
Petrol price up, GST up, what else is not up?

Our Current Situation:
March 25, 2022 at 3:04 am (Quote)

I am 72 years old and have been unemployed. My elder son completed his University degree and also have not been able to get employment for the past two years. My younger son who completed his Polytechnic diploma is also unemployed but now trying to get admission to the local University.

My wife who is going to retire soon is doing clerical duties and is now supporting the four of us with S$3,000 salary.

My family is a good example of a local family in deep shits because of our government FT policy. Really disappointed.

Above is a comment from a reader to an article in TRE about the out of touch PAP Minister by a Prabu Ramachandran. Contrast this guy's pathetic situation to those that are claiming to be earning $10k pm or more and the ministers million or more annual income. What is real or what is fake? Both are equally real, depending on what you want to see and want to know and what you do not want to see and do not want to know.

To the 72 year old guy, every small increase in prices of anything, transport fare, kopi, chicken rice etc etc, is going to be very painful and unaffordable. To those high earners, what is $50, or what is $10m?

It is all relative depending on where you are and how lucky or unlucky you are, or like some like to boast, how smart or not smart one is.

The 72 year old guy is lucky that his two sons have completed their studies and not having to pay with the high tuition fees for our excellent quality education, the more you pay, the better the quality of education. But not necessary when applying for jobs. In the latter, the lower you pay for tuition fees, very likely it is easier to get a job in Singapore, but not in the same third world country they came from. 

Funny isn't it? Our first world country, producing A grade students and getting the best and most expensive university or polytechnic education, cannot compete with third world graduates from funny universities with tuition fees that cost only a fraction of ours, and according to our standard of measurement, lower tuition fees mean lower quality of education, but these graduates from funny universities that are supposedly lower in quality according to our definition, are the preferred and choiced candidates for employment here. And our university and poly graduates are mostly spending time tweedling their thumbs at homes, CANNOT GET A JOB! 

Whose fault is this? Anyone should be responsible for the shit that our young are facing and suffering? No, no one is at fault. If there is, it is our young, that they should not be wasting time getting that piece of paper call degrees. They should just go out and look for a job, like a food delivery boy, or guarding the entrance to a shopping mall or office tower, or if their daddy happens to own a car, go and be a Grab driver. Do not apply for permanent jobs. Those jobs need qualifications from funny and cheap universities from the third world countries.

Vote for the best political party and pay them millions, and everything will be fine. Continue to get your world best degrees and stay at home tweedling your thumbs. You are well taken care of, very well taken care of.

And do not any how spend, save for the rainy day, provided you are working and have a income to save, in this most expensive city in the world. It is a miracle how Singaporeans like the 72 year old guy could manage to survive with two graduate unemployed children. This is Uniquely Singapore, which can afford to bring in half a million foreigners, give them good and permanent jobs, but could not give jobs to its very own citizens with university and polytechnic degrees.

What the fuck is going on? Who cares? Why should people earning more than $10k or in the millions be caring when they are gloating about how lucky or clever they are? And if they did not get their million dollar salary, their lifestyle would be affected.


Anonymous said...

Financial turmoil incoming:


'NATO in the last few days has agreed to make American arms exports to increase their purchase of arms. So, the stock market has been soaring in the last few days. They say this, the world famine, the world crisis is a bonanza for Wall Street. The oil company stocks are going way up, the military, industrial stocks, Boeing Raytheon way up, the bank stocks. This is America’s great power grab, and it realizes, when it can create a crisis and tell the Global South or poor countries your money or your life. This is how most of the great property grabs and conquests have been made throughout history.'

'And just this week at the NATO meetings, President Biden basically said food prices are going to go up in the United States and Europe as a result of what’s happening. And that’s just the price we have to pay.

MH: Well, what he should have said, this is the price they have to pay us. That’s how the stock market took it. When he said this is the price we have to pay, this is the price consumers have to pay to the American oil companies, to the American Agricultural food distribution companies. It’s the price other countries have to pay to the United States.'

Anonymous said...

Sinkies are at fault for voting in the papies again & again..probably this 72yrs old also.
Blame the gov. Not those coming here to look for a better life..it is time to change the gov. Come the next election.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9.15am:


Anonymous said...

Rich peoples are very worried of their assets now. Many would be relocating them from US, Japan and all the unfriendly countries of Russia to the friendly one. Unfortunately, Singapore is one of the unfriendly one and would be in deep shit soon. These is the New World order dominated by the friendly nations of Russia.

Anonymous said...

There are a few frustrated oldies here that have nothing better to do but to attack other bloggers.

RB should cancel them and let them go and rot somewhere else. They don't contribute but irritate others with their boredom, neglected by the world, lonely and trying to let go of their pent up frustration.

Pathetic souls that did not know how to age gracefully.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

There are many things that oldies can do to enjoy the last part of this journey before they bid goodbye to this world. Share your life experience, be creative, learn new things, do what you wanted to do but could not do before, or did not have the time to do while stuck in the rat race.

Enjoy peace and tranquility wherever you can find them. There are not many days left to live your life the way you want it.

I have started to play with NFTs, and still running and sprinting with other oldies in the stadiums around the world. Now that every country is opening up, we will be travelling and competing again, like young men, in our track suits and our running shoes and spikes.

Be young again! Be alive and live life while you still can. Tomorrow you may not be around anymore. Treasure everyday that you still have, and in good health.

Still no news from a non yes mouse.

Anonymous said...

Aiyo, since we are now exploring space, there is only one direction we are going and that is up.

Anonymous said...

Singapore's space programme would be even cheaper than India's. We only use hot air.

Perhaps the Americans can hitch a ride from our hot air balloons to the International Space Station.

Cheaper, faster and betterer.

patriot said...

Every Cost is up, now it depends if the People can stand(bear with) it and for how long, if they do??

Anonymous said...

The is one analyst that made the comment that the USA experimented with hypersonic missiles before and failed because the missile's hear could not withstand the heat generated. They dropped the experiment, but could have restarted after Russia and China succeeded. Trump did brag about that fact that the USA is into hypersonic age. Might be true, because the USA always wants to win and be ahead, but in hypersonic missiles they probably are now behind.

Anonymous said...

Rb I wish I could be like you but the aged body just can't run and bend anymore. Now as retiree after doing house work I mostly watch tv. When financially allowed will visit the china mei mei for a massage to relief the aged muscle and companionship for one hour.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

It needs some good fortune and a lot of hardwork to keep the body in shape. Next Singapore International Masters in first week of June. Training harder now.

I used a handheld massager to massage the muscle aches and loosen the muscles.

Anonymous said...

The reason for unemployed Singaporean graduates is because they are too expensive. It is much cheaper to employ foreign graduates who can produce the same or better quality output. If I own an enterprise I would do that because the bottom line will be the deciding factor. RIGHT????