Weaponizing the monetary system against a Group-of-20 country - the U.S. and its allies shut off the Russian central bank’s access to most of its $630 billion of foreign reserves - will have lasting repercussions, Sindreu warns.

    Official reserves rose from less than $2 trillion since the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis to a record $14.9 trillion in 2021, according to the International Monetary Fund. Many economists have long equated this money to savings in a piggy bank, which in turn correspond to investments made abroad in the real economy. However, recent events highlight the error in this thinking: Barring gold, these assets are someone else’s liability—someone who can just decide they are worth nothing.

    The entire artifice of “money“ as a universal store of value risks being eroded by the banning of key exports to Russia and boycotts of the kind corporations like Apple and Nike announced this week, Sindreu says. If currency balances were to become worthless computer entries and didn’t guarantee buying essential stuff, Moscow would be rational to stop accumulating them and stockpile physical wealth in oil barrels, rather than sell them to the West. At the very least, more of Russia’s money will likely shift into gold and Chinese assets.

    Financial and economic linkages between China and sanctioned countries will necessarily strengthen if those countries can only accumulate reserves in China and only spend them there. Even nations that aren’t sanctioned may want to diversify their geopolitical risk. It seems set to further the deglobalization trend and entrench two separate spheres of technological, monetary and military power.

    Buy gold, ditch the greenback - many of the world’s central banks will surely be doing it.

  14. Russia is returning to the Gold Standard. China will follow suit. So would all those sanctioned countries and the Arab world.

    This would expedite the demise of the US dollar. A major titanic shift is on the way and the American Empire is going to crumble over night when dollar is no longer in demand as the international currency.

    The Americans just lift the stone to smash their own feet.

  15. Right Anon 4.21

    The actions of the USA and the West confiscating assets stands out like a sore thumb, but they think that perhaps their 'exceptionalism' will mitigate whatever consequences that follows. That is left to be seen.

    If central banks of countries not yet targeted but may well be are still unconvinced of the consequence of parking their reserves in Western countries, they should have their heads examined. It does not stand to logic that any country would risk having their reserves confiscated and not do anything about it to spread the risk right now. The writing is already on the wall and it is time for them to read it.

    As I see it, Japan, a colony of USA is clearly unsafe place for money now, and even Switzerland is no more a safe haven for the super rich. The safest is perhaps keeping those reserves in gold at home, otherwise China offers at least a relatively secure alternative.

    The USA and the West are now so desperate that they have to resort to underhand tactics to confiscate the reserves of other countries. It is said that sanctions constitute the last available weapon in it's arsenal, and there is nothing else left that the USA can use or fall back on to punish Russia, short of a nuclear war. Even then, there will be no winners, only losers and all will be converted to charcoal and fossil fuel for the next human cycle.

  16. The whole global financial and economic systems are going to undergo a tremendous shake-up. US and European financial and banking institutions are not reliable and trustworthy any more.

    A new way has to be found to overcome the rogue and Mafia behaviour of the White Supramacists.

  17. France has robbed Russia of four cargo ships and more.
    This robbery is outragjous.
    Were the Ships involved in any crime and or involved in any war or clandestine activities ??

  18. They are now committing piracy and daylight robbery. They have now gone back to cheating, lying and stealing. They have rediscovered their barbaric ways. The Anglo Saxon 'White Curse' is running amok.
