
Random facts and truth in brief: US is untrustworthy and it engineered the Ukraine Crisis as part of its geopolitical agenda

      White men speak with fork-tongues and can never be trusted. 

       White men call for peace talks and treaties is a strategy to bide for time to rebuild their strength and power. They have no qualms in breaking up whatever treaties they had signed once they have a preponderance of strength and power. Native Americans warned us not to suffer the same fate as they had suffered and warned us to be fully and strongly armed no matter what talks and treaties white men intend to have. 

The present Ukraine crisis is the result of US-led NATO breaking up the treaties and promises they had made with Russia under president Gorbachev. They promised Gorbachev that NATO would not expand even an inch into former Russian ex-federated states like Poland,Romania, Bulgaris, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine and others. But they did exactly the opposite of what they had promised. They built over 600 nuclear armed military bases around the periphery of Russia threatening and intimidating Russia. 

The despicable Anglo-Saxon Americans created the Ukraine crisis to con the European countries to believe that they still need the protection of the United States. The Ukraine crisis is part of US overall diabolical world hegemony agenda. US intention is to control the European countries through NATO and thus reduce the European countries or European Union to a semi-colony to serve US insidious interests of world domination. 

After the Ukraine crisis is over the satanic Americans will surely create a Taiwan Strait crisis. US will provoke China to no end and will goad China to attack Taiwan. The United States want to force China to resume the Chinese civil war and with that it hopes to psycho  Japan, Philippine and Vietnam to fight along side with Taiwan to defend the so-called Western democracy and human rights. America itself will not send its foot soldiers to die in this war but it will shout 'Hu-ha' and give command to its allies from Pentagon  while at the same time  selling arms to its allies to reap huge monstrous profits by the trillions of dollars. But the overall diabolical American objective in creating the Taiwan crisis is to wreck China and destroy China so as to preserve and maintain the United States primacy over every other country in this earthly world.

When Russia imploded in 1989 the Russian controlled Warsaw Pact was dissolved and all the countries in the pact was granted independence by Russia. In truth the US-controlled NATO pact should also be disbanded. But US did not disband NATO because it has the ultimate objective of using NATO to attack and destroy Russia. Not only was NATO not disbanded but the United States instead secured a tighter grip on NATO. This shows that the US has reduced its so called allies the European countries to a slavish colonial status which must follow all US dictates. So much so that only US alone decided to incorporate Ukraine into NATO inspite of strong Russian protest and severe warning by President Putin of strong Russian reaction. Russia would not allow the US to park its nuclear weapons at Russia's doorsteps.

The evil and arrogant warmongering Americans chose to ignore President Putin's serious warning. In 2014 US plotted a regime change in Ukraine and installed a staunchly pro US puppet government. For the next few years it was followed by ethnic cleansing of Russians who are citizens of Ukraine. This together with Ukraine's intention to go nuclear  was the last straw and so Putin decided to invade Ukraine to put a stop to the massacre of Russians living in Ukraine.

The United States is largely responsible for the Ukranian crisis. The United Nations Organisation and the whole world should condemn and censor the bellicose warmongering Americans.

During the implosion of USSR in mid 1980s the Warsaw Pact bloc of countries under Russia was dissolved. Russia was no more a communist country and Gorbachev was too naive as he allowed US capitalists to take charge of Russia's economic system based on US toxic capitalist governance. Russia's corrupted leaders connived with US capitalist rogues to take over thousands of Russian state enterprises or companies as private entities. This enriched the corrupted Russian leaders and the US capitalists fabulously but caused extreme deprivation and poverty to the general Russian citizens. In the next ten to fifteen years Russia's economy was so bad and anemic that millions of ordinary Russians suffered extreme starvation and death. It was not until President Putin came to power on March 2000 that he stemmed the tide of US hijacking of Russian economy and Russian industries and companies.

All the non-white countries in Africa, Asia, South America and Central America or the Caribbeans must beware that the Anglo-Saxon Americans and British and their European allies are all white supremacist who intend to maintain primacy over all the non-white countries and people in this world in which they have every intention to continue to enslave and lord over without mercy. This we must not allow to happen. We the non-white people and countries must unite in solidarity to fight and destroy the white devils and monsters for failing which we all will be destroyed by them.


Thursday, 17th March, 2022


  1. "If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed. If you do read the newspaper you are misinformed" - Mark Twain

    How true it is today! The amount of fabricated news generated by the Governments and MSM of the West is beyond belief. Yet those lackeys are swallowing them line, hook and sinker. Most are basically held by the crotch by the USA and cannot do otherwise. Pity them for just following the fake USA styled 'Freedom of Choice'.

    But thankfully, geopolitics is changing fast. The recent vote at the UN against the Russian action in Ukraine tells us that that change is coming and fast. Countries like India and Saudi Arabia, both hardcore USA supporters before, did the unthinkable by abstaining. These two are major players in global geopolitics, not mini mice trying to punch above their weight.

    I winced watching that USA spokesperson calling Putin's action in Ukraine 'barbaric'. How in the world could she say that without wincing or bat any eyelid? Each succeeding spokesperson trotted out by the White House seems to be getting more ignorant, myopic, uninformed and stupid. Oh yes, to become one the only qualification is 'stupidity'.

    How barbaric are the Russians compared to the USA and NATO? Did the Russians used carpet bombing like the USA in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, killing millions of innocent women and children? Did the Russians used Agent Orange in Ukraine to destroy the vegetation and now making it impossible for some of the land to be used for agriculture forever? Did Russia used nuclear weapons, like the USA on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, claiming it was to save lives, when the reality was that it killed hundreds of thousands and left thousands suffering untold effects, all hidden from Western audience. The USA was actually testing the bombs to show they are ahead of the USSR in nuclear weapons. Now, who is the real barbarian? RB asked who is the real criminal just yesterday.

    People must open their eyes, use their heads and think deeply when reading all the propaganda churned out by the West. The fact that they are cracking down on the truth on social media sites tell us that they cannot handle the truth.

  2. Sinkies are worse than the Pro-Wbite Stooges. They provide the Leedership they have chosen with the Noose for the Leeders to leash themselves(the People)



  3. The United States has too many serious complex problems which either it cannot solve or refuse to solve.These are problems of its own making.It is a lob sided society where the one per cent elites own 98 percent of the country's wealth and money and the remaining 99 percent ordinary American citizens own only one or two percent of the country's wealth. The middle class are suffering in silence while the very poor are starving and dying on the streets. There are at least about 60 million Americans who are homeless and living on the streets in make up camps of cardboard boxes and plastic sheets. They can be seen everywhere in New York, Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Seattle, Los Angeles, San Franscisco and other big cities. Its white racist and supremacist has created a deep racialist divide which it cannot solve.

    America's infrastructures like roads, railways, bridges and ports are in a serious and dangerous dilapidated state. Its buildings are old and lack lustre.

    If the United States cannot solve its domestic problems how can it hopes to rule the world and hold it in subjugation and hegemony.

    To hell with the American pretensions. Death to the white supremacists and Americanelites

  4. Would they pofma msm publishing fake news and disinformation?


  5. Over the course of many years the United States has been building momentum in a series of bellicose actions to goad Russia and Ukraine into a political crisis and ultimately to induce Russia to attack Ukraine. US create the Ukranian crisis to maintain and secure its primacy in NATO. The United States will not allow the Europeans to exercise any independent foreign policy for the interests and peace of Europe. US wants to maintain full control of NATO to secure its insidious design of geopolitical agenda of world hegemony.

  6. The USA knows that Russia, under Putin, is getting stronger militarily and economically. The USA is terrified of Russia being another China in the making. That is why the USA, on top of dealing with a rising China, is desperate to put a stop to Russia's emergence, now evident with all the sanctions being imposed on Russia over Ukraine. Who is paying the ultimate price if this escalates further? Europe of course, being the main victim.

    With China's help on the economic front, those sanctions on Russia will be mitigated to a certain extent. With India being another big upcoming market for Russian oil and gas, who needs Europe? And with Saudi Arabia moving towards China for fear of losing out it's important oil market to Russia altogether, the writing is on the wall.

    China is now the focal point for much pf these moves and China will benefit not just in energy supply sources, and bypassing the Straits of Malacca stranglehold that the USA was hoping to put into effect upon any outbreak of hostilities. Added to that, China is now attracting investments moving out from the West for fear of losing them altogether like the Russian Oligarchs. Even Governments will find it safer to park their reserves in China than taking the big risk of being frozen by the West and confiscated, just in case.

    The USA has threatened China with serious consequences if China breaks the sanctions on Russia. China has said it will retaliate if that comes about. What serious consequences is the USA talking about? The USA is already fighting massive inflation and rising oil prices and need China more than ever for it's consumer goods.

    China has already prepare itself for such eventualities by forging supply chains and increasing trade with many countries along the BRI. China has even been preparing and expecting it's decoupling from SWIfT, and if a push comes to a shove, that could be the end of SWIFT or at least it's complete hold on the global banking system. That should put sanctions out of the equation to punish those that cannot agree with the USA and the West.

    Is the USA out to hasten the end of the US$ Hegemony? It looks like it is writing it's own obituary.

  7. The Sign of the US going kaput soon are in the Faces of its' President Biden, the Witch-like Spokeswoman and a Lost-looking Spokesman. These 3 People give the World the Impression that the US is now represent by lousy folks.
    And because of these lousy folks, Donald Trump, the President ousted by Biden in the Last US Election shall be enjoying an easy victory in the Next US Presidential Election.
    And Donald Trump shall be the Last Eagle to bring the US with him to the Destiny of the Dodo Bird.

    End of the Hegemon.


  8. End of American Empire? Perhaps.
    End of Western Hegemony?? Not so fast...


    Still need at least another 10 -20 years from now.

  9. There was an uncanny prediction that the last President of the USA would end with the 45th. Trump was the 45th, ousted by the 46th, but he still claim that Biden stole the Presidency. If Trump comes back, he will literally be back just to finish off what he left behind as the 45th President and that means to end the USA Line of Presidency forever. In other words, the breakup of the USA.

    It is better to end it, I would think. The USA is unable to solve it's debt problem. On the contrary it has added so much debt over the last few years instead of reducing it. There are hundreds of trillions of US$ derivatives, probably quadrillions, floating around and impossible to unwind. The more visible problem of homelessness, infrastructure decay and rising poverty cannot even look possible to be addressed. And the infrastructure hot air of build back, better plan is still just talk and going to die a premature death. So ending it all is probably the only alternative.

  10. End of USA hegemony also will result in end of Western hegemony. Unless, like Little Britain, what is left of it is still being strutted to scare the birds. No more can small White countries hope to subjugate others. Not in this century and the next.

    There is a comment that even if China rises to be the next superpower, it's reign will be short and will last maybe 30 years. Now what does it matter to the world if China's reign is short or who takes over, as the ultimate purpose of China's rise and it's strategic alliance with Russia is primarily to rid the world of an Anglo Saxon Curse that is creating forever wars and destruction. It will result in a better world for everybody.

  11. China would not be that stupid to want to be the next Empire. It has never been in the Chinese blood to be a world Empire to dominate and oppress the rest of the world.

    This Chinese Empire thing is a red herring made up by the West to frighten the unthinking and to use it to continue to prolong their world hegemony as the American Empire, to protect the world, which in reality is to control and oppress the world.

    The Chinese culture and history have always been inward looking, building walls to protect themselves, not like the West, invading countries to make them their colonies, their empires.

    Get this fact straight. China's rise today is based on hard work ethics and trade, producing goods and services that customers need. The western empires were built on conquest, invasion, looting, plundering, massacres and genocides of the natives. The riches you see in America and Europe were from stolen properties and loots.

    America is the land of the free. They stole the whole continent of America/Canada from the native Americans, ie free land and resources. They flourished on free labour from the African slaves, they print free money from petrol dollars, and they are free to kill coloured people using regime change, invasion and wars without being charged for war crimes and crimes against humanity. And also to kill the blacks and Latinos in their own country.

  12. In modern day context, no country can afford to rule as an Empire. It is not only too expensive, no country or people would want to be ruled by another country or empire. It is a non starter, courting self destruction.

    The West could rule the rest of the world in the last few centuries was due to the ignorance, disunited people and underdevelopment of the rest of the world. And they ruled with might from the barrel of the gun, to control and to plunder the countries. China does not need an empire to loot and plunder. China achieves wealth by manufacturing and trades.

    Such behaviour of colonial and imperial power is no longer workable today. Period.

    The Americans demonising China wanting to become another empire is simply mischievous, to smear China and raise China up to be feared and to be attacked by the rest of the world.

    Only the unthinking would believe in this notorious and vicious American lie. The last empire today and dying, is the American Empire. Even the Americans cannot afford it, and becoming very offensive to rule by force and oppression and lies.

  13. The role of a superpower is fraught with problems. Why would China want to become a superpower? China could have been there already, centuries ago, when Admiral Cheng Ho went around visiting other countries as far as East Africa.

    Even Mahathir knows that China had little ambition to dominate when Admiral Cheng Hos visited Malacca, but did not return to colonise it. The Portuguese, on the other hand, came, saw and returned with an army to colonise Malacca.

    Trying to rule the world is easier said than done. Countries doing so need military and economic power that will eventually bankrupt them. Little Britain is a perfect example. China has both attributes, economic and military power, but decides it is better to improve their own people's lives than spend their wealth on unproductive wars and needing massive resources to hold on to the land seized by them.

    China is even doing better by trying to improve the lives of others living around the world. And that has not gone unreciprocated by those countries now reaping the rewards of China's infrastructure projects. Dare I say, even more countries will refrained from voting against China at the UN should war with Taiwan erupt.

    China and Russia would have done the world a great service by ending the USA hegemony of wars and destruction. That alone is a job well done.

  14. The US is the international shit stirrer. They have been against and obstruction to the Korean unification desired by Prez Moon and got their wish bettered with the election of US lapdog anti China Yoong.

    While openly supporting One China policy, behind they are creating tension by cheering and feeding to
    Taiwan Independence.

    No question the US leading Nato in contributing to the current war in Ukraine by also leading its puppet Zelensky by his nose.

  15. The greedy Americans are happily sending more weapons to Ukraine. Few days back they said they were sending US$200m to Ukraine. Yesterday happily said sending another US$800m. This will go on and on with more millions sent to Ukraine.

    When the war is over, the Americans would send Ukraine a nice big bill for all the weapons sent. This is how the Americans are making money. Start a war, send weapons like for free, but the bills will come later.

    Poor Ukraine also stupidly asking for more weapons. The Americans would say, sure, sure, more weapons coming.

  16. That, Anon 2.17 my friend, is the insidious debt trap they are setting for Ukraine. Unlike the BRI, there is nothing left after the war to show, for all the money borrowed, but destruction and wreckage. Ukraine will face massive problems repaying, with reconstruction needed and the economy in tatters. Such simple logic and Zelensky still refuse to concede. What is the point of fighting to the last man standing when, in the end, even if he wins, he is left with a pile of shit. And the USA military establishment will be laughing all the way to the bank.

  17. They don't call the USA economy 'The War Economy' for nothing. The USA now produces nothing else that China needs, but weapons and war planes that they do not sell to China. That is why, if war over Taiwan erupts, they will be badly hit if they ever try sanctioning China. China will retaliate. When Trump started the trade war, he also warned China not to retaliate. It was an empty warning as China hit back. Now China's trade surplus with the USA is ever bigger than even before the trade war. Trade wars are easy to win, right?

    The USA need to understand China better. The Chinese will go all out by doing what they said they will do when their interest is at stake. They entered the Korean War on the side of the North to prevent the fall of the North. They supported fully, together with Russia, with weapons and supplies to the North Vietnamese during the Vietnam War. They don't do sable rattling only to shrink back, break their promise, and let down their allies.

    And China will retake Taiwan. China will be there to do it. The other side is a questionable entity to trust and depend on. We saw it in North Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan. Those will not be the last!

  18. The military intervention of Saudi Arabia and the UAE, backed by US weapons and intelligence, in the seven-year-old Yemen civil war has caused the worst humanitarian crisis this century.

    The United Nations humanitarian chief Martin Griffiths warned this week that 19 million Yemenis are facing hunger this year and up to 160,000 could die from famine.

    If only Yemenis had blond hair and blue eyes like the Ukrainians, they may have had more sympathy and help from “the international community” and attention from “the international news media”.

  19. How come Vivian Balakrishnan never take a principled stand to speak up for the suffering Yemenis ?

  20. But there were 'Principled' countries around, but they just stood by and say nothing. Oh, sorry, understand they just woke up from deep slumber and poked the Russian Bear over Ukraine on grounds of principle. Very timely!

  21. Russia Warns US: We Have the Might to Put You in Your Place

    Dmitry Medvedev, Russian president from 2008 to 2012, warned the United States on Thursday that Moscow had the might to put the world's pre-eminent superpower in its place and accused the West of stoking a wild Russophobic plot to tear Russia apart. He said the United States had stoked "disgusting" Russophobia in an attempt to force Russia to its knees, but "It will not work - Russia has the might to put all of our brash enemies in their place." Russia says it will develop ties with other powers such as China.

  22. Sin Foreign Minister Balakrishnan is egging on China to influent Russia in the Latters' War with Ukraine. The Sin Foreign Minister appeared to instigate China with his call rather than requesting China to help.
    Minister Bala, like his Fellow Cabinet Members, are believing that Sin matters to the Ongoing War with its sanction on Russia.
    The Kitten roars likes a lion that nobody cares.

    What a joker !

  23. Do not underestimate the stupidity of politicians.

    I mean do not underestimate the stupidity of Joe Biden. He is doing to America what Gorbachev had done to the Soviet Union.

    Let's go, Brandon.

  24. On 17 March, Xi instructed the politburo that covid measures must not affect businesses or people's daily lives.

    In other words Xi is toning down China's covid zero policy.

    This will be a boost for China companies.

    Together with the recent announced fiscal & monetary support for stock market, property market, looser lending, lower interest rates etc, it will be BOOM TIME for China stocks till at least October.
